GoKool: Alan Bartolome
December 31st, 2009 - 14 years ago (77 logins)Last Login8 years ago

AL 379


Dec 13, 2010 7:57 AM
Those are sweet!! Is that regular or polished carbon?
Sep 21, 2010 12:28 AM
Anybody know where I can find any? other than on Ebay? I have no luck searching. Thanks in advance
Sep 17, 2010 8:54 AM
Dang, I wish I never read this thread...Just spent almost $200 on gear I really wasn't even looking for. Sometimes I think I'm worst than my wife when it comes to shopping. At least I added a macbook cover for her on my order.
May 26, 2010 4:49 AM
Another pic:
May 26, 2010 4:37 AM
Just got back from the shop. Man, are these a great package or what! It's like a huge birthday cake all wrapped up. First was the simple shipping box that had the Oakley tag w/ barcode and description on top. There was marking on the side in big letters and numbers AL #379..I thought to myself that must be the UPS code or something, or the store #. After removing the box, there's another black box similar to the Pit Boss wrapping but 2x the size. Then you have the actual case that has the double-sided icon built into the middle of the case. A special hard folder wrapped in felt w/ the blu ray disc enclosed. A secret enclosure in the middle which include the soft case and little booklet w/ pics of how its created. Very sick!!

Glasses are amazing! Thank God I have a Med-Lg head. Fit my face comfortably. I like the fact that they look low-key, not too flashy. Peoples unlike us will never know the difference between these and a pair of Metals or Bosses. The shape of front frame "classic". The attention to detail is precise. I like the laser cuts/incisions that are on the back side of frames where the lens mount. Carbon fiber is sweet. And the rest looks like a brushed polished gun-metal aluminum. I already broke them in on the drive home so it looks like these will be in rotaion w/ my other daily wears :) Storing will be in a cabinet in the master bathroom next to glock 22.

May 23, 2010 2:28 AM
Hi everyone, just got a voicemail that my alum c-six have arrived. I've been waiting since beginning of January for these to come in. Should be picking them up sometime next week. I purchased thru optometrist office here in Carlsbad, and was told only a handful of offices were able to order the c-six. I feel thankful n lucky mine was one of em :)
Jan 16, 2010 11:30 PM
I haven't tried on a pair yet, but i did order a pair of the aluminums from my optometrist dealer. She said her O rep quoted her about a month delay. I'm hoping to get em by middle of Feb. and i promise this will be my last pair of sunglasses..at least thats what i told the wifey
Jan 6, 2010 12:39 AM
My new buys last month-

Fonseca Antix
X-squared carbon polish
Koston frogs
Fuel cell matte black
Frogs matte white/gold ir
Burnquist gascan w blk ir polar
Frogs gloss blk w polar grey

My fave of the bunch- blk frogs

Jan 5, 2010 9:50 PM
Does anybody know where i can find a pair of copper pennys?is ebay the only source?

Are tribal monster dogs really only available in certain countries other than US?

ThNx in advance
Jan 5, 2010 9:17 PM
thanks for the info..tell ichiro to hook up a fellow asian lol
Jan 5, 2010 8:13 AM
Does anybody know where i can get white earsocks and nose bombs for juliets? i have the carbon frame and think it would look tite with white rubbers, thanks in advance
Jan 1, 2010 5:28 AM
Just wanna say hello to everyone on the site. Im a new member and look forward to reading and sharing reviews with everyone. Happy New Years to all!
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