s3an_looi: Sean Looi
July 7th, 2006 - 17 years ago (694 logins)Last Login16 years ago
Hello everybody..

I'd say my interest in Oakley glasses was influenced by my uncle. When I was a kid, he first had a Ti E-Wire, which I borrowed and lent it to a friend, who lost it eventually (bummer).

Then he got himself a Romeo and since then, I've been awed by Oakley's designs, especially the X-Metal series. The designs are so radical!

A short while later, the 1st X-Men movie was released. Damn, I was eyeing Cyclops glasses the whole time! I'd watch those scenes over and over again. I just had to have a pair.

So when I was a teenager with no cash, I got myself a pair of plastic Juliets and Romeos. The stems broke because they were so thin. Oh well... I didn't expect them to last anyway.

So now that I'm 20 (as of 2006), I managed to get my hands on a TRUE Ruby Juliet. The desire to have one has not died throughout the years. I'm glad I got myself a pair.

Out of curiousity, I also got myself a pair of polarized half jackets to see how polarization will affect my view. Again, I'm impressed by Oakley's lens technology.

You won't go wrong with this one!

Please visit my blog at: http://www.sithp3rsona.blogspot.com

I'd love to see some comments and feedback from you guys. It gives me motivation to carry on.






Nov 16, 2007 6:25 PM
I've got a question. Do all +Red M-frame lenses look the same or are there variations i.e. the Ruby Iridium.
Nov 12, 2007 8:15 PM
Oh well.. nothing much to look at compared to the photographs here, but this is one of the best looking shots of my Ruby Juliets:

Nov 12, 2007 3:57 PM
Damn it Pitom! I want those ruby lenses of yours!!

Anyways, my O-holy Grail would be these:

Nov 9, 2007 3:03 PM
Keep it up guys! The photographs here are superb...
Nov 5, 2007 6:37 AM
I am loving this thread... those photographs are amazing!
Nov 1, 2007 5:13 PM
I'm not wearing any O's in this shot, and this is why I need my Oakleys:

A friend of mine did these for me. I wanted that Isaac Mendez and Peter Petrelli effect from Heroes. But everything turned out freaky.
Sep 13, 2007 7:48 PM
Here's a stupid question:

I'm going to Australia for 3 weeks. Which of the following should I pick if I were to choose ONE:

Option A: Juliet/Ruby Iridium
Option B: Half Jacket/Ti Pol XLJ
Aug 6, 2007 5:15 PM
I have no idea. I'm eyeing those Ruby Quartz Plus8 ones and are waiting fr someone who has em to comment. I think the available color options Keystone provides are amazing.
Jul 30, 2007 4:17 PM
You can find a lot of these in Malaysia's selected night markets... A LOT. The O-matter ones are in abundant.. but no X-metal replicas there.
Jul 30, 2007 4:12 PM
How did you make a Pearl White Juliet, Pit0M?

I was just looking on Ebay and I noticed that Keystone has successfully developed a Ruby Quartz Plus8 for Juliets, Pennies, XX's, Romeos and Mars. I am really really tempted to get these...

But I'd like to see if any of you have already purchased these. Do post up shots because maybe the auction shots are all very nicely arranged to show deep purple. As we all know Ruby Iridiums are really really tricky to photograph.

Thanks in advance!
Jul 29, 2007 11:54 AM
You and your girl has a special O-bond, pit0m. LOL! I'm the only Oakley crazy person in my family. It's sad...
Jul 27, 2007 4:30 AM
AMZING! You've got some really nice ones pit0m. Can you take some shots wearing them in the sunlight? Just red based? Any mirror? I wanna see if I get get an optician to make one for me.
Jul 16, 2007 7:37 PM
Hey guys... in the following Metacafe video (link), this guy is wearing my Ruby Juliets and making sounds with his armpit. He's really really good. He's hoping to get as many views and above 3 out of 5 rating so that he can register for the producer rewards and get some money...

Anyways... check this video out, this made me laugh non-stop!
Jun 9, 2007 1:03 PM
cyclops dude.. are you like... the real deal?
like r u james Marsden dude? (read like ashton kutcher voice and tone)
coz if you are, u got to wear AWESOME shades..
can you hook me up with one of those visors?
Honestly I was thinking the EXACT same thing.
Jun 9, 2007 1:02 PM
Jun 7, 2007 8:09 PM
Taking photographs of ruby iridiums are really tricky. 90% of the time it looks more orangy and reddish, but actually to my eyes it's darker than that.
Jun 3, 2007 8:54 PM
Cyclops x is being such a tease...

How many of those are there in the world? how did you get those babies?? Amazing... you lucky guy!!
Jun 2, 2007 6:31 AM
OMG... I envy you Cyclops X.. To put it lightly...

Those are really awesome.. AWESOME!!!
Jun 1, 2007 6:00 AM
come on, xmetal... we must have pictures...
May 31, 2007 9:15 PM
OMG.. I want more pictures on that visor!! And that juliet too! Looks bloody red...

That visor looks authentic. Tell us more about it PLEEEEASE....
May 31, 2007 2:59 PM
What? only 15-30minutes? I was gonna let them soak overnight LOL!!! For that dark red lenses =P I'll look up RIT dye on google or something. Cos I have no idea what that is.

Here are the lenses that I'm gonna try it on. I cannot find those fake-oakley lenses so I will use my scratched +red lenses, my snapped black zeroes and my sister's tinted fake glasses =P

One way to immortalize something is via pictures.. so here's mine before I start. +red lenses are one of the best looking ones and I am soo regretful that I trashed this one at the beach.. I was swimming around with this in my pocket and when sand got in.. it's a sad story =(

May 31, 2007 6:12 AM
Never did get to it. My final exams are coming up and after that I'll do it. I've got everything ready. I've got some cheap fake-oakley lenses from a long time ago (back when i was a kid) and I'm gonna use those lenses to experiment on. Also I've got a scratched-up-so-it's-useless pair of +red lenses for an eye jecket which I am going to use too.

I am just thinking of what is the best method to soak the lenses and how to take it out avoiding any smears, or parts that are too concentrated. How to get the colour even...

Sorry guys... really sorry...
May 31, 2007 6:09 AM
1. X-metal/Ruby Iridium
2. X-metal/Black Polarized
3. Polished/Blue Iridium
May 21, 2007 4:49 PM
Yeah.. I'm sure he didn't mean to do that. He's excited about the lens and I would be too!

Oh btw... Speaking of rubies, my desperation for a pair has brought forth this crazy idea... simple... and cheap.

I'm thinking I will need either Black iridium lenses for the Juliet or a custom clear juliet lens. Then I'm just gonna soak these lenses in concentrated red food dye/colouring overnight. And tomorrow I will have my home-made ruby lenses!

I know I sound kinda stupid... possibly noob-ish too.
May 20, 2007 8:27 PM
I cant help smiling hearing Dax talk about the +red, how it can change colour but the part that was very funny was "no other lens can do this" because I was thinking .. yeah... my Juliet goes from purple to yellow.

Still... it looks AWESOME. Good job Keystone.
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