BossHog84: Matthew H
June 4th, 2006 - 18 years ago (1,172 logins)Last Login8 years ago






May 9, 2011 5:02 AM
Is that something that might change with the polarized lenses in the future? The bigger XLJ lenses fit me better than the more "streamlined" lens. It's just been a pain to try to track them down. Thanks for the reply
May 8, 2011 5:26 AM
I'm looking for some clarification on the FJ XLJ lenses. I thought maybe some of the experts here could help me out. I ordered some persimmon and VR28 lens kits from usstandardissue and was pleasantly surprised that when I received them, they were the older style xlj lens shape (slightly larger with a slightly larger flare on the lower outside corner). Is this just be a fluke or is Oakley returning to the older(bigger) XLJ lenses. Thanks in advance for any info.
Aug 28, 2009 5:46 AM
In regards to the SI M Frames, has anyone else ordered and received new nosepieces that won't fit on older lenses?
Aug 8, 2009 9:24 PM
I was looking at the nosepiece kit for the M-Frame on the oakley site and they look similar to the Zero nosepiece kits. Do both models use the same piece or are there differences? Its hard to tell from the pics on the oakley website. Both nosepieces look completely different then the ones that came on my M-Frames
Jul 22, 2009 7:41 AM
Yesterday I went to the closest(well, only) O Store to my home and happened to notice that a lot of the Flak XLJ on the displays happened to have the older style lens.

I had the sales person pull some Positve Red, Gold Iridium off of the displays and I bought those. I was a little hesitant to buy lenses that were diplay. But they were flawless. Guess I got lucky.

Of note, on the +Red lenses, the date on the UPC sticker had a date of 02/05/09 and happened to be the older larger XLJ lenses. I assume that is they date were made?
Jul 22, 2009 7:32 AM
I think they just produce the newer/more streamlined version. I have bought several new XLJ lenses and they are all the new version. Much nicer IMO.
I'm inclined to agree, they do look nicer. Unfortantely, the older version worked better for me. I have a rather large and long nose, so the older, bigger lens fit my profile almost perfect.
Jul 21, 2009 10:00 PM
Hey folks,

I was wondering if anyone could clarity something for me about the FJ XLJ lenses.

I was reading a post here from SEPT 2008 regarding the fact that the lens shape for the Flak XLJ was changed slightly do to a distortion issue with the Transition lenses. Now does Oakley still produce both sizes for the XLJ lens or just the more "streamlined" version.

Thanks for any info.
Jul 8, 2009 4:06 AM
Is the Unobtainium portion of the nose piece any bigger/wider on the radar XL. If so, would that be interchangeable with the smaller sized Radars? Thanks in advance.
Jun 25, 2009 7:22 AM
I was wondering if anyone here has ever had this issue when swapping lenses around.

Yesterday, I swapped lenses between pairs of New Straight Jackets (previous to current version.) I switched Matte Black w/ Black Polarized with Jet Black Grey. When I used the Jet Black with the Black Polarized today, the vision in the left lens was somewhat distored. It most noticeable when I looked out the side of the lens. The grey lenses in the Matte Black seemed to be fine. I would have to assume that the left lens wasn't seated properly, but it seemed to be in pretty tight.

I've swapped lenses in the Straight Jackets before and never have had this issue. Anyone else ever had this happen?

Thank in advance.
Sep 3, 2008 7:30 PM
Don't know why I use ruby for an example. I guess that what I get for posting when I'm tired. Yeah, I was hoping to see more ice, TI, fire polarized popping up.
Sep 3, 2008 5:52 AM
I was looking at the Custom stuff on the oakley website and noticed that the Hijinx and Straight Jacket have Ice, Fire, Ruby, etc. options. Are these colors available in the polarized counter parts via phone orders? If not will they be available? Just curious. Thanks.
Jun 26, 2008 9:57 PM
What is the differences in the interchangable nose pieces on the Radars? How do you change them out? I've been trying to figure that out from the pics on the website, but I don't see how it works.
May 29, 2008 5:35 PM
They are only $59 plus tax so that guy's starting bid is $20 higher than he paid.

Yeah I figured that was the case. It sucks, there are no O-store, vaults or anything good like that around here.
May 28, 2008 5:20 PM
Can anyone tell me if there was ever a Matte Black/Grey version of the New Straight Jacket?

I found one on ebay, however I'm not sure if it is an accurate description. The only one I can find on the database here on O-Review is Stealth/Grey and the SI Matte Black/Grey. It does not appear to be the SI version, due to the fact that it has Oakley on the nose bridge.

Does the Stealth finish have a matte look to it.

Just curious.

Thanks in advance.
Apr 20, 2008 3:24 PM
Ice, ruby, titanium, tungsten, fire, emerald - these will pretty much become standard colors available in replacement/in store custom lenses.
Will this include their polarized counterparts?
Oct 28, 2007 9:25 PM
Is VR28 Black Iridium Polarized still going to be available with the SJ2.0 or has that changed?
Oct 5, 2007 8:49 PM
I was looking at the asian fit FJs on the O website, and saw that they had some lens options that are not available in the standard fit. Will these colors be available for the standard fit eventually? Or will they only be specific to the asian fit.

I love the VR28 Black Iridium in my metallic red Flaks and I would love to have the polarized version. But I only saw it listed w/ the asian fit polarized.

Oct 3, 2007 1:20 AM
Will these come with a case like some of the newer models?
Oct 2, 2007 1:32 AM
How is it they can do the +Red for the SJ 2.0, that will be hydrophobic, but not for the Radar? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that Oakley was having issues with +Red and the hydrophobic stuff.
Oct 1, 2007 11:08 PM
I think it's a smart move to bring together a little of this and a little of that and see if it works with the buying public.
I do agree with you, however that is how we ended up with the Eye Jacket 3.0. I just hope Straight Jacket/Minute 2.0 do not have a similar fate.
Oct 1, 2007 10:52 PM
Is the Metallic Black finish look similar to the metallic red/blue finish on the Flak Jacket. Looking at getting some customs with the metallic black, but I've never seen it in person. Thanks
Oct 1, 2007 10:41 PM
The minute 2.0 looks like the former Straight jackets with earstems that look like a cross of monster pup and flak jacket earstems. I dunno what to think, yet. I'm gonna stay optimistic though. I wasn't to impressed w/ the flak jackets initially, but after seeing them in person my opinion was quickly swayed.
Sep 25, 2007 11:46 PM
As far as the Ti Whiskers, I can't quite figure this one out. I'd bought a pair online that was Ti Whisker, Brown Chrome/ VR28 Black Iridium Polarized bakc in late June or early July. I posted a message on here asking when the other two colorways were supposed to be released, and I was told by someone that the Ti line with the hydrophobic lenses had been cancelled, which seems consistent since they haven't shown up on the O site or anywere else. Then today I see on the O site they have Ti Whiskers under new releases, just with non polarized lenses. Do they plan to release the polarized versions also, or have they still been canned?

Sep 25, 2007 9:53 PM
Do the Ti whiskers have the hydrophobic lenses?
Sep 25, 2007 9:42 PM
I probably just over looked them. Could have been sold out, I suppose. However I don't recall seeing any there. Twitch I do remember seeing, just no eye patch
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