mabelcable: Martin Brown
May 9th, 2007 - 17 years ago (336 logins)Last Login16 years ago






Aug 23, 2007 2:15 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Just seen Ollie's Diamond TT.....

I think i could be in trouble - anyone care to loan me the money?
Aug 21, 2007 4:51 PM
Well some have come and some have gone since then but i finally got my finger out and got a group shot done.

Just a little disappointed i couldn't put the Ti band Time Tank on a c-clip..... wouldn't fit.

If i get to 100 i promised Ollie i'd buy a diamond TT from him. I'd better start saving at this rate.
Jul 25, 2007 11:44 PM
I'm with Greg on this one with another vote for hairspray
Jul 18, 2007 11:54 PM
Mine were apparently the first pair sold from the London O store - does that make them the first "official" pair in the UK? - and are 0002624
Jul 17, 2007 9:08 PM
Art Chantry Hijinx are available in the UK today!

The only place they are available according to HQ is from the Flagship store in London Covent Garden.

As of this morning they got 10 pairs in and they are retailing over here for £129.99. They didn't say whether they were getting any more in but i assume there will be.
Jul 8, 2007 1:12 AM

That is the golf divot tool.

It's usually attached to golfing related apparel free.

Hope this helps

Jul 6, 2007 1:32 AM
Now how did i not see that coming?

I've got a couple of weeks off later in the month so will definitely do it then
Jul 6, 2007 12:49 AM
50 up with this.

Don't fancy my chances much for the next 50 mind
Jun 30, 2007 12:21 AM
I was wondering if some ouf you guys could help me please?

I've been offered a set of splatter M-frames. I've had a look on the site and can find them on the catalogue and in some colllections but i'm not sure what they guy is claiming is right?

He claims that these are special because they are:

Hand-painted - i thought all splatters were?

Limited to 50 pieces only - is that true?

Frame is carbon - could that be true?

He paid $500 for them back in the day - '88 or so, i thought they were listed at $180

So what do we think, any of it or all of it true?

I bow to your collective superior knowledge, i'm not so hot on the glasses watches are more my thing.
May 29, 2007 11:24 AM
I have seen the watch in terrorisms' collection thanks boys, i was just saying that i had done a search before posting and caouldn't find it, that's all.

And it's the emerald Time Bomb that i am after - although i wouldn't say no to a small icon either!
May 29, 2007 1:48 AM
Thanks for that, that's the one i was meaning. I didn't realise it was a small icon though.

Nothing came up when i searched... so am i missing something?

May 29, 2007 12:23 AM
Does anyone remember seeing an Icon watch with an emerald face that was on ebay at the end of last year?
If i remember right the guy selling was from San Diego and claimed the watch was a test clourway for the Icon that never got used.
Just wondering if anyone on here bought it or knows about it?
I'm a new member and should have started this with introducing myself. I feel like it's the perfect place for an Oakley addict - maybe not for one that wants to spend less money however.
Here goes:
My name is Martin and i'm an Oakley addict. It has been 9 hours since my last purchase.
I'm still trying to get photos of everything so you'll have to bear with me, you might already have guessed that i like watches though!
If anyone desperately wants to get rid of an emerald timebomb - or knows where to get one - then give me a shout.
May 25, 2007 7:28 PM
You don't see many Foakley Timebombs but there's one on ebay now if anyone fancies a laugh.
Anyone care to hazard a guess to what it might be made out of?
All this and it's a powerseller that's listed it too.
May 16, 2007 6:07 PM
Hi again. I wouldn't worry about it now if you have sent it.

If there is a charge to pay then the person you have sent it to will have to pay it before he gets the item. The chances of it getting stopped by customs over here are about 1 in 3 so he probably wont have to pay.

The chances of it going missing are slim so think positively and you wont have to claim on the insurance. You are right though, if you declared it as $70 value then that's all you could claim back.

Hope this has helped and you can always give me a PM if you need to know more in the future.

May 16, 2007 5:39 PM
As long as it's declared as a gift you can get away with declaring up to about $70 in vlaue, about half of that if it 's not a gift. If the declared value is above that then it may be liable to %17.5 VAT, a delivery handling charge anywhere between £4 and £13.50 and a duty tax of anywhere from %2-3 upwards. In practice you wont be charged duty and it's luck of the draw if your item gets checked for value that you will have to pay the other fees - a lot of it depends on the service used ie UPS is more likely to be checked than standard USPS airmail.
So as long as you're happy to send as a gift with a low value then it should be ok.
Hope this has helped, just be glad it's not Norway you are sending to which can have %50 tax of items over $100 or so!
May 15, 2007 7:30 PM
I would have to agree with Quinton. Juliets would not be my first choice for running any further than to get a bus.

I used to run marathons/ironmen in mumbos/m-frames and mostly they were great. You got a good fit, the unobtanium kept them where you wanted them and they were light enough not to bother you. Ventilation/fogging could be an issue depending on how tight you wore them to your face but it never really bothered me - and i used to sweat a lot!

I haven't run in radars but would guess with their design features they can only be better than m-frames and a considerable improvement over an x-metal.

Good luck with your next marathon.
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