Family: O Matter

american image -
was also very good in the MX O frame series early in the 90's
Black Rain - somewhat similar to Brown Tortoise - seems to be another brilliant concept with a half-hearted application. From a distance the frames have a marble-esque appearance, but upon closer inspection they look cheap (small "dots" that comprise the graphic designs on the frame). Overall a decent looking frame... but Oakley could have put more effort into the application.
Slopypantz -
Just got a pair of Gen 2 Frogskins in this color with +red lens.
The frame does not have a "textured feel" that I thought it would from the photos. Definitely has a marble look to it which adds a nice aesthetic to a very Ray-Ban looking frame. It is a beautiful contrast to the red lens, would love to see this on a GasCan or OilDrum with some funky lens colors (ruby/emerald/ice).
Munkfish -
M-Frame option - really interesting, more like a marble composition. Looks like it will last. Definitely a nice contrast to the usual FMJ colour!
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