PFlippen10: Parker Flippen
Age: 26 / San Diego, CA
September 21st, 2019 - 4 years ago (108 logins)Last Login3 months ago
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Co-worker who is an Oakley Fan like me, showed it to me
Hello fellow Oakley Fanatics!

My name is Parker, I'm from San Diego, California. I got my very first pair of glasses when I was about 13 years old, I customized a pair of Flak Jacket's...Carbon Frame, +Red Iridium XLJ lenses with black socks and a polished chrome icon. They were sweet! Little did I know, that pair was the first of many. Almost 10 years later I find myself living the dream! Working for Oakley (Although owned by LUX now) and I'm adding to my collection almost every week. I've been with them for a little over a year and a half now, at one of the newer O-Stores in Salt Lake City, Utah. I've learned so much and I'm always wanting to learn more. O-Review is the best place to go to, especially when you want to learn about an old pair, or see what is coming in the future. I really love the brand, the History, the Products, and everything else. I'll be updating my collection whenever I can...

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Jan 21, 2020 4:48 AM

Coming Soon! Already on

Celeste Vented Sutro PRIZM Black

Grey Smoke PRIZM Road Jade

I'll be picking up the Vented Sutro's forsure, I can't wait
Dec 20, 2019 6:28 PM
Planet X Frogskins

“They Are Coming” etching I got

WISH there was a +Red option

Oct 13, 2019 8:06 AM
Hey guys,

I'm a big MFrame guy, my favorite pair for sure! I'll list any kind of my wants, but yeah just want to get this out here...mainly anything though

Mumbo - Any Full builds (New or Used)

Mframe (Gen 1) - Full builds, Lenses (Mainly Heater or Sweep), Earsocks

Mframe (Gen 2) - Full Builds, Lenses (+Red Heater Lens, Heater Lens or Sweep), Earsocks

I guess as I'm typing this out I'll taking anything, but I am specifically looking for Black earsocks and the +Red lens for a GEN 2

Feel free to message me

Sep 23, 2019 8:08 AM

So no serial on mine. My understanding is that Gens 1-3 had serial numbers on the left inside arm. 4th Gen had no markings. 5th Gen had SKU’s marked on them.

Seems like I have a legit 4th Gen pair of Juliet’s
Sep 22, 2019 7:22 PM
PFlippen10 The old frames used to discolor heavily, but they would have also had serial numbers on them. Is there any on yours. - Dann

Yeah that’s what I figured, the frame oxidizes over time...
Doesn’t look like there is a serial, is it possible it could have rubbed off?
Sep 21, 2019 10:43 PM

Picked up some Juliet’s at a good deal the other day...
Frame: Plasma
Lens: Ice Irid Pol.

Seem authentic to me, can someone confirm for me?
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