Big Softy
Big Softy
Feb 9, 2022 1:00 PM
Good afternoon from merry olde England,

I've been trying to find nose-pads for a pair of Splice, but having no luck.
Does anyone know if there's an alternative style that will fit?

Thank you in advance
Dann Thombs
Feb 9, 2022 2:01 PM
I want to say that the Juliet shared a similar design, but I'm unsure if it's an exact fit. Hopefully someone can confirm or deny.
Micah Stroh
Feb 10, 2022 2:01 AM
I don't have any of my splices or right now. If no one confirms this by the weekend, I'll put one or and check
Big Softy
Big Softy
Feb 10, 2022 3:23 AM
Dann, the Juliet looks like they're too angled.

Thank you Micah, I look forward to your results.
Micah Stroh
Feb 12, 2022 1:53 AM
I took a look at this and the closest thing I could find to fit was a valve but the fit was a bit weird. The "hooks" on the Juliet are much larger so they wont stay on. Mag Switches and EJ 2.0s also seem to be similar as well but he fit is way off.

Worst part is all the ones I mentioned would be just as hard to find as a Splice nose pad
Mark Thomas
Feb 12, 2022 6:56 PM
I have recently heard of someone using Penny nose pads as a substitute....
Micah Stroh
Feb 12, 2022 7:37 PM
I have recently heard of someone using Penny nose pads as a substitute.... - mjt42

Just tried that and it seemed to fit pretty good! Oddly it fit better if I put the nose pad on the opposite side from where it would go on the penny...lol. Not a perfect fit but really close. At least they are still available.
Big Softy
Big Softy
Feb 12, 2022 8:32 PM
Thank you Mark.
Thank you very much Micah

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