bontddu: Paul Smith
June 30th, 2019 - 4 years ago (6 logins)Last Login1 years ago

Help with replacement lenses
May 29, 2022 1:44 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into Wavecloud.

Thanks again.
May 28, 2022 1:17 PM

Hi O fans, being a fool I have spent a few years putting my Scalpels on my head to the point where the polarised blue lenses are all crazed on the inside; does anyone know of decent replacement lens companies? I see loads on eBay and Amazon, but they all look made in China and quality may be dubious, and I am unsure. I am UK based too.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apr 13, 2020 7:53 PM
Ahhhh! The reason why my Unknot frames are the worst with the bubbling is because they are the ones I used for tennis - sweating like a beast and putting them on my head as the sun went down! Jason, you have cleared up this issue for me, thanks again.
Apr 9, 2020 4:39 PM
Thanks Jason,

I have wised up to the hair product thing, after years of ignoring it! I do clean with lens cleaner, but I think the head and hair thing is the main issue for me. I have ruby lend Juliets from 2000 too, and the lens are like the day I plonked £250 on them, but I have never put these on my head, even inside, the glasses stay on my face! I will get new lenses later on in the year for my Scalpels.

Thanks again, Paul.
Apr 9, 2020 1:27 PM
Hi O fans, some of the lenses are peeling/crazing on the inside of some frames (Scalpel, Unknown, Straight Jackets, Pitbull). Is there any way to fix this or should I be looking for replacement lenses? I have seen people on YouTube use sticky tape, but this also pulls the coating off, making the protection factor of the glasses less. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 23, 2020 3:28 PM
I have loved Oakleys since I bought my first pair, X metal Juliet with ruby lenses (they still make me feel like Cyclops from X-men) and now, 27/28 pairs strong. But, and here is the big but, I am now 43 and thinking that Oakleys are for younger guys, not a European man like me (British/Maltese/French). Whilst I love my straight jackets, I am thinking that they are designed, like most wrap arounds, for a younger man. What do you all think? I would value some thoughts on this as I am considering consolidating my collection.
Jul 2, 2019 7:37 PM
The Game: You are right, I am an idiot! I must have had August on my mind.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I have decided to customise a new pair of Flak 2.0. Black splatter frames and ruby lenses. QLR1 is right, a sporty frame is ideal.
Jun 30, 2019 10:09 AM
Hello O fans, I need some advice please. I will be in Orlando Disney World in two weeks' time and I am thinking that wearing Juliets will not be a sensible choice as they will fog up because of the heat. I am taking three pairs of Oakleys: customised Flak 2.0, half jacket 2.0 with violet lens/white frames and I really want to take my X metal/ruby Juliets, but two years ago the Bad Man frames I took fogged up and i do not want the Juliets to do the same.

O fans who live in Florida or somewhere hot and humid, not like the UK where I am based, what do you think/what are your views? I need some advice!
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