X-Metal Mars
M000029 - qtrain23
M000059 - loup
M000108 - HED4JC
M000130 - DarkJuliet
M000173 - dragonvoi
M000272 - captank
M000381 - o-static
M000534 - SiRacer420
M000580 - Southern Pride
M001864 - crmnjst
M002647 - Ramzey21
M002810 - OXM-I
M002834 - fin7
M003004 - banarno
M003041 - YellowA4
M004271 - oakley1242
M004641 - o-believer
M004706 - o-believer
M005050 - FactoryPilot1975
M005157 - SWE_PL_MAN
M005351 - paulooakley10
M005787 - WeoBadallo
M007128 - filmetal
M007139 - dragonvoi
M007314 - Alekxandon
M007405 - Thom
M007412 - Alekxandon
M009507 - losepia
M010165 - yoko
M010294 - meanboss
M010558 - dragonvoi
M011015 - O-AFX
M011164 - dereck
M011196 - gamb-o
M012077 - yoko
M012243 - RubyMars
M012360 - paquit0
M012369 - bomb oakley
M012386 - Glaydson Mike
M012417 - dragonvoi
M012642 - meanboss
M012869 - Revolution
M013029 - Ramzey21
M013191 - Shady Day
M013436 - Perrosoft
M015005 - BiGCoB
M015426 - cassius_20
M016668 - bomb oakley
M017489 - brian
M017590 - yoko
M018046 - Tatt22er
M019455 - Shady Day
M019629 - paulooakley10
M019933 - o-static
M020051 - Ramzey21
M020234 - BiGCoB
M020648 - supersharp
M020722 - ShadyOak
M021645 - BIER041
M021868 - supersharp
M021870 - dragonvoi
M021883 - tiagott2
M022013 - sombra
M022602 - yodu180
M023015 - paulooakley10
M023065 - Alekxandon
M023153 - paquit0
M023158 - HoakleyRobb
M023166 - arvinjay
M023166 - O-AFX
M023219 - TUNRLUV
M023220 - O-AFX
M023229 - O-AFX
M023239 - O-AFX
M023361 - SiRacer420
M023395 - MicahS
M023414 - Ramzey21
M023575 - brewc
M023718 - BiGCoB
M024144 - adamjmoore
M024303 - hkwinger
M024366 - lopescnd
M024583 - cozzmeaux
M024956 - Funky-Trixtar
Additions to this list are through the Collection Tracker, by filling in the Serial field for an X-Metal. Do ensure the proper characters and length is correct to ensure consistency.
O-Review Logo & Design
© 2004-2024 Atom Crown Design and DCJ Productions.
Product Images, Logos and Artwork © 1975-2024 Oakley Inc.
All personal photos © 2004-2024 by their owners...or Rick.