H01B3RG: Chris Hoiberg
Age: 47 / FL
December 31st, 2014 - 9 years ago (1,047 logins)Last Login1 weeks ago
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Not sure... always knew about it.
My fascination with Oakley started in the early 90's when I was in high school. I was 15-16yrs old and competing as a Junior road cyclist and Oakley was making their entry into that market with their optics. I had always wanted Oakley's, but was always too cash strapped needing to invest my funds into upgrading my roadie, riding gear, travel to races & race entry fees... cycling was, and still is, and expensive sport. I had glasses at the time, and Oakley was just bringing the Sub-Zero with Optical Inserts to the market. A cash strapped Junior had no chance of affording this cutting edge technology... I stopped competing after Junior 15-16 Nationals, as a CAT3, and slowly started transitioning to a normal high school life.

It was years later in 1997, after I had stopped competing, had a steady job, and had started wearing contacts, that I purchased my first Oakleys... the Eye Jacket from a Sunglass Hut (still have the receipt). They were everything I imagined and the fit was amazing. I still have them, with the original lens, which have seen their fair share of abuse. They had to be warranty replace twice due to a weak point in the arms, but Oakley replaced them no questions asked. I knew I had found a company that stood behind what they sold...

Over the next 10 years, I slowly acquired several more Oakleys... A-Wires, C-Wires, Half Wires. During this time I met Sarah (I was wearing my Eye Jackets when I first caught her eye), I started my career & we married and started a family. It wasn't long before I was starting to purchase Oakleys for my wife. She lost her first ones into the Gulf of Mexico, they were Fives (Root Beer in color). I replaced them eventually and she then lost those in the Atlantic Ocean years later (it wasn't meant to be). Later in 2004, I purchased her Dartboards... we still have them. The Dartboards were amazing, she wore them every day... this is the point in time that I knew I had created a problem. We were now both obsessed with Oakley Optics.

The Jacksonville O Store opened at some point in 2005... the Dartboards were one of the first purchases I made there and in 2006 I purchased my X-Metal Plasma Juliets (which I had the rivets and membranes replaced at HQ in 2013). December 7th of 2006 was the last purchase (.45 Caliber Jacket) I made at the Jacksonville O Store (029); January 2007 I learned the O Store was closing... sad day; it was my favorite store in the mall to go visit. I would spend 30-60 min in the store talking with the staff about everything Oakley. Goodbyes were exchanged and Jacksonville was Oakley-less.

In September 2007, my wife & I went to NYC for the first time. We took a trip down to SoHo and thought it would be a good idea to find the O Store down there. We had heard about it from the staff at the old Jacksonville O Store. Once we stepped foot in the door, we were both floored, me probably more than my wife. I remember purchasing my first "destination tee" from them, the NYC City Scape.

The SoHo O Store was #2 for me... after this, I sought out O Stores when I traveled to purchase my optics and t-shirts. It wasn't until I started traveling for business in 2009/2010 that I really started visiting more and more Oakley Stores. Since I didn't have an O Store in town, I would do my shopping for clothes when I traveled. Eventually Oakley Women arrived, and now I was bringing home clothes for my wife too...

After 2 years of shopping Oakley while I travel, the rumor showed true in mid-2011, an Oakley Store was returning to Jacksonville; the St Johns O Store (...I still call them O Stores). During this summer (2011), we made a road trip up to Maine, from Florida, for a wedding and stopped at close to 15 O Stores/Vaults... I was pushing close to 35 Oakley Store visits by this point. And in October of 2011, Oakley was open once again in Jacksonville. I immediately stopped in, introduced myself to the Store Mgr. and developed an amazing relationship with her and the staff there.

I still continued to travel... my travel actually increased substantially, and visits to O Stores & Vaults did as well. I would pick-up items at these stores that the store in Jacksonville didn't carry. Then upon return, stop in and share my travels, pictures of stores I visited with everyone; this is why I call the store in Jacksonville, my "Basecamp" in my pictures. I always try to make my larger purchases at Basecamp to support my local Oakley Store; I don't want to lose it a second time. Often times I would hold off making smaller purchases on the road if I knew it was available at Basecamp.

You can find my O Store & Oakley Vault photos on Facebook:


This album hosts all the photos I have taken of the O Stores & Oakley Vaults I have visited during my travels throughout the years? there is only 1 store I do not have pics of that I have been to, the former Jacksonville O Store in the Avenues Mall. The one that started it all.

I make a point to grab a picture of the store front and then one with me in front of the store. Sometimes I take more pictures, especially when I come across locations that were uniquely designed. My wife Sarah & my daughters appear in some of the pics too... more recently I've brought my friends with me to visit the stores and brought them into my pics as well. I've met some amazing and passionate people along the way during my visits and don't have any plans to stop... it's my thing, it's what I do when I travel.


You can find me and more photos on Instagram: http://instagram.com/h01b3rg/

"Married to my Best Friend & Father of 2 Amazing Girls. Avid Cyclist, Runner, Snowboarder, Golfer & Traveler. Oakley Enthusiast, "Slightly" Obsessed..."

Happy birthday, O-Review

2020 Concept Studio

2020 Concept Studio

Black Friday And Holiday 2019

15th Anniversary Meetup

15th Anniversary Meetup

15th Anniversary Meetup

15th Anniversary Meetup






May 17, 2024 6:31 PM
157th O Store Visit on O-Reviews Birthday… great unintentional planning on my part. ;)

May 17, 2024 4:37 PM
Happy 20th O-Review!!!
Dec 25, 2022 9:58 PM
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you and your families are well.
Jun 21, 2022 2:16 AM
I have the video of it.
Jun 21, 2022 2:08 AM
This is a nice towel, have this one attached to my golf bag. Built in carabiner is nice and the mounting point prevents it from touching the ground. I picked it up new at the local O Store when they came out. Wish I would have bought a couple extra.
Mar 6, 2021 3:05 AM
I hope they are planning to release a “General Population” version of these, for us working class folks...

It seems like a waste to spend 2 Years Developing these, 400 + Designs, to only make ~15 of each? Yes/No?

I’ve been fairly vocal today on Facebook on how ridiculous I think the $14K price tag is. I think Oakley crossed a line in the sand on this one.
Dec 25, 2020 4:06 AM
Marry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone is well and staying safe.
Dec 12, 2020 11:29 PM
Thanks Dann!!!
I actually picked up the PRIZM Ruby Lugplate this afternoon.
Feb 23, 2020 4:21 PM
Order "Completed" and tracking provided.
Feb 22, 2020 8:08 PM
I ordered mine this morning. I home it comes lol

Has anyone had theirs shipped yet - M

Mine are still showing with a status of "In Process"
Feb 21, 2020 5:04 PM
Here's some pics of LeMond on that cycling team...

Jan 1, 2020 4:39 AM
Happy New Year!
Nov 29, 2019 7:12 AM
I received 2 emails about Black Friday...

Stopped in tonight and picked up some AFA at 50% off.

Sep 11, 2019 1:34 AM
Ouch, $300? And that’s the one I’m interested in if course...
Jul 14, 2019 9:44 PM
Feb 16, 2019 6:34 AM
I think I have a Planet X on its way... glad it has the +Red in it.
Oct 22, 2018 10:51 PM
Yeah, it sucks, but never bury your prior employer. The next one will take notice. - Dann

That too. Excellent point Dann.
Oct 22, 2018 5:34 PM
That sucks... I think his comment on the second post he made was interesting...

"To all the young kids killing it right now just know your always replaceable and your companies you work with might not have ya back at the end of the day..."

This is with ANY job out there, unless you're the owner of the business. If you EVER think you're irreplaceable, you need to get your ego checked. #EndRant
Oct 19, 2018 5:39 PM
So maybe I should start playing golf. - yelkao

I play, when I can, but I am terrible. I look waaaaay better on the course than I actually play.
Oct 19, 2018 5:38 PM
Snagged both Eye Jackets @ 11am EST, sold out soon after. I'll see if I'm happy with my decision once they arrive...
Oct 18, 2018 3:15 PM
Oakley was at The Players Championships this past year... and they seemed all in to me.
Jul 4, 2018 3:06 AM
Being at the right place at the right time... we are in Orlando for vacation, and Disney Springs is only 15min away from us. The Store Manager had invited us down for the store opening, but we weren’t able to make it due to my travel schedule. So this trip down was going to be our chance to stop in and visit, turns out they were one of the few O Stores receiving the collection.

Here are the pics:

Dec 8, 2017 3:12 PM
Is your iPhone 7 Plus updated with the latest iOS updates? (There was an issue with the Bluetooth Ctack on the iPhone at one point.)
Oct 23, 2017 3:55 AM
Ok, here’s some more info on the Diamond Bezel.

There were 2 different batches/runs on this Bezel. The Diamonds are the same size on both...
-In the first batch the finish of the area around the diamond is silverish giving the illusion of the larger diamond.
-In the second batch the finish of the area around the diamond is black giving the illusion of a smaller diamond.

(Mine is from the first batch.)
Oct 23, 2017 3:25 AM

HED4JCI’d say that other one you posted a pic of is the exception; it’s the first time I’ve seen one that looks that way...
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