Radashio: Adam Cieply
July 31st, 2023 - 10 months ago (0 logins)Last Login10 months ago
A long time lover of Oakleys, hoping to find a now discontinued pair for my wife, after our car was recently broken into and they were stolen (rose gold colored Side Swept). Heartbreaking. I live up in Canada and have owned a number of different polarized pairs that I've used extensively for outdoor sports and driving. Nothing else compares. Looking to join a cool community to share opinions in good faith and maybe find a sweet pair for sale here and there
Aug 1, 2023 8:50 PM

Sadly, I'm looking for the rose gold version which I can't find anywhere
Aug 1, 2023 4:42 AM
I should add: the purchase from Oakley's website was a bit odd. I added them to my cart but kept digging around to see if I could find them at a better price. I couldn't. I went back to the Oakley website to do the checkout and they disappeared out of my cart.

I thought "no biggie, I'll just add them again". But they were shown as sold out. Not available. I went to the site a dozen times over, and nothing. I thought someone else bought them or something.

Well they ended up showing up on the site again a day later. I think there was a glitch on the site and Oakley was showing them as sold even though they weren't. As soon as they showed up again I pounced on them, lol.
Aug 1, 2023 4:39 AM
This week our car was broken into while parked in downtown Vancouver. The junkies (yes, sadly, it was junkies, as confirmed by the security guard) stole a foldable cloth trunk tray we would use for groceries, about $2.75 in loose change, an empty Oakley sun glass case (mine) and a pair of rose gold Side Swepts (my wife's). Those glasses had a lot of sentimental value.

She originally bought a pair and lost them about a year later, absentmindedly. About nine months later our anniversary came up and I was hellbent on finding her a pair again, but it was right at the end of their production life cycle. I searched and searched and although there were a couple places that still sold them online, they were super pricey due to being in Europe and having to pay exorbitant shipping and taxes to get them. I ended up finding them on Oakley's website and purchased the very last pair they had, at a nice discount too.

She loved those glasses. When she opened the box on our anniversary, she lost her marbles. Like seeing a kid in a candy store. But alas those glasses are no longer available anywhere. I know it's a long shot with likely zero chance of success, but I emailed Oakley today in hopes that maybe some magic can happen. Those glasses had a lot of sentimental value and I'd do anything to be able to get my hands on a pair again. What are your thoughts?
Aug 1, 2023 4:29 AM
A long time lover of Oakleys, hoping to find a now discontinued pair for my wife, after our car was recently broken into and they were stolen (rose gold colored Side Swept). Heartbreaking. I live up in Canada and have owned a number of different polarized pairs that I've used extensively for outdoor sports and driving. Nothing else compares. Looking to join a cool community to share opinions in good faith and maybe find a sweet pair for sale here and there
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