McWane Fairley
May 1, 2022 3:17 PM
So what is the deal with people calling the Time Tank a "minute Machine"? What is the confusion about? Why is it that they are calling it "minute Machine"? Is it that the watch is called time tank minute machine? Or is Minute Machine just a term people are using in the place of "watch"?
May 1, 2022 4:05 PM
If I remember correctly, the original name was time tank but due to legal pressure from omega the name had to be changed since omega or another brand had rights on the tank name.
Dann Thombs
May 1, 2022 5:21 PM
Cartier holds a patent on any watch named Tank with a square face, so the name had to switch. The working name was Tread, and original boxes were labeled OTT Time Machine. After the name wasn't allowed, there was a brief time where it was then called Oakley Chronograph or something. Finally it became the Minute Machine and the face changed slightly. You can tell by which side the text is on. Time Tanks will have both Oakley Swiss Made on the right. Minute Machine will have Oakley on the left and Swiss Made on the right.
bomb oakley
May 1, 2022 8:56 PM
Cartier holds a patent on any watch named Tank with a square face, so the name had to switch. The working name was Tread, and original boxes were labeled OTT Time Machine. After the name wasn't allowed, there was a brief time where it was then called Oakley Chronograph or something. Finally it became the Minute Machine and the face changed slightly. You can tell by which side the text is on. Time Tanks will have both Oakley Swiss Made on the right. Minute Machine will have Oakley on the left and Swiss Made on the right. - Dann

Thanks Dann for the excellent explanation.
McWane Fairley
May 4, 2022 12:22 PM
Wow I didnt know there were two versions of it. So I guess I need both, because I have the original time tank copper but I dont have the minute machine. (how do you know if its an authentic minute machine if you can just buy a different dial and have the original one replaced). On ebay you can buy dials and replace the one in the watch with a different colored dial but that would make it not the original.
Dann Thombs
May 4, 2022 2:58 PM
It would be the same difficulty with putting an original X-Men era ruby lens in one of the latter Juliet releases when they were doing the hydrophobic lenses. I'm not sure if there is another way to tell. Perhaps some markings on the back changed. I only have my original, so I can't compare.
Bryan Fin7
Apr 29, 2024 6:58 AM
Dan the man, sent me one of the first TT..

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