Bak: Hans Bak
Haarlem, Netherlands
February 19th, 2007 - 17 years ago (1,383 logins)Last Login7 months ago






Nov 9, 2010 11:31 AM
Thanks, I will give them one more chance to fix it. If that fails I'll try it myself with the superglue. Got some tiny clamps to hold 'm tight, so that should be fine.
I love this model most of my 3 Rx's so I do not realy want to change them for another pair. Plus, the range of models is usually limited overhere :-(
Nov 6, 2010 8:41 PM
I have these Dictate 2.0 Rx glasses for about 10 months now and have been back to the optician twice. The Dictate has no unobtanium, but a rubberish strip on the inside of the ear stems. This strip lets go every couple of months even though I do not wear them on a daily base. I'm going back again to let them sort it out, but was wondering if any of you has had this before and had some tips and tricks.
I know they are more than willing to help me and love to see me back every now and then but I expect more endurance of these glasses.

Oct 5, 2010 10:51 PM
Josh my man, you know what they say about patience.... Well your patience is rewarded, the Amsterdam Starbucks had a new stock of mugs and I got you your second one. You want? :-)

Will send it over sometime this week.

Kind regards from the Netherlands.
Sep 3, 2010 6:08 PM
I'm sorry mate, was just in the Amsterdam Starbucks to check for another one for you. They had no more mugs available at the moment. It was way to crowded to check if they would get any again anytime soon. I will try again when I'm in the neigbourhood.
Aug 15, 2010 4:31 PM
Aug 14, 2010 11:37 AM
Okay, that's good news. I hope I get the opportunity to check again for more Amsterdam this week... keep you posted.

Can you get us a picture of the collection so far? I'm getting curious.
Jul 30, 2010 7:19 PM
I've just come from the Amsterdam Starbucks and sitting in the train seat next to me is a brand new mug. It's only now that I sea Jules' message that he's able to score some for you.... I don't know if you've already made arrangements with Jules, but now you have choices :-)
To me it's no problem. Seeing what they do on the bay, it won't be difficult to get rid off if needed.
Just let me know if you want it, maybe we can combine shipping on a couple of European items? You can have this one for free as a gift from 'the Dutch'. Just a contribution for the shipping would be fine, a different kind of 'Dutch treat'... (always hated that expression...)

I understand why people collect 'm. They're nice!
Mar 5, 2010 11:45 AM
Well, not much of a story on my side... It's my last name and I try using it everywhere. Nice and short, easy to remember ;-)
Feb 28, 2010 9:48 PM
Yep, that's the one. I offered him € 30,00 not expecting him to take the bid. Happy he did though...
Feb 28, 2010 7:30 PM
There've been some additions to the collection lately, but to be honest I'm a bit lazy updating my collection list and this thread. But this one I just want to show the world.
One thing is sure though, I'll never wear this in public. I'm not that retro :-)

The box is slightly cracked, but further it all looks brand new as was promised by the seller.

Does it seem complete to you?
Jan 29, 2010 5:01 PM
Goodness me, somebody is bound to die from hart failure... This is a rare case of hating the world, all that lives on it and than some.
Jan 29, 2010 4:49 PM
I've used my AP Sandbag in the past, but that really only works if you're just using the body and lens. Whenever you need/use more lenses or a flash it gets ugly.

At the moment I'm kind off in love with my Domke F2 camerabag. It's a classic that's still being made, and since I started using it I understand why. So simple, so basic and yet so practical. Open the 'lid' with just two clicks and you can reach all your stuff. It's relatively small but still contains loads of camera stuff. Flexible and what's very attractive to me, it doesn't look all too much like a camera bag.

Fit's all this (+ the little snapshot Fuji J20 used to take these pics + all chargers for both camera's, camcorder and battery charger)

Looks like this

I really don't know if I would trade it if Oakley made a specific camera bag...
Apr 17, 2009 11:41 AM
I don't know why, every men was looking more my fiancee wearing Speechless than my G26 M-Frame o_O ...
Maybe something to do with decollete
Maybe we can help you with that. If you post some pictures of your girl as well.... :-)
Apr 13, 2009 5:54 PM
Well, though it would have been great fun if they would have advanced, it wouldn't have been very realistic.On the other hand, the way Venezuela played the semi's... Anyhow, they played a great tournament and I'm still proud of the guys.

Totally off topic; it was a shame to see no merchandise of most teams/countries being sold.Nothing Dutch, or Italian, or Canadian, or Australian etc etc. But we had a fun time, spoke a lot of different people from different countries and all about baseball.It was great fun being there..
Apr 11, 2009 3:09 PM
Me at the semi finals of the WBC in LA last month. I got a little bit carried away and went way over my budget with five new ones within three days. But hey, what can you do. There's no O's Anonymous round here to help controlling this addiction.
Feb 2, 2009 12:44 PM
And take a flashlight for your camera with you, the lobby is kinda dark to shoot with a steady hand. I ended up with about one reasonable picture while it's more than just a cool lobby.
Sep 19, 2008 2:00 PM
Anybody else from here going to the Chargers-Saints game in London in October?
Sep 4, 2008 10:49 AM
Using AVG myself and happy with it. Although I'm rather careful, it detects about 1 to 2 minor infections a year (might be the wife though).
I do not notice it's presence in the background and find it quite easy and self-supporting. But I reject the automatic scan because that will slow down things and always when you least want it. Run a manual scan regularly which suits me fine.
Had my share of cat fights with Norton and MacAfee in the past like was described in the first post. Slowing your system significantly etc etc. If that were the only options, I'd go without anti-virus.
Aug 9, 2008 6:14 PM
That's because these are the all new 'Gascan Half Jackets'.The new crossover we were all waiting fore... nice find :o)
Jul 20, 2008 7:42 PM
Very little O, but o' what nice pictures.
Jul 5, 2008 10:56 AM
Too bad the 'O' is out of focus, but like it anyway.
Jun 16, 2008 10:28 PM
But hey what do you expect for $0,99 ?
Jun 16, 2008 10:25 PM
Julien, I think you're in the same kind of trouble as I am. To my knowledge fathers day (and mothers day, which I forgot as well) are on the same date worldwide...
Gonna give him a call right away...
Jun 14, 2008 12:26 PM
Inspired By:
Oakley Monster Pup
Hard to find!
And there's a reason for that...
Jun 11, 2008 11:13 PM
Marktplaats, ik zag dat jij het was. Leuk dat het gelukt is.
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