Ijon__Tichy: Julien B.
February 4th, 2006 - 18 years ago (1,915 logins)Last Login13 years ago






Apr 19, 2010 9:51 PM
Mhm, I've not seen a "clicking" oakley fake so far!
Mar 12, 2010 11:25 PM
24k ? That sounds even better !
Mar 12, 2010 6:54 PM
Hey fellow-members,
I'm going to New York in may and was hoping you can give me a few tips/addresses, where a oakley-collector should go? Anything else (besides Oakley) is also appreciated!

Mar 12, 2010 6:45 PM
I don't like the Frogs nor do I like the Jupiter. When it comes to fashion shades I prefer squarey designs, like the Eyepatch and the Twitch.

Now I really hope that the Holbrook suits me, I love these big squary designs with thin frames (70's style, correct?). And Black with gold icons and gold iridium... damn, I love that combo. I love that they brought the gold iridium back! Sideways, X-Squared, Jawbone, Holbrook - I think Oakley is on good ways (these are my fav. models when it comes to: new oakley styles, classic hardcore oakey styles, new oakley sport styles, mass-compatible fashion styles). It's not like I'm happy with all these new releases/models, but there are so much of them that almost everyone can be pleased ...
Jan 29, 2010 5:30 PM
The first year I didn't vote for Twitch and Crosshair at all...

I can't wait to see the results ;)!

Edit: I just read that only models in production are up for vote - if this rule is not new, this maybe my first vote ever without non-allowed models *lol...
Nov 18, 2009 1:58 PM
Don't forget the Jawbone! Imo they are awesome and their lense-change-system is a nice innovation but I also do really like the XS. Well, I like how it looks on pics, I can't wait to try a pair. But so far it is a battle between the JB and the XS for me.

It feels like it has been a few years since so much outstanding models have been released. Two years ago all we had to talk about were nice painted gascan frames... I'm really happy that this has changed!
Oct 30, 2009 5:19 PM
Whow, I missed a lot... the Square X looks great!
Like the child of a Twitch and a Juliet... I'll need to try one soon!

And that Spice Google... I was expecting a more aggressive design but it looks pretty nice, like a Stockholm for men.

And I'm really happy that I don't like a lot of the new styles... that gascan derivate and that uber-expensive C6 with the (imho) boring design.

Edit: I'm kinda really excited about the squared x now (I do have juliets and XMXX's... because I love the design - oddly both models don't fit that well! All hopes on the sx now!). Just found a pic of the x-metal/ruby version (I hope it has not been posted before): http://www.scharfsehen.ch/oakley-sonnenbrille/oakley-x-squared-sonnenbrille/
Jun 8, 2009 10:20 PM
When they were released, I bought a inmate and a felon right away because they look pretty awesome. Then I had to realize, that the felon looks really girly on my face - and my gf was really happy to get em and they suit her well.
Since then I've thought the felon is a "unisex" declared girl model.

Until know... Bong - the felon suits you awesome! That haircut is also nice... but however, these shades are made for your face.
Jun 6, 2009 3:22 PM
That rootbeer version looks awesome.

But what I don't understand is why they've choosen Tungsten Iridium. Hey - there are the big 3 Oakley classic Iridium lenses: Black Ir. (Pol.), VR28 B.I. (Pol.) and Titanium Ir. (Pol.) - why do they put Tungsten in there instead of Titanium Ir.? Tungsten is just the weak sister of big ol' Titanium. J m 2c.
Jun 2, 2009 1:55 AM
Oh... I really like that one (as a o-interpretation of a women-watch). It is listed under men watches... well, I don't know if I would wear that watch. But my gf...
May 26, 2009 5:28 PM
I just saw a new footer! A small 3 person pic (with Dann, Phil and... sorry, I don't know).

Great, thanks Dann!
May 23, 2009 7:57 PM
Congrats Dann, that line-up looks awesome!

@Francois: The Ice Mars exists and it comes with a complete set of blue unobtanium.

Sorry for the camera phone shoot:

I still need to get the usual X-Metal/Black Ir.
May 20, 2009 3:47 PM
I'm a bit late, but still waiting for challenges: http://tarantoga.mybrute.com
May 13, 2009 12:54 AM
Do you know Dave Hill?

His "photos" often are full of symbols of might and power and I also found some O's in them:

On his side http://www.davehillphoto.com/ the lower row of pics, the fifth and sixth pic from the left show a kind of mexican wrestler with some nice gloves on.

EDIT: Thanks for the correction phil - I have no idea of these kinds of sports...
May 12, 2009 11:55 PM
That pearl/purple looks crazy. Even if the "o" should be purple (I bet Josh is allready putting the paint/laque together).

I tried to remember how VR28 Blue Ir. looks, but I think I've never seen in it rl before - does it really have a blue mirror like ice or more like G30 (or lenses with a g30 mirror)?

Time to get some money...
May 12, 2009 9:26 PM
Hi fellow O-Reviewers!

Please have a look, maybe you can help me complete my Stretch-collection (finally..)
Beside these two Razorblades I'm looking for..

2 Eyepatches:
- Brown Smoke/Dark Bronze
- Polished Black/Grey
- a Tortoise/Bronze Fatcat

I would buy them (give me a price), but I also have several items I could offer for a trade:

- O5 Silver/VR50 Emerald
- Why 3 Silver/VR50 Emerald
- Oil Drum Matte Brown/Emerald
- Monster Dog - Pink Fluoro/Emerald Ir
- several vintage (Razor)blades (f.e. with violet Iridium)

Thank you!
May 4, 2009 10:34 PM
Almost naked girls with Oakleys are underrepresented here. Thanks for starting the revolution Nick!

Rick f. e. has not posted pics of his girls for a while...
May 4, 2009 10:15 PM
That's the first fake Twitch I found:
May 4, 2009 1:37 PM
Please help me!

I'm searching for New Razorblades and stumbled over these:


Jet Black (/black)? Silver logo (/white)?


Clear (/matte Clear)?

Apr 18, 2009 12:12 AM
It is a shame how they influence the prieces. I'm searching for stretchline Razorblades (to complete my Stretch collection..) and since these ******* offer them for over 200 USD the prices developed horrible.
Apr 16, 2009 9:31 PM
A MD-Thump? Mhm...imo not that far away from a jawbone-thump. There should really be a full framed sport-Thump.

It's great to read all these reviews!

I wanted to add that I have very sensitive eyes, which is a good reason (and plea) for wearing (sun)glasses even when it's not sunny. My eyes flood my face when theres.... wheater (sun, wind, rain... whatever). That's why I use Ti Clear, HI Yellow and other low light lenses very often. Without glasses cycling is really unpleasing, not to mention all the stuff flying around. And with Ti Clears the Thump Pro/2 looks awesome! Way better than a Thump 1 with flipped up lenses ;) @Ford
Apr 6, 2009 8:06 PM
Thanks Dann!

@Terrorism: Yeah, these new controls on the Split Thump are really stylish ! And I thought Oakley should offer some speakers that you can attach to the ST instead of the earpieces. Put the Sunglasses down, attach the speakers and start the barbeque!
That would be cool, the opposite of what these kids like to do - use their cell phones as a jukebox... (well, that what they do where I live..)

And if I've forgot to mention that - like Oak I really love this line! It made cycling so much better (easier!) for me...
Apr 6, 2009 7:54 PM

When I first heard that Oakley is going to release some shades with a mp3-player included, I wasn't that impressed. The hardware of such a player isn't that much, I had allready seen earphones with an included mp3-player. That's why I skipped the first Thump when it got released... mainly because of the price. A year later, I shoot a matte black T1 on ebay for a pretty good price - actually I only bought it because of the price (I'm pretty sure most of you know that situation... buying Oakley stuff you don't need nor want just because of the price or because you stumbled over it).

It arrived, I tried it and the first things that came to my mind were:
1) These flip up lenses are funny
2) The sound is pretty good (better than I expected)
3) I can't believe this model really suits someone.

A few days later I used them the first time for cycling... and I understood what they are made for. Okay, it's dangerous to use a mp3 player on the bike - but it is even more dangerous if you have a cable coming down from your head.

Next steps: Selling the T1, buying a brown smoke T2 with Gold Clear and Titanium Ir. lenses (a rep giveaway set...thanks ebay!).

I sold the T1 because
1) the shape (imho they are pretty ugly)
2) the feeling - (partially: because of the flip-up lenses) they don't feel as sturdy as Oakleys usually feel, as I like them to be!

The T2 is a awesome piece!
1) The gascan frame is kinda sporty, classy and suits almost everybody.
2) The earpieces are better (sound and adjustability) and the lense options are incredible (because of the massive success of the gascan).
3) Compared to the T1 they only loose in one category - the fit. The T1 fits like a glove, when you put them on they'll stay on their place until you put them away.
4) The T2 has unobtanium and the stems have a way better curvage than the usual gascan (esp. the first generations of gascans). I only wore them with music on and that way the earpieces fixed them so I had no problem with them at all.

I used them for ca. 2-3 years almost every day on the bike.
After a few months I sold the brown smoke piece and bought the polished black one with more storage (Blumentopf Edition). I also bought some lenses for every light condition - Titanium Ir. for the sunny days, G30 Titanium for cloudy days, Titanium Clear for the evening and H.I. Yellow for the night (if you ask me - with this lineup you don't need anything else!).
Then, after a few years of heavy usage, the T2 stopped playing music. I think it is because I used fashion mp3-sunglasses for sports - f.e. while I was sweating or it was raining. I think the humidity killed it.
Well, now I had to get a replacement. The Split thump was just released and the Thump Pro was out for a few months. I decided to go with the T Pro, because that Hijinx-design doesn't suit me, as a collector I don't need detachable earpieces and I thought the ST could share the same water-weakness as the T2.

Now I have the Thump Pro (from a fellow OR member, thanks!) for a few months.
1) The fit is great (like on the T1)
2) The sound seems to have improved since the T2 (again)
3) The new ear-pieces make it much easier to fit them in the Thump vault.
4) The shape (on my face, the "style") is okay - better than the T1 but not as good as the T2. I expected a bottlecap-Thump, but the TP makes kinda cat eyes (the lower edge of the lenses create a "V"). Beside that there's another disadvantage compared to the T2.

I still use the Thump mainly for sports - cycling, snowboarding, jogging (..only a few times). I used to change the lenses of the T2 several times a week -
5) With the TP changing the lenses isn't that easy. After a few changes you know how to do it, but it still feels like trying to break the frame or at least the lenses (but we know that a usual human can't break a Oakley lense ;).

Now that I've seen the jawbone-lense-change system I really hope they'll put a Jawbone-Thump out (or at least a Thump with such an easy lense-change-system).

What did you experience?
Apr 3, 2009 10:49 PM
The sky and solstice are good looking cars, but that alpha alfa, is a work of art.

Hell yeah!
Apr 2, 2009 6:02 PM
Actually I don't have enough space for all these sunglasses, so I would pick this beauty:

convertible or not, who cares...

I take a Zero L in Night Camo/G30 Black Iridium. I never tried one, so it is for me or just the final cutdown!
Hey - G30 BI is pretty rare!
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