Ryan: Ryan Arbabi
Manchester UK
August 16th, 2004 - 19 years ago (198 logins)Last Login17 years ago






Jun 22, 2006 5:35 PM
Even I, with my immense knowledge of all things physics related didn't know some of this stuff...

If you sell Oakleys here is a lot more "science" to help you sell:

Apr 7, 2006 3:23 PM
I seriously doubt the whole "only 500 carbon ichiros" thing, cos back in the day i must have sold 5 on my own and at least 10 passed through the place i worked...
Apr 7, 2006 3:01 PM
I need a wisdom sized ice iridium lens, now i'm pretty sure they don't exist, but i only need something of a similar size and shape, any ideas???
Feb 26, 2006 12:41 PM
i was wondering what ti would be like to have each of the gaps in the grill filled with a specially cut lens, but i figured it would mess up the xyz optics
Feb 26, 2006 12:39 PM
No, we were in alp d'huez in the french alps and if you all wanna pretend that the girl is wearing x-men juliets thats fine by me...
Feb 25, 2006 10:12 PM
cooked up this little project in my head 3350m up in the french alps, staring through my wisdoms, admiring the optical clarity.

Feb 25, 2006 10:07 PM

Just got back from a snowboarding holiday... it rocked.

How cool is this picture of me and my friends, looks like an advert, it wasn't a pose or anything we just sortof all sat down and then someone took a photo.

I'm on the left with my thumps, my mate luke is left/middle with juliets, nelson is on the right with the wisdoms.

Anna is in the middle - shame she wasn't wearing oakleys, it would have made it an even better pic.
Feb 23, 2006 5:00 PM
I got dark grey frame with Ice polarised lenses and blue ear socks/nose peices, there should be a pic around the site somewhere - my sister has gone on holiday and take my digital camera so i can't take neew pics for you
Jan 15, 2006 3:46 PM
it was entirely an accident, her hair got caught in the buttons on the sleve of his suit, then when he moved she got dragged over an hit her head on a table.
Jan 14, 2006 3:32 PM
I've hung out with american hi-fi, hoobastank, less than jake and a bunch of other bands after gigs. in 1996 i had christmas dinner with ryan giggs, and matthew kelly knocked my sister unconcious.
Jan 11, 2006 11:56 AM
I've left my job at freespirit now, but when i worked there, O used to do compatitons twice a year. It used to be whoever sold the most in an 8week period got all their staff to go snowboarding for free (which is pretty cool considering there was about 30 of us) or all got a pair of thumps (and there were second and third prizes too) and we used to win hands down all the time cos we took like £20k more than the freespirit that came second, but then all the other freespirits complained so now they do it on a % increase on last year which we had no chance of winning....
Jan 9, 2006 4:44 PM
I'd like to contribute, but don't have much time to give...
i would be good at checking formatting continuity, i think that would be important - also my dad owns a company that does CD and DVD duplication, and specialises in business card sized cds, so if the book ended up under 50Mb, then maybe it could be distributed that way too, then they would only be about 70p ($1) each including label printing and everything.

(obviously not instead of the book but as an alternative and cheaper way of distribution)
Nov 23, 2005 3:05 PM
After 4 years of experiance changing hundreds of half jacket lenses I have found that it tends to be the frame rather than the lenses, i know this sounds weird, but i've had lenses that fit fine in one frame but not at all in another, dark grey and dark grey FMJ are the worst (btw, i am talking about polarised lenses, regular ones fit just fine in all frames) yet my dark grey frame fits my ice polar lense just fine, yet the right lens wont fit at all into my friends jet black frame.

Also, they tend to have teething problems, after a while of forcing them in and out, it gets easier.
Jul 5, 2005 1:39 PM
I was at the university at manchester doing a maths masters and a physiscs masters at the same time, but it sucked ass cos i had 40 hours of lectures/tutorials/workshops a week so i quit and i'm going to do electrical engineering in september.
Jul 5, 2005 1:34 PM
at my shop we have an unlimited returns policy - no time limit, even on oakleys, even on oakleys we didn't sell you in the first place, if they are in mint condition you can exchange them for anything you want in the store.
Jul 5, 2005 1:28 PM
We're selling crosshairs at about 20-25 a week! however in the past month, we've only sold x1 bottlecap, x2riddle, and x1 gascan.
May 27, 2005 11:51 PM
me?... i did, until i swapped the lenses
May 27, 2005 2:28 PM
oh crap, i told her about this site, so i'm gonna look like a real weirdo if she comes here.
May 27, 2005 2:28 PM
Hey guys, i got you all beat. Yesterday I met a 14 year old girl called Marie, she was a customer in my shop before u say anything...

She was wearing O from head to foot, including black chrome/g30 square wires, and wrist band and finger band!

And she was pleading with her mom to let her trade in some of her premium bonds and it be her birthday and christmas present so she could get a pink crush 2.5.

A 14 year old girl!
May 27, 2005 2:18 PM
black fire doesn't exist, i swapped the lenses from a fmj pair.
Hey, u got fmj/ice ones? and how much?
May 27, 2005 2:14 PM
I figure they stopped doing them altogether, cos of the coating flaking off, especially on half jackets, it was covered under warranty, so it cost them too much to replace. There is a customer who comes in my shop all the time and has gone through like 6 pairs of half jackets cos he is crap at changing the lenses, despite my attempts to teach him.
I think they stopped making the other ones too, cos if you got scratched lenses, it was too easy to flake off a bit of paint and get a whole new pair under warranty.
May 26, 2005 10:41 PM
I've got 2 canvas banners, the black one and the yellow one, Fresspirit exclusive minutes (Dark grey FMJ/Ice/blue 'O' and rubbers)
X-metal/ice/blue rubbers Juliets
Dark Grey/Ice/blue rubbers Half jackets
Black/Fire OTT's
May 4, 2005 1:41 AM
Hey hey hey!!! we got a saddleback delivered today which is number 132 and a Jury that is 033!!
May 4, 2005 1:39 AM
Now don't go putting your addresses or anything on this thread cos you might get some crazy anti-oakley sadists coming round to your house, and/or be highlighting a prime location for potential robberies. But... I'm coming to America on thursday (I'm going to New York, Orlando, Miami, Montreal and Toronto) so if any of you live in those places and wanna go get a beer or something that is cool, or maybe you could suggest some good O-spots for me to check out while i'm there.
May 3, 2005 1:37 AM
Hey guys, everyone check all the romeo 2's you have access to and see weather the left lens (your left as you are wearing them) and see weather the bit of the lens nearest the arm is cut sortof wrong. of the non-polarised romeo 2's i currently have in my shop, all of them have a small kink in the lens. sorry this is a bad discription and i don't have a picture but if you see it you will know exactly what i mean.

What do you guys think?

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