Family: RX

Black (Lens 1)
Black (Lens 3)
Brown (Lens 1)
Brown (Lens 2)
Brown (Lens 3)
Cobalt (Lens 1)
Cobalt (Lens 2)
Cobalt (Lens 3)
Titanium (Lens 1)
Titanium (Lens 2)
Titanium (Lens 3)
Titanium Matte Gold (Lens 1)
Titanium Matte Gold (Lens 2)
Titanium Matte Gold (Lens 3)

rodney_moffitt -
Frame: Black
Lens: Clear
My everyday frames - lightweight, tough and fantastic lookingMy everyday frames - lightweight, tough and fantastic looking. The number of times I've dropped them is, frankly, embarrasing, but they still loke good.
I did, however, have to bend them a little around the hinges because they seemed to stand out too far at my temples; once I did that they looked a whole lot better.
TekDragon -
Frame: Titanium
Lens: Clear
This is such a great frame. It just screams Oakley, but yet in a very sophisticated way. I have a really good Oakley Rx dealer here in Fargo, and he said there was no way he'd put the lens in, so I sent it to Oakley to have authentic O Rx lenses in them. I got a free large half-case and they do have the Rx "O" icon in the corner of the lens, but man did the lens cost a pretty penny. I actually think the lens cost more than the frame. I think the frame was $225 and the lenses were $245. That's the only thing that's kept me from updating my Rx. These were my first pair of Rx and I still love them.
OakleyMonster -
Frame: Black and Red
Lens: non-Oakley RX

Comfortable pair of RX if you can get them to fit right. I bought this frame on eBay, and brought it to my eye doctor for the script. MISTAKE. The lab broke 3 sets of lenses trying the get it adjusted. It still never fit quite right. Oakley really is ahead of the curve because not all optical labs are able to make the correct len rake nad wrap for the rimless frame.

The frame also chipped very easily, leaving silver spots in the black finish.

Just make sure you send this one to Oakley for your RX lenses!
LEX7 -
Frame: Black With Red Ear Socks
Lens: Light Blue RX

These are perfect if you need a prescription Oakley.
They are super comfortable and light and because I mainly use them for when I'm on my computer or in bright computer rooms I had the light blue lens to tone everything down which is perfect.
I fully recommend these.
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Product Images, Logos and Artwork © 1975-2024 Oakley Inc.
All personal photos © 2004-2024 by their owners...or Rick.