Family: Men Lifestyle

White / Red

vindicator -
Color: Black

Got these from eBay a few days ago, and I like it a lot. My first o-Shoe was the Strap, which still is my favorite, but the Blender in black has got to be a close second. Comfortable, with a cutting-edge look that distinctly says Oakley. The only downside that I can think of is the use of the grey honeycomb mesh on the opposite sides of the shoe. RGN is right, they're not as "dressy" as the brown ones. Still, I find that it's a good pair for office "Business Casual" fridays. Looks great with chinos and a nice polo shirt.
o-xide -
There are 2 versions of this Blender shoe. The Black, Brown and Robusto have a different sole compared to the White combos. The sole of the original Blender's sole looks like the Teeth except without the teeth on it. The upper part of the shoe looks regular with icons on the side and togue
Color: Brown

I wear these daily as part of my busines casual look.

Great shoes. These are as comfortable as Rockports but last longer and look better. You can wear these with wool slacks, khakis or jeans. The black ones aren't quite as "dressy" and look more like sports shoes. I'd get the brown ones.
EastCoast -
Color: Brown
Got the brown Blender after waiting weeks for it to be available on-line. Gets a five. Standard Oakley comfort, fits well.
Some pros in particular are the wide sole and the materials. The leather is much softer than other pairs I've worn.
One minor point is that the eyelets are plastic, I expected metal. I guess that's so they don't rust. They are also shaped differently (on mine) than what is on the website - they are like the eyelets on the Nail series.
Typical Oakley quality; can be worn dressing up or down.
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