Family: Lifestyle / Frogskins
Date: Summer 2004

Blue Camo
Gold Iridium
Matte Black
Polished Black
Black Iridium Polarized

b2r -
Frame: Blue Camo
Lens: Grey

The Blue Camo frame colour is great and so I had to get it. It has a matte finish and is really standing out. I'm not a big fan of Grey lenses, but they are ok.

This is my only pair of Fatcats and I'm not impressed. Sure they look very cool in the display and I like the design with the thick O-Matter frame. But they don't look very good on me and the fit is even worse. Basically all Oakley sunglasses fit me, except frames that are just too big for me. But the Fatcat is squeezing my nose somehow and sits very high up on the nose. Also the front is very flat, making the wrap around my head a bit weird. The lenses are very small because of the big frame. All in all better for display and only three stars.
Ian -
Frame: Cream
Lens: Gold Iridium

I bid on these on eBay as an impulse. No one else bid, and I ended up getting them for less than $50. I'm surprised at how aggressive they look. I thought they looked like a smaller, fatter, Monster Pup. I was right, but they're still pretty awesome looking. I tried them on after receiving them, and they looked so manly that I felt like I needed to beat something up or knock something over. I've been a fan of the Cream color ever since it was called "Ivory" on the Eye Jacket. Maybe Cream is more PC than Ivory. Either way, I like it.
e -
xavi -
Frame: blue camo
Lens: grey
hey men, i´think this model is one of the most funnies. i´ve tried to achieve the one in cream but it´s been impossible. do you know where i can buy it? thanks
Graham -
Frame: Blue Camo Stretchline
Lens: Gray

I bought these purely for the fact that they are the craziest things you'll ever see. I don't wear them that often, but MAN they're crazy! Classic Oakley!
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