PEP: P-P. Henneken
June 9th, 2006 - 17 years ago (320 logins)Last Login15 years ago
Hi, I'm 37 years old, sell Volvo's for a living and live in Wassenaar, The Netherlands. Since very recently I am able to buy these ultracool glasses. Prior to this I only wore regular glasses so normal sunglasses were impossible. Now, using contactlenses, a world has opened to me.

At the moment I have three Oakley's. A Juliet Plasma with Ice Polarized lenses, an XX JetBlack with Emerald and an XX CrystalBlack with Fire Polarized lenses. Ofcourse once you get the Oakley virus you're hooked. Luckily I have a very specific taste (with all things) so I really find just a handfull of frames suitable to my liking.

The Juliet is the master of glasses ofcourse, I definately want to have some more of these. The Twenty's on the other hand are very handy. Nice and light and a whole lot cheaper as well.

That's it for now, if the collection grows (it will...) I will update this text and my profile as well.

Thanks a lot for the creators of this magnificent site, without it it would be much harder to gather information and to see how the glasses look like. Great job!






Oct 11, 2007 2:19 AM
I must admit that I also usually opt for the cheapest method of sending. That way the price is still nice if you add that additional cost.

But reading these (horror) stories it really makes me wonder if that is the right way to go. Especially if so many packages get "lost". I really do not believe that they are "gone". They must be picked out by hand by somebody who knows/guesses what's inside. Irritates the heck out of me.

So far this was the only case (for me) that a package did not arrive. Usually when it took longer than expected customs intercepted the thing and wanted some import duties/tax. That's a risk worth taking, knowing that the retail prices over here are rather insane.

What is also very very annoying is that the postmen over here just hand out the package to the neighbours *without* dropping a note in the mailbox. This also happened with the Pup's I bought from Ollie. I asked my neighbour and he told me he didn't even have to sign for it. If he wouldn't have told me I would never have known there was a package for me and he would have had a free pair of glasses. Maybe this way stuff gets "lost" as well, don't know.
Oct 10, 2007 6:10 PM
A few weeks ago I bought some Monster Pup's from both Ollie and Bhaley2Four. The glasses from Ollie arrived very quickly (after a few days), Brent's glasses took some longer. And longer. And longer. And then I thought hmmm, something must be wrong.

So I contacted Brent and we agreed that I waited some more. Well, you guessed it, after some more waiting still no package.

Brent said he filed a complaint and that he would send me a second pair! Luckily, a package arrived within a week. I took some photographs and he identified it as his *second* package. The first one is gone. Where we do not know.

I just wanted to share this little story to counteract on some negative classifieds-things we could read about recently.

There luckily still are some *very* nice members on this board! So Brent, thanks again man, I very very much appreciate the way you handled this situation and I hope that your complaint will result in a reasonable settlement somehow!

Aug 27, 2007 3:03 AM
Okay, thank you all for your answers. As I was interested in buying the Hydrophobic kit the video was interesting, up to the point of rubbing. I, for one, would be much more impressed if they wiped both sides after which the left side would be cleaner than the right side. Ofcourse both sides can be cleaned one way or the other but as this video is, you just can't see the difference cleaning wise.

The also uploaded demo with the waterdrops (much more like something that will happen in real life anyway) shows a big difference. Rain-X on my car's windshield does the same, however. So it's not a revolution, it's just nice ;-)
Aug 27, 2007 2:58 AM
Hello David, thanks for all your answers. I have two questions for you please.

First: will the eletric purple lens for the XX be available again soon.

Second: will there be any Monster Pup lenses soon?

Aug 25, 2007 4:09 PM
I find the video on this link rather misleading. Ofcourse, it is obvious to see the difference between a hydrophobic lens and a normal lens. But when the lens is cleaned, it's pretty easy to see that only the left side of the lense is being wiped. So no wonder the left side cleans up properly whereas the right side remains smudged.

Am I being paranoid or do other people agree?
Aug 16, 2007 12:20 PM
Alrighty then! Thank you all for your answers! Will order some in the very near future. By the looks of it one can't go wrong quality wise. With the ethical aspects I can live ;-)

Now I have one final one. Changing Juliet lenses is, ofcourse, very easy. But how does one pop out a Twenty lens? Just push it gently "outwards" around the nosepiece or is it better to start at the "hinge" side? It is a pretty scary thing to do when you don't know the amount of pressure that is needed. Popping the new lenses in will be much easier, I guess.

I also have some XX's which lenses I want to swap with other frames so any advice will come in handy!
Aug 14, 2007 1:49 PM
Dmboz: when you say the lenses are "dark", just how dark are we talking about? Much darker than Black Iridium for example?

I really like the look of those Liquid Metal lenses but something is keeping me from buying them (mainly the shipping costs I must admit). If they are a bit darker than Black Iridium I would not mind it at all.
Aug 6, 2007 12:53 PM
What is the verdict about the Keystone lenses image quality wise? I really like the mirror-lens for the Juliet but I am uncertain if these lenses approach (maybe they even surpass...) the quality of the "original" Oakley lenses?

I would like to have some for my Juliet and XX but am still a bit hesitant due to the above.
Jul 20, 2007 2:07 PM
So? What's the update, anybody tried it already???
Jul 11, 2007 8:02 PM
Verrrrrrrrrry nice Audi! Relatively understated yet "fast enough" ;-)
Jul 11, 2007 7:31 PM
Now I feel like a loser in my old trusty Volvo. All of you guys are driving the latest and fattest models. ;-) Still very happy with it though 'cause everybody knows Volvo rulez! :-)

More images on

Jun 29, 2007 12:14 PM
In the last picture you can clearly see the lenses do not fit properly. Custom cut for sure, I would say.
Oct 21, 2006 12:44 PM
Hmmm, to be honest I find this ad very informative and not misleading at all! It clearly states it is *not* a real Oakley. Only the carrying case is. What more information can he supply!
Aug 25, 2006 11:57 PM
But.... but.... that means that I will have to go for *another* set of Juliets! What are you guys doing to me!!! Maybe some Ichiro's will do, with an extra set of Black lenses, ofcourse...

Hmmm, shouldn't have asked this question in the first place! :-)
Aug 25, 2006 7:47 PM
Right now I have two Juliets (Carbon/24K or Ruby and Plasma/Ice Polarized) and two XX's (Black/Emerald and Crystal Black/Fire Polarized).

Somehow, I don't know why, I also want some Black (or Black Polarized) lenses, for one of these frames. Can't decide what to do...

Here in The Netherlands lenses for Juliets are ridiculously expensive (especially the Polarized ones). For about the same price of a set of lenses one can buy a complete set of XX glasses online.

Yesterday I bought an XX (Skull frame with Black lenses) but I cancelled the deal because of "hidden" charges. Can still buy it though, if I would want it (the seller lowered the expenses).

Question for you folks is: what is the nicest/coolest combo? Juliets/Black or XX's/Black. The Carbon Juliets would look very cool with black lenses I guess. But lenses for the XX might be much cheaper... What to do!
Jun 25, 2006 7:55 PM
Will change the pic, the expressed angryness indeed doesn't reflect the way I felt that at that time ;-)

What's an Xb, by the way???
Jun 24, 2006 2:52 AM
Thanks guys! Well, actually I was soooo relieved to actually see the package arrive after some horror stories on this forum. The seller was very nice with his responses and so on that I almost couldn't believe that this would go wrong. Luckily, it didn't. I am *very* happy with these glasses!
Jun 23, 2006 7:42 PM
Yessss, today the package from Eakaz arrived, containing a beautiful pair of Carbon 24K Juliet glasses!

Here some preliminary images:

Nicely packaged, glasses are new, serialnumber doesn't mean anything to me. Just played some tennis with them in the sun, great glasses!
Jun 22, 2006 1:27 PM
I paid $305 for the carbon/24K's excluding shipping. The package was sent on June 13th so I guess any day now I might receive it. Pretty anxious, I must admit.

Didn't even know this price was a "premium", I actually was pretty happy with it as you don't see them a lot on e-bay. Usually the polished/fire, plasma/ice, ichiro/emerald combo's are pretty common.

Oh well, as long as one is happy with it the price is of second importance ;-)
Jun 22, 2006 12:16 PM
Hmmm, I also bought a pair of carbon/24K's... What a coincidence. Still haven't received them either. As they come from Australia I have *some* patience though.
Jun 19, 2006 12:52 PM
Yes, Bronze it was. The price went up a bit too high. If I had known the brown frame looked nice I might have a bit higher but on the supplied pictures it didn't look great. Oh well, these glasses will pass by once in a while. I usually find it very hard to not "overbid yourself". If you really want something you tend to increase your bid, and again, and again. Tricky business.
Jun 19, 2006 5:30 AM
1) This can be done! Don't dare it with the Juliet's though as I'm afraid some water will be left behind on some parts and they might corrode (or won't they???)

2) Hmmm, Woolite is not for sale over here. What is it? Special washing powder/fluid for wool or something? I was planning on just throwing the microfiber bag with the rest of the laundry...
Jun 19, 2006 5:25 AM
Alrighty! Thanks! Good to know it's not that difficult and that there's no worry about breaking the lens! Just made a bid on some Titanium Polarized XX's but I don't like the framecolor so if I win these I will take out the lenses. I have some other XX's with Emerald lenses I don't really like so I would like to replace those.
Jun 19, 2006 4:49 AM
Having replaced my Juliet lenses (which is very easy using the right tools) I would also like to modify some XX frames. These however have no screws of any kind to hold the lenses in the frames. How does one change these?

I suppose it's a matter of pushing them outside (to the front). But is there a way to minimize chances of cracking the lens? Start at the top, bottom, side, who can shed some light on this matter!

A friend of mine wants to change his Minute glasses, I suppose the same method can be used for him?
Jun 19, 2006 4:39 AM
No (minute) (to stay close to Oakley) scratches whatsoever? I haven't dared to try that to be honest... Using the microfiber cloth already gives me a headache. Last thing I want is to scratch the lenses!!!
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