pariahnihilist: pariah nihilist
Brisbane, Australia
October 17th, 2005 - 18 years ago (283 logins)Last Login16 years ago






Jun 11, 2007 4:23 PM
Yeah....I agree with the Custom Crosshair on Shumi....

Looks like a Polished Gold / ?? Crosshair....

Glad that Kubica is alive...the crash is indeed horrendous...the worst i have seen to be exact....But kudos to the safety in Motor Racing ....The car and HANS device did what it was suppose to do....I would have thought he would have suffered spinal and neck injuries with the amount of twist and strain he took on the neck and back....But it was good to see the car body protecting the driver left intact after the numberous rolls and could see the disintergartion of the front stopping just at the soles of his shoes.......
May 20, 2007 11:44 AM
Hey guys,

I was wondering if it is possible for me to get a +red iridium lenses for my Spike. ie Cut from an M-frame / order from Oakley.

Had been trying to custom the Spikes i have but is not very sure whether i could get the +red lenses for them. Looking for a red lenses other than ruby to go with either my matte / polished black spike.

All suggesstions/help would be greatly appreciated.

Sep 30, 2006 8:16 AM
not 100% sure on this....

But kinda i guess...Fake TB?? never knew there were fake TBs out there!! the level this crooks are able to replicate the aesthetic of things just amaze me all the time...and the time they would have spent on it...
Jul 1, 2006 5:30 AM
1. M. Schumacher Ferrari
2. K. Räikkönen McLaren
3. J. Button Honda

DNF - F. Alonso Renault (His luck must and should be running out by now!!)
Jun 4, 2006 11:33 AM
Look at this 2 hideous S**t!!........

That is so blantantly copying Oakley's design just stopped short of branding it....
May 29, 2006 3:20 PM
Yeah that is so true Edwin....I doubt we would ever agree on that aspect.....unless i get to see or read more conclusive news....

Just read a article today...That schumi might indeed be playing punk!!...apparently he has moved the wheel twice....what that meant i had no idea...i am assuming it has something to do with locking and counter-locking....Man i need to d/l a clip of schumi closeup to see what other people are seeing man....Just plain reading words is not helping with my lousy imagination....

Most definitely! Races are won on the track, exchanging tirerubber or body paint if nescecary, in a fair respective way.
Actually i meant, would we even think that it was delibrate....or would we look at it as just another racing incident if it was done by another driver....And not how you would react if he is cheating....And i absolutely agree....races are to be won on the track.....i hope FIA brings back some sensible rulings soon....especially the dumb 2 engine rule currently in use....i do not see the point in that at all....It just makes the racing now even more boring and more of a procession.....we need more wheel to wheel action...something like what Fisi tried last night.....

Fred: Kimi is the most unlucky Driver on the grid IMHO...Schumi should not have been a 7 times world champion has Kimi enjoyed some luck....he is born unlucky or somehting....hope things would change for him if he finally decided to come to Ferrari....Fav Driver Fav contest on who i would be supporting anymore...hehee
May 29, 2006 3:00 PM
Welcome David....

now i understand why you are no longer doing +red Juliets lenses...It is a pity though....if you get what i mean....

May 28, 2006 9:06 PM
FIA officials have examined the racedata and have found that in that specific corner in that specific lap he used much more brakeforce than all others.
But Edwin....If you are driving a car which after making a mistake is about to hit a tire wall / barrier?? would you not brake excessively hard??

To me i have not seen any conclusive evidence that he is guilty....and Nor has the FIA.....In their statement, the benefit of the doubt was obviously not given to the accused which should always be the case....who wants to be judged guilty till proven innocent?? it should be innocent till proven guilty....and like Mark Webber so brilliantly said...Only Schumi himself would truly know the answer to that....we can all think what we want...but only 1 man knows...

But what good do you see in him doing that?? Wouldn't a slight bump or touch be even more convincing and yet cause not much dmaage to him nor his car nor his repuatation?? (The car does not need to last 2 race weekend only the engine) You mean a talented seven time world champ cant safely bump a car in the tight Monte Carlo Curcuit and make it look like a accident?? Benefit of the doubt is my stand....Use what he does now against him and not what he did before.....i keep reading about people saying '94 Hill '97 me that is history....he made a mistake and was duely punished both times....

But currently becuase he is schumi and Ferrari people simply assumed the worst possible ever senario....Like i read in the other forums?? A very hypothetical question was posed....Would your reaction or everyone's reaction be the same if it was Alonso, Button and Kimi?? My answer to that question is yes....not sure about others though....when other people makes mistake it is normal and acceptable and quickly forgotten...but not in the case for Schumi and Ferrari....

Again just what i feel and my 2 cents....

On a much lighter note....DC looks hilarious in the superman cape he had on at the Podium....He just looks silly among Prince Albert and the other royalty (they must be laughing so hard at one of their famous residents there.....Cannot imagine he actually wore it after getting out of the car after lasting the race distance....I am assuming he must be so hot and sweaty....But still that is so much more enviable than Klien....who has to wear the Blue superman suit for the race with the Big red Superman S on the chest....heheheee
May 28, 2006 7:39 PM
I have seen footage of the me there is no doubt in him blocking the track and he even admitted that was a mistake that lead to him being in that position....To me the fair result would have to put him down after webber on the grid....that is if the timing info showed he could have gone better....

But for everybody to jump on to him and accuse him of delibrately doing it and being a cheat......I am not so sure....from the footage that has been replayed over the news and race proper....I cannot actually deduce that he did it delibrately.....

That is just me though....I have yet to see anything to tell me that he did it on purpose....unlike some of his past antics...which is of no doubt unsportsman like....but this ??

In the eyes of law shouldn't the benefit of the doubt be given to the accused unless he can be proven beyond doubt to be guilty...i do not see that in this incident...but just a load of people jumping on the bandwagon to spit abuse at someone they had a personal vendetta on or is simply jealous of his ability and achievement or simply using past incidents / antics against him and not actually the incident itself....

I might be bias in my views though being a Ferrari and Schumi supporter....Just like how you guys would be bias in your view if you dislike him from the start...even before he did anything...

Just my 2 cents....

And Alonso did well for the race.....but Kimi and Webber deserved to be there with him if not infront and definitely not Montoya and DC....Alonso is a very lucky driver in my view...but still very very talented and good nonetheless...
May 28, 2006 6:37 AM
Schumacher is stripped of pole!!

Yeah that is definitely bad i want to see actual footage of the qalifying so badly especially the controversial incident that Schumi was punished for....
May 27, 2006 5:16 PM
Fred: Definitely not!!
Kimi and Button any day for me...No contest really....not sure why i just don't like Alonso though....Not hate just don't like...

Peter: Thanks for the constant wonderful pics....Keep them coming....DC, Klein and Doornbos looks hilarious in the superman suit...I really hope that is just a promotional stunt pic...and they are not actually going to be wearing those blue suits with the Big Superman S for the race....


Edit: Schumi on Pole...hehee
May 27, 2006 4:57 PM
Yeah i Figured that should be the case like you said Brian....

With the Iridium coating on the inside of the lenses instead of the outside....I suppose that is to enhance the redness of the lenses by blocking light from the inside to project the deep red Cyclops ruby that we all love....

Not sure if it had been discussed before...And i am not sure if it is just me or what....Everytime i watch the X men movies...the X metal that Scott is wearing seems to me a carbon frame rather then a x metal frame...Looks way too dark and with some shine to be a x metal....Not sure i am blind or wat....I hope i am not and my theory is that it is the difference between the screen used version and the commercially available version...

Just Like ruby Quarts and Ruby Iridium....
Anyone thinks the same way??
May 27, 2006 4:05 PM
Then again, I'm sure Canada has it better than all the other non-US buyers.
Definitely Rick Definitely....Retail Prices are only close to reasonable in the US...never any where close to reasoable out of US!!

The US folks are so lucky....

PS: Looks like not much luck for people in Aus....they are not even on the Oakley AU webby....sigh....
May 27, 2006 7:28 AM
Nothing new....

1. M. Schumacher Ferrari
2. K. Räikkönen McLaren
3. J. Button Honda

DNF - F. Alonso Renault
May 19, 2006 4:29 PM
Gregory House is great!!

And sweet sweet Cameron....hehheee
Get the wife stacy out of the picture already!!....

We need more Greg and Cameron

May 18, 2006 3:41 PM
there was some polls on the what the offical O-review sig Pair would be some time back....Only remembered the Frame as the MD....which lucky for one of the few o matter frames i can wear....Was pretty excited it coincides with a Heavy weight member joining the forum then as well....

But i guess the idea just fizzled out over time...

I sure hope the O-review MD would one day come true....

May 18, 2006 3:16 PM
Who?? who??
May 13, 2006 5:16 PM
Thanks Peter....

You always seem to have such great pictures to share...

May 12, 2006 5:29 PM
Thanks Phil,

i actually have nothing available up for trade now and the only oakley print item i have is a Small oakley Catalogue on the clothing range somewhere....received it last year but not too sure of its whereabouts now....opps

I was hoping to be able to buy 5-10 actually...

I would PM if i can find the catalogue...

EDIT: Ok, officially lost the catalogue...must have left it behind on my last move...sigh..
May 12, 2006 4:58 PM
thought i bring up an old thread....

Does anyone have the SKU # for the Small HJ Lenses bag??
I have been trying to get hold of some lately for my spare lenss but cant seem to find them anywhere....though of ordering but cannot find a SKU....

I do hope they are sold separately like the bigger Micro Bags...

Thanks for all the help in advance...

May 11, 2006 7:24 AM
I wish I could maintain this rule as well!! Pray that I will not buy a Penny with Ruby iridium lens! (X-Men edition). The Penny-ies seriously do not fit me well!
Jake: I can understand that very some Ruby Fives and i cannot even wear them....sigh....cannot resist the temptation i guess...
May 11, 2006 7:17 AM
Thanks for the heads up on the Rust Gascan....

Is that a limited run Gascan?? have not seen it before....

And it seems Rust is not for me either.....sigh...
May 11, 2006 7:15 AM
Yeah agreed....

keep the Ducati X is getting rarer and rarer this days....

May 11, 2006 12:29 AM guys should do a combine pic of all the Ichiros....that would look pretty spectacular i must say...

I have yet to see the 0.3s in Australia yet....I would be sure to grab them if i do see them in shops here....but i seriously doubt i would ever see them here...
May 11, 2006 12:25 AM
Rust/VR28 Black Iridium (03-542)

Rust definitely sounds interesting....
Now is the time i wished Oakley uses real save me the long wait before the item gets to Australia and gets ordered and stuff....
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