Family: Soft Case

Safeguard your performance eyewear in a lightweight chamber of durable, reinforced nylon. The SOFT VAULT ICON BOX holds an M FRAME

ball5out -
I converted mine to fit 2 pairs of glasses in it and they are well cushioned all around. I added more foam and now I get to take 2 pairs with me daily for day and night. the box being that its a soft box, still is pretty sturdy and can definitely protect ur precious babies in it
Pander -
The case is very big and only useful for glasses that do not fold, like (Pro) M-Frame, Racing Jackets and Water Jackets. Other pairs just won't fit properly, but for those it's the perfect way for transportation.
I myself changed the foam on the inside to create a case for three different pairs so that I do not need several cases when I go on a vacation or something. Very easy to do and very useful to have!
siberyan -
A very very big case, very bad for carrying around.. Useful only to store the eyewear at home, but who needs a protective case at home??
LEX7 -

The only sensible way to store Racing jackets cos they dont bend.
they keep them nice and safe with the large micro bag too,
the case is very big so not very suitable for carrying around with you but fine for traveling.
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