Oakley Timeline
  • Jim Jannard started the company out of the back of his trunk.
  • Oakley Grips were created
  • 1978
  • Oakley Grip II released moving back to a traditional cylindrical design, but retaining unobtainium advantage.

  • 1980's
  • The Oakley Goggle was prototyped against Jannard better judgement. Appeared with rainbow strap and in a few colors.
  • Oakley Goggle soon replaced with the O Frame and Pro Frame geared for MX use.
  • Smaller Grip .5 and large asymmetrical Grip 3 released. Both were sold in bags rather than hanging boxes.

  • 1981
  • F1 Grip System released utilizing a separate sleeve made from a stiffer unobtainium. Box was changed to a hexagonal format.

  • 1982
  • B1-B Guidance System released similar to F1 with the separate sleeve, but in the style of the original grips.

  • 1983
  • B2 Guidance System moves back to single grip component but retains doughnut to prevent rubbing against base.
  • L Frame was created in the same style of the O Frame, but designed for use over glasses.
  • Current goggles become MX variants (O/Pro/L Frame MX) and snow specific goggles are simply O Frame (Pro/L)

  • 1984
  • Last grip is released, the O Wing Grip. No boxes are used and instead they fit in a clip.
  • First glasses released called Oakley Lites, then Factory Pilot Eyeshades. Designed based on O Frame, but with a thin frame and earstems.

  • 1985
  • First entry in the Blade System is released simply called the Blade.
  • Frogskins are released being the first dual lens glasses and taking cues from the styles at the time.

  • 1986
  • The Razor Blade reduces the height of the lens in the Blade System, similar to the modern Strike lens.

  • 1989
  • The final but not as common Slit makes the final addition to the Blade System.
  • The Mumbo initially appears with V, 67 and Hybrid lens options.

  • 1990's
  • The Mumbo is changed to the M Frame

  • 1991
  • The M Frame adds the Strip, Heater and Sweep lenses and limited Splatter frames.
  • The second run of Frogskins appear replacing the metal hinge with an integrated one. The screened logo is replaced with the raised logo as appearing on the Blade System.

  • 1992
  • Sub Zero's are released marking the start of the Zero line. #1 and #2 are available
  • The first wire, the E Wire is released.

  • 1993
  • The O Frame (and Pro/L) append 'Snow' to the end to differentiate the MX and Snow versions. Both versions still use the Classic Logo, but move into print frames rather than solid colors.
  • M Frame Slash and Strike lens options are available.
  • Sub Zero's #3-6 & N2T are available. #1n, #2n & #3n replaced their original counterparts later in the year.
  • Zero 0.1-0.6 appear as the Sub Zero fades away.

  • 1994
  • The Jacket line appears with the Eye Jacket, Oakley's first computer generated design. The Raised Icon appears and becomes the default logo on most glasses.
  • The Wire line expands with a Titanium version of the E Wire called the T Wire.
  • The M Frame lineup conforms to the Raised Icon logo and adds fangs on the end of the ear stems for greater grip.

  • 1995
  • The Trenchcoat offers a larger version of the Eye Jacket

  • 1996
    Many changed occurs during this year
  • The Rx line starts on the E Wire
  • The Goggle line add a low cost E Frame, and a water specific H2O Frame. All models now adapt the thin stretch logo.
  • The Zero 0.4 adds two new shapes, the Squared and Squared Small.
  • Zero 0.1-0.3 alter their lenses from a round inner shape to a slightly flattened one. 0.2 & 0.3 also come in a #P option for Polished. The Zero 0.6 comes in an N2T option like the original Sub Zero, with the original Sub Zero lens.
  • Early in the year sport-specific M Frames are released for Baseball, Cricket, Golf and Tennis.
  • Straight Jacket and Square Wire expand their lines
  • Towards the end of the year, the Pro M Frame offers a hinge-less design that is sculpted in the style of the Jacket range rather than the boxy Zero and older M Frames.
  • Curvy New Frogskins replace the Classic model in December.

  • 1997
  • The Pro M Frame adds the Heater option as well as the sports-specific options.
  • First X-Metal appears, the Romeo.
  • Topcoat and Fives added to Jacket and Frogskins line

  • 1998
  • The Jet Intake port, modeled after the X-Metal temples, appears this year only as a replacement for the raised icon. It is applied to the Racing Jacket, Moon and initial release of the Minute.
  • A new updated Goggle, the A Frame, appears.
  • The Mars is added to the X-metal line, Tens to the Frogskins, and A Wire to the Wires.
  • Oakley enters the watch market with the Titanium Time Bomb.

  • 1999
    1999 issues a line-wide change to new model styles.
  • Eye Jacket, Straight Jacket, M Frame and Zero 0.4 all are prefixed with 'New' (Minute updates as well but does not become the New Minute)
  • True Metal Icons replace the Raised Icons and Jet Intake on the Minute. Racing Jacket and Moon keep their styles.
  • Wires also start to update to new styles, but suffix 2.0 on the end instead of prefix with 'New'. T Wire is modeled after the Square Wire instead of the E Wire.
  • The Wires line adds the OO glasses inspired by Michael Jordan. They are not met with 100% approval by Oakley.
  • X-Metal XX is added to X-Metal line.
  • First Summer Apparel appears outside small runs of clothing
  • Smaller versions of the Time Bomb called the Icon and Icon Small are released.
  • Precursor to the BTO line appears for the Racing Jacket and Pro M Frame.

  • 2000's
    Line-wide changes continue throughout this year
  • Wires finish transitioning to 2.0 notation with the A Wire and a Spring Hinge variant. The C Wire is also released with the 2.0 sculpting and spring hinge. Two more OO frames based on the A Wire and E Wire lens shapes also come out.
  • The O Frame (and Pro/H2O) is updated to a new look which is more fluid. The E Frame is not changed and still continued to be compatible with lenses dating back to the early 80's.
  • For Jackets, a 'sequel' to the Eye Jacket is released with a 2.0, but unlike the other line-wide updates, this is a new model with no connection to the original. The Racing Jacket is modified for water use with a strap in the form of the Water Jacket. The Four comes out in the Frogskins line.
  • Oakley releases another watch but as a digital, called the D1.
  • The Overthetop is created and continued the practice of producing bizarre designs that challenge convention.

  • 2001
  • Wire updates include the E Wire 2.1, which wasn't much like E Wire. A series of three Why glasses come out based on thin X-metal titanium frames. The Why 1 and 2 have O Matter orbitals, and the Why 3 is rimless
  • The Four is copied and reduced to a smaller model called the Four S. The Fives is updated minorly to the 2.0 and does retain the style of the original, but adds the current true metal icon fixture.
  • The Scar is the only addition to the Jackets family, and like the recent watches and wires, contains X-metal in the form of a lug on the hinge.
  • The next X-metal is released and is the first to not share the hinge styling of the first four. The Penny contains a spring hinge and is devoid of any logos. Oakley tries magnesium as a frame material and releases the Mag Switch as a lower cost metal frame alternative.
  • Several new watches are released. Another digital, the D.5 and three similarly styled analog watches, the Crush, Bullet, and Torpedo.

  • 2002
  • A return to sports frames brings the Half Jacket, which allows for easily swappable lenses. Arrays and Build to Order programs enhance the choices.
  • Two other Jackets, the Eye Jacket 3.0 (again with no connection to the original) and Half Pint for children use the Half Jacket hammer stem styling. The Splice is released later on, but has its own look. For the Frogskins, the Fate is released with the traditional pitted stems and lack of unobtainium.
  • Wires released are the Half Wire and Wiretap. The Wiretap uses the stem style of the Half Jacket. Also due to minimum lens height requirements that prohibited the sale of the Penny in Australia cause Oakley to create a larger Square Wire 2.0 30mm frame.
  • Magnesium continues to be used in the Mag version of the Four and M Frame.
  • Two more digital watches come out, the D2 and D3. Crush 2.0, 2.5 and the Detonator are released as analog.
  • The Medusa Hat costing $500 and made from leather is made. Maynard from Tool wears one during his tour that year.

  • 2003
    A short year for Oakley.
  • Another child's frame, the XS Fives, is released. Pocket and Halo (later Haylon) join the Frogskins. For men, the Monster Dog is available giving a larger frame at a lower price point.
  • The Scar is discontinued, but replaced by the Plate created from ultrasonic welding of separate O Matter pieces, and the Valve.
  • A larger version of the Square Wire 2.0 called the Big Square Wire is released and is about the size of the original Square Wire. The teaspoon comes out for women.
  • Only one watch, the GMT designed for travel, is released.

  • 2004
  • The start of the year brought out a few rimless designs. The Dartboard and New Zero, with its three variants, came out in the Spring. A larger version of the Monster Dog called the Monster Doggle and a non-X-metal based Why release, the Why 8.0 and 8.1, came out soon after.
  • In late spring/early summer, a new watch was released called the Blade. It built upon the styling of the Crush watches.
  • The Unknown, which was slated to replace the Minute came along side two new models set exclusively for ski & surf shops. This stretchline collection introduced a heavystretch version of the stretch logo and replace the icon on the temple. These two models were the Fatcat and Warden.
  • The Fall brought the Judge, an all metal watch, the Thump, an MP3 playing eyewear piece, and the Romeo 2.0, a new X-metal.
  • With magnesium not being used as a material, and aluminum alloy called O-luminum was used to create the Hatchet.
  • Also this year, certain models were released as Asian Fit, which either through nosepieces or bridge structuring, allowed the glasses to fit better on asian faces.

  • 2005
  • The metal lineup of watches expands with the Jury. Also available is a leather band version as well as the Saddleback, which is only available in leather. Late in the year, the Time Tank was released effectivley replacing the Time Bomb, but without the o-engine.
  • Larger and alternate versions of current models appeared early in the year. The Dartboard L expanded on the Dartboard lens, and the Why 8.2 also had slightly larger and square lenses. The Crosshair offered a non-stretchline aviator wire, while the Warden switched to trigger earstems rather than the hammers. The Whisker moved to a smaller version of the A Wire, with the lenses being similar, but stems thinner.
  • Oakley stopped publicly using the Jacket/Frogskin catagories, and switched to O Matter for all plastic based glasses, despite introducing a new model based on Acetate rather than their O Matter formula.
  • The Bottlecap added another half-frame to what was the Jacket range, while the Gascan was released into what was the Frogskins. The Riddle, which was made from Acetate like the Haylon and many Rx frames, appeared with a shield lens.
  • The Stretchline range was expanded with a re-release of the RazorBlade, and soon after, the Montefrio by Shaun White. A version of the Gascan and Riddle were both considered for stretchline sales as well.
  • The Thump was upgraded mid-release to the Thump 1.5 with a few new colorways and more memory.
  • A bluetooth enabled headset in the form of a Half-wire, made an appearance as the last model to use O-luminum as a frame material.
  • The holiday season brought a new Thump, the 2.0 based on the Gascan as well as a Pro version of the Racing Jacket, which was essentially the Water Jacket with its larger nosepiece and vented lenses, only without the strap.
  • A new goggle called the Crowbar was released in both Snow and MX variants.
  • Through a partnership with Fox Racing, three models of glasses were released using Oakley materials, but not Oakley technology. Some new colorways like the gradient lenses appeared here first however.

  • 2006
  • The Gascan inspired more designs throughout the year. A larger version resulted in the Oil Drum, and a smaller with the Fives 3.0. The Fives 3.0 was originally going to be the Gascan S, but didn't end up being so.
  • The least few models of the Stretchline range were releases. The Twitch and Eye Patch were of the same design, but in different sizes.
  • Another potential version of the Gascan Small was released as the Canteen, which was also originally Jaws/Sharkbite.
  • In Spring the women specific line opened up with three model, one wire, one acetate and one O Matter. There were the Dart, Script and Grapevine. Rather than using the script logo on the temple, they reverted back to the standard icon since there was no further need to differentiate female glasses.
  • Two new wires were released mid-year that built upon existing models. The Crosshair S was a smaller version of the original, but modeled after the Warden lens shape. The Square Wire added a third release simply called the New Square Wire. The Spike was original however and had a bulkier frame. Finally the Razrwire was optionally sold without the bluetooth unit.
  • Finally towards the end of the year an official Gascan S was released. The Holiday season also brought the third Thump called the Thump Pro based on the Bottlecap. The M Frame prototype that Lance Armstrong wore in the Tour de France became available through military sales. The last frame of the year was the Monster Pup based on the Monster Dog.

  • 2007
  • In the Spring, the Rx line up updated with more models set specifically for men and women. Another batch were released in the Fall.
  • Three new womens models came out in the general eyewear catagory, conforming to the Wire, Acetate and O Matter lines.
  • Oakley recognized that the sport-specific range had not bee updated since the 2002 Half Jacket, and added a new half-frame and shield model, the Flak Jacket and Radar respectively. Later in the summer, a Straight Stemmed version of the Radar was released as a Baseball specific model, and as a female option.
  • In mid-spring, the Stretchline collection was officially abandoned, however the concept of ski & surf exclusives remained. BLOCline editions were used to denote special colorways that would not be in every store. The remainder of the ex-Stretch glasses adopted the square icon and formed the new Square O line, which drew a distinction between the sports, lifestyle and fashion pieces. Most transferred in April, while the Warden didn't move until June. Old stock with the stretch logo were still available in non-ski/surf shops until the official redesign. Additionally an original Square O piece was added called the Hijinx.
  • The artist series kicked off earlier with the original Flores design, but then commercially with another Flores, this time in blue. However due to legal problems with Flores, this design was scrapped and replaced with a Hijinx designed by Art Chantry. A Bottle Green Eye Patch, Red/Black Twitch and White Montefrio (by Shaun White) were promised, but never materialized. Instead a pigeon themed Eye Patch by Todd Francis and a Black Gascan by the London Police were released throughout the year.
  • After a long period of speculation, the orginal Frogskins design was brought back. In April with a partnership with Supreme, special editions of the Frogskins were release based on classic colorways, save for the White City print. In June, a collectors series set at a more reasonable price point was scheduled to be released, also based on classic colors except for the Glow in the Dark. Each was released on a different month orginally from June to September, but in reality was August through November. All four were released overseas prior to this, with the Glow in the dark colorway missing the 'trouble' print on the inside of the earstem.
  • To compete with Maui Jim's flexon wires, the Nanowire range was created using Oakley's own memory metal. Three versions were released, the first two as dual lens rimless, and the third as a rimless shield.
  • One new watch became available called the Holeshot, and came in three different configurations with varying dials and sizes.
  • The Jacket range was added to with updates to the Minute and Straight Jacket. Oddly, the Minute adopted the 2.0 notation, while the newer Straight Jacket kept its name publicly, beign called New Straight Jacket officially, but never drawing a distinction between the other New Straight Jacket. A 'II' suffix is added on this site to differentiate, but it is not official.
  • As with most holiday seasons, a forth Thump was released based on the Hijinx called the Split Thump. This version has removable speakers so they could look like non-electronic eyewear when not in use.

  • 2008
  • In January, the next round of female specific glasses were released, this time offering five new models rather then three, the Acetate and O Matter catagories both having two options.
  • A new Square O model called the Oil Rig, based on the Oil Drum earstems and the Riddle orbital, was added. While March was the official release date, they appeared on British webstores.
  • Half-wire inspired glasses appeared on several models between March and April. The Half Wire added a 2.0 version, as well as two other. The new X-metal was also based on a half-frame design.
  • An original watch called the Crankcase, coming in multiple versions like the Holeshot, was added to the Analog line. Updated to the Judge and Jury also provided more options.
  • posted by Dann
    Twenty Fifty
    Sep 5, 2013 6:44 AM
    Not sure if this is legible on your screen, but this 1990 ad may help in terms of tidbits:

    Dann Thombs
    Sep 5, 2013 1:41 PM
    Thanks. I know there's some things that need to be fixed here, and I also need to get the database driven timeline up, but there seemed to be some tactic knowledge contained in the writeup that I didn't want to fall by the wayside. I'll probably put these into the official timeline entries and eventually remove this page.

    O-Review Logo & Design
    © 2004-2025 Atom Crown Design and DCJ Productions.
    Product Images, Logos and Artwork © 1975-2025 Oakley Inc.
    All personal photos © 2004-2025 by their owners...or Rick.