Family: Eyewear

Base: VR50
Coating: Emerald Iridium
Transmission: 46
Purpose: Increased Contrast
Lighting: Flat To Low Light

VR50 Emerald Iridium
Titanium Lens 3
VR50 Emerald Iridium
Titanium Lens 4
VR50 Emerald Iridium

mcpimplestein -
Splice Goggles, emerald iridium -

- Great clarity and contrast.
- Tint is very subtle and makes things look natural to the eye.
- the lens looks much more 'blue' than 'green', only green from some angles.
epicenter -
This review is in reference to the VR50 Emerald Iridiums for Crowbar snow goggles. This is hands-down the best all-around and most versatile lens for snow goggles. After using a myriad of other lens colors in all kinds of conditions, I've found the VR50 Emerald Iridiums have the widest range of applications. They are excellent in everything from a sunny day to dim/flat light conditions. They even perform well in the extremes of super-bright and night time riding, but of course Oakley has more "specialized" lens that would do you best for those conditions (for example fire iridium and high intensity yellow, respectively). The VR50 base is a great middle-of-the-line tint and the iridium coating darkens it down a bit while providing good contrast. The coating isn't blatantly green as the "emerald" description implies. I'd say the coating reflects as a combo of green, blue, with a slight look of pink iridium and gold iridium. The color changes depending on the angle (similar to how the fire iridium changes). The iridium also provides that coveted mirror finish. No question, these are the best looking and the best performing snow goggle lens out there. Worth every penny.
monis821 -
I have these lenses for one month now and I love it. I'm recommending them 100%
DoctorCrip -
Very hard to find, but it is certainly worth it if you do. VR50 Emerald Iridium is an exceptional lens to both look through as well as look at. Though it won't do too great a job in bright conditions, it is a fantastic option for lower light conditions. I only wish it was available in more styles.
BullyVW -
I have these custom cut for Eyepatches. I love them. They're not great on really bright days, but they're good for those hazy, but semi-bright days where there's no excuse not to wear shades.
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