PapaB: Bryan Dismore
Nashville, TN
June 16th, 2014 - 10 years ago (150 logins)Last Login4 years ago
Hello all. Ive been wearing Oakley since I could afford my first real set of sunglasses. That was quite some time ago. They were the original e-wires and I still have them. I just can't seem to part with them once I get a new pair. I finally have two cases to display my small collection but I must admit it is making it easier to add to it. My current favorites are the Dispatch and Eyepatch, both the originals. The updated ones are cool, but I don't feel like they hold up to the originals. Still looking for a new favorite, I have a largish head and most of the ones I like just don't work for me.
Wife loves the Holbrook and Hall Pass while my daughter rocks the XS Fives, Half Pints and Quarter Jackets.
I look forward to learning and adding in here and there.






Jun 18, 2014 4:43 AM
Thanks Dann. I am always looking for a new favorite that I can actually wear. I will give them a shot.
Jun 16, 2014 10:05 PM
I haven't been able to find out much about the Holbrook in "Black Decay". It looks like the "Skate Deck" frame but not exactly. Skate Deck retailed for $170 and the new Black Decay is $220. And I believe its not polarized. Good looking though.
Jun 16, 2014 9:52 PM
Hello all. Ive been wearing Oakley since I could afford my first real set of sunglasses. That was quite some time ago. They were the original e-wires and I still have them. I just can't seem to part with them once I get a new pair. I finally have two cases to display my small collection but I must admit it is making it easier to add to it. My current favorites are the Dispatch and Eyepatch, both the originals. The updated ones are cool, but I don't feel like they hold up to the originals. Still looking for a new favorite, I have a largish head and most of the ones I like just don't work for me.
Wife loves the Holbrook and Hall Pass while my daughter rocks the XS Fives, Half Pints and Quarter Jackets.
I look forward to learning and adding in here and there.
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