Family: Eyewear


Mark -
Have this for awhile now on my Monster Dog. The colour is amazing to look at, simply stunning. Looking through it is even better. Used it at the beaches in Phuket, Thailand recently, it adds a nice effect looking out to sea, I especially recommend looking at waves as sometimes you can see right through them. Havent used it in deep sea per se' didn't go that far but I did look at deep sea ocean under me when Im in the plane, sure enough it cuts through light clouds and into the ocean, STUNNING.

Incredible Technology. Really unique and worth your money if you go to the sea often.

I do have one gripe though, I bought this from someone and it has an Iridium 'bubble'? Its sort of a tiny 'dot/glitter' on the lens. It doesn't impede vision but bugs the hell out of me since its not perfect. Checked out the same models in 3 other shops that carries it, and 3 of them has the same problem (in different parts of the lens), but only 1 was perfect. I'd say Oakley's quality control is slipping since Luxottica took over, so I rate it 4.5 for QC but 5 for lens.

Oh yeah, its hydrophobic too so I wasn't worried when I abused it at the beach
just saying -
The Oakley website lists the light transmission as 17%
Hope that clears up some confusion
Dmitri -
To bright for me. I keep on squinting. Polarization is great but it feels like u wearing a regular grey lens on. I now upgraded to Gold Iridium Polarized and its much better.
B3 -
I love this lens for driving. If wearing them outside in direct sunlight, I find they are not as comfortable as darker lenses, although the iridium coating is brilliant in direct light. The mid-range transmission coupled with polarization makes them a great lens to keep in the car.
jjkrause1 -
Just bought a pair of Monster Dogs with these lenses. Love them. The deep blue iridium is mostly blue with a hint of teal in the middle and purple on the edges... but not much. I'm not a fan of purple but I still love these.

A friend of mine let me wear his Grey Polarized Jupiters the other day and I'd say the Deep Blue is exactly the same to look through as those, even though the light transmission is listed as 7% less. They seem a lot lighter than 10%. Not a bad thing though.
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