Salazabr: Brian Salazar
May 16th, 2006 - 18 years ago (2,907 logins)Last Login7 years ago
I have a huge head (8+ hat size) and could never find any Oakleys that fit me. Then came the Romeo IIs. I fell in love as soon as I tried them on and have never looked back. Now I have two pair of those plus about a dozen or so other pairs of models I like or are collectible.






Apr 18, 2013 5:07 PM
I can say with 100% certainty that the lenses are all interchangeable all the way up to a SI M Frame 3.0. I wear them for work and have worn just about every light and dark in every M frame and with and without clips. There's a reason this classic continues to live on.
Sep 20, 2012 12:50 AM
My best guess would be Radar earsocks but they would probably be a little tight.
May 15, 2012 11:53 PM
I like the people there.
May 13, 2012 3:41 PM
Does anyone know anything about the Black and Yellow Livestrong cases with the yellow Icons? The top shell is black and the bottom shell is yellow.

I saw a Flak Jacket one by chance at Sunglass Hut and the Columbus O-Store (my favorite non-Vault O Store) had 2 Radars with them. According to the staff it's just a random thing and there's no way to know until you open the box.
Nov 19, 2011 9:55 AM
Radars are finally available on the Standard Issue website. Does anyone know definitively if they have the Z87 marking like the SI M-Frames?

Nov 2, 2011 11:58 AM
My daily wear when I'm working is Radars with either a Black Iridium Polarized lens if I can get away with it or a Photochromic Path is safety is being a pain.

When I'm home I alternate between BIP Romeo 2s or Titanium Iridium Romeo 2s depending on the weather.
Jul 4, 2011 8:21 AM
For what it's worth I was lucky enough to get my hands on a pair of the clear/black iridium Photochromic Radars ad lOved them. I wore them for a month working on the Congo river in Angola and had no ghosting problems at all. They worked flawlessly and I love them.
Jun 19, 2011 3:29 AM
I bought these backpacks on my first trip to HQ. They are awesome colors but just too small for the two laptops I need to haul around. They are both brand new with tags but I only have one plastic bag. They are $100 USD each and that's shipped to anywhere in the US. Shipping to Canada or overseas will be more based on actual shipping costs. The Icon 2.0 was the first Icon to have the laptop sleeve.

I try to check the O-Review at least a few times a day but the best way to contact me is my email at Brian.Salazar
Jun 7, 2011 5:38 AM
I bought this from the Vegas Vault back when I lived in Vegas and it's still in Brand New condition.

It is complete except it is missing the glasses, it never had the original white ones and my Mom appropriated the Crystal MDs the Vault threw in for me. The shirt is a M and the shoes are US 11.

The price includes shipping within the US, Canada and overseas are extra. I am more than open to trades but only for Radars, Flak Jacket XLJs or X-Metals if you're feeling generous.

I've also got a Sheet Metal Kitchen Sink, Night Camo and Snow Camo Icon 2.0 backpacks. All are still in the plastic and the the cost is $150 each shipped.

My email or cell is the best way to reach me.


May 13, 2011 3:59 AM
Speaking of Radars,(The best current production Oakleys in my opinion.) has anyone else noticed that the Phototchromic Radars seem to have disappeared from
Feb 8, 2010 7:29 AM
My feelings are we only get two eyes and its in our best interests to protect them in every way possible. Here are some facts I know of from direct personal experience.

Oakley lenses will stop a .22 caliber bullet in its tracks.
Oakley lenses can withstand a glancing impact from a .45 ACP round at close range.
I convinced my Dad to get contacts after 30+ yrs of wearing glasses so he could wear Oakleys without RX lenses. After one year of wearing Oakleys with contacts at 50+ yrs of age his vision has actually improved.

I work as a Field Engineer on industrial construction sites and in operating plants. I ONLY wear Oakleys and after explaining that ALL Oakley lenses live up the same high standards many safety officers I talk to start wearing Oakleys too.

Just my two cents.
Jan 28, 2010 5:15 PM
I wear my Radars for my safety glasses and have had to change out the earsocks quite a lot since my hard hat likes to eat the back tips.

Salazars must think alike because I change them out the same way as nick and have never had a problem. The only lubrication I use it water or saliva. It sounds gross but I know those two liquids have no chance of reacting with the rubber.
Dec 5, 2009 1:49 PM
People, I can't believe no one else knows. They are to protect against the optic blasts from the Cyclops Ruby Juliets and Pennies.
Nov 23, 2009 7:32 AM
True Carbon Fiber Radars with Black Iridium Polarized Range lens. Nothing is better for bright sunlight than good ol' BI Polarized and Radars are quickly becoming my all time favorite frame to wear.
Sep 2, 2009 2:35 PM
I keep an M Frame Ballistic array as a backup for safety glasses here in Qatar in case something happens to my Radars. I have clear, amber polarized and Black Iridium Polarized. BI Polarized continues to be my favorite lens and never lets me down.

Some other guys here who also wear the O really like VR28 and G30 is always a good choice for an all around lens. I wore G30 when I built a plant outside of Las Vegas. It was a great lens that I could wear outside in the sun and not have to take off when I went into a building.

Bronze Polarized is also a good all around choice for a wide variety of conditions. I wear them in my Radars during dusty or overcast conditions.
Aug 20, 2009 8:37 AM
What you are describing is exactly what I used to do before I started wearing Radars instead of SI M Frames for safety glasses.

As stated the normal M frames lenses work just fine. I would also strongly advise against drilling a hole in a lens. I tried that with an old scratched up lens and it did not go well. Its harder than you'd think to hold the lens securely without scratching it up.

As far as lens tints you might want to also consider VR28. Its a very underrated lens that works really well in a wide variety of situation. I know guys over here in Qatar who use it with no problems even in the harsh sun. They like it because they can wear it indoors too and still see very well.
Jun 27, 2009 8:28 AM
A friend of mine wants to order a Titanium Spike from but he's concerned about the size. Due to our remote work location trying them on isn't really an option. This will be his first pair and I'm trying to help him pick out a pair that will fit his larger head well.

I'm hoping that someone who has a pair could do him a favor and measure the distance from hinge to hing and between the earsocks as well.

Thank you in advance.
May 9, 2009 8:47 AM
Thanks for your help.
May 7, 2009 4:30 PM
Has anyone seen in person or have a picture of the Team Purple icon available for the custom Radar? I'm trying to decide what I want for my custom Radars and I'm wondering how the purple looks in real life. It looks great on the website but sometimes colors that look good on the site don't look as good in person.

Feb 24, 2009 10:52 AM
I don't think that any of us could honestly answer that question. There are too many variables and too much love for the O.

$1k for a pair of shades might seem like too much but what about for a display case or a super rare pair. I'd pay a grand for an autographed pair of Livestrongs or something similar.

You can't put a price on fanaticism.
Feb 22, 2009 6:56 AM
For some of us this is tough because there aren't 10 Oakleys we can wear comfortably. Mine would be;

Radar Jet Black w/ BI Polarized or + Red (my safety glasses)
Romeo II Carbon w/ BI Polarized
Romeo II Polished w/ TI
Crosshair Ti w/ TI Polarized
Crosshair Bronze Ti w/ VR28 Polarized
M Frame Matte Black w/ Amber Polarized
Juliet custom Polished w/ Ice Irid Polarized
Feb 21, 2009 6:40 AM
You're so modest Dann. What takes you a few minutes in photoshop would take some of us a day of being frustrated. Thanks again.

For placement I'm thinking shoulder and I might go gray instead of black to cut down on the needle time.
Feb 20, 2009 9:46 AM
I think Dann has once again proved that he is the man! My artist might have to tweak it a little bit but that is definitely going to be my tattoo.

Thanks for your help and Dann, if you want to incorporate your signature into that somehow I would me more than happy to get that inked as well.

David and Paul, thanks for the advice too. I originally wanted a collar bone tattoo but was told by my friends and families with tats I could never handle that. As it is my Mom (who has one) has already offered to pay for it as long as she gets to be there and videotape it.

Feb 19, 2009 7:54 AM
I'm finally ready to get my first tattoo. Since I'm a wimp I want to get one that combines my two loves; Oakleys and Battlestar Galactica. I have an idea what I want but since I'm not even remotely artistic I'm hoping some of you who are can help.

I want to get a scatter skull logo (either profile or full on) but with the distinctive red Cylon eyes. Ideally I'd like something like the Mesh Skatter skull decal with the red eyes seen in profile.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Jan 14, 2009 3:57 PM
I've never heard of a HI Amber polarized lens but I do have the Amber Polarized lens in Hybrid on my work M Frames.

If that's close to what you're looking for I can take some pics of that.
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