Jeff Ogden
May 16, 2006 5:55 PM
Brian, great post and i see what you are saying. Oakley is a strong minded company that will NEVER admit they they missed the boat on anything. But heres the problem. A company as large as Oakley needs to grow and not shrink. They need to find a niche and drive with it. For instance. The golf industry is an almost $2billion a year industry. Nike makes 38% of its annual revenue from its golf division. Oakley makes a handful of shoes and a few shirts and accessories. However, you can buy a hat with Oakley golf tees but you cant buy the tees seperately. HUGE LOSS. I goto ALL the major trade shows every year that Oakley participates in. Surf Expo in Orlando, the major eye and sunwear show in NYC, SIA in Las Vegas. I see Oakley doing realllllly well. But what the venders really want, Oakley doesnt give them. When they wantto order more merchandise, Oakley doesnt have it availible in the colors/size or at all. Thats poor in my opinion. If you have ever dealt with Oakley in the sales world, you know the backorder game. After awhile, it sucks.

Cal Poly is a highschool in Cali that Oakley completely sponsors. Yes, they do make regular sporting attire, or atleast they brand it with the O. And if they dont do it on a regular basis, why not? What is to lose? MONEY???? No, the money is there.

I have worked for Oakley on and off for a few years. I value and respect the company, however when you posse a question of something changing, you are immediately wrong, no questions asked. I look at Oakley as a company that is scared to take their name to the next level. They dont seem to REALLY get it either. When they first came out with clothing, the clothing SUCKS and im most cases still does. The sizing is all flawed and the colors fade. Its been a problem since the first O-Stores opened and I was there for it.

Im an O-Freak, but for many reasons. Mostly because I own ALOT of OO Stock and miss the 24-26 days. But i dont want to see OO losing market share and fighting to be the little fish in the big pond of sporting good and accesories.

Yes my alma-mater is in the TB Area. where are you from?
BigMac .
May 16, 2006 6:54 PM
They need to have a little better "fatboy" size selection...

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