JordOZ: Jordan S
April 2nd, 2019 - 5 years ago (62 logins)Last Login5 years ago
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Employment w/ Oakley SP
I'm Jordy, hailing from Sydney, Australia. Currently customer service rep for Oakley/Arnette in the South Pacific. Within the office O-Review is a vital resource so I have been stealthing for long enough, figured I was well over-due to open an account and say hey. Update






Aug 4, 2019 11:38 PM
Hi guys,

Greetings from Cape Town South Africa.

MASSIVE Oakley fan here - own 5 Oil Rigs, 3 Holbrooks, 2 Jupiter Squares, RadarLocks and an Antix.

Recently bought 2 Sliver F's on Black Friday for a bargain on - had them shipped to me in the States to an associate that works with me brought them over recently.

Long and the short - neither of the frames have an SKU on them... :(

Sure they are real, and they are indeed polarized, but feeling a little hard-done by this all.

Never in my life seen (except for fakes) Oakley's that dont have the SKU on the inner left arm.'s support staff have been pretty pathetic to say the least, and sitting here in South Africa, doesn't really help me much either, as an email battle with these $#%^&* is useless.

What is the communities thoughts on this?!

Should I returned them!? - MrPetesCTN

Check for a model code on the inside temple, ask the vendor for confirmation they are an authorised Oakley retailer and if PayPal was used, seek refund via PayPal due to goods not as described, being that they were not genuine product.
Jul 22, 2019 5:43 AM
Just picked up a Staple Rash-vest and cap, will add photos soon! :)
Jul 3, 2019 2:28 AM
FYI, there is a 15% discount code you can use that applies to even this exclusive stuff. S15E - Oak

Is this for the US orrr?

Loving the new eye jacket style, doesnt anyone know the gridvalue/colourway? OO9438-XX.....
May 14, 2019 12:38 AM
Odd... Mainlink is now called Mainlink XL on Still has the same SKU (OO9264).
- eddyc

No word on an XL release of the Mainlink to my knowledge!? Will report back if I get a confirm on this, v interesting.....

Google Search seems to have crawled the AU site while Mainlink XL was the page title, however title reverted to Mainlink now... I would lean towards a web-dev error on this personally...

--EDIT 2

Seems to be recurring in different parts of page, I would say its being worked on as we speak
Apr 5, 2019 4:20 AM
Did your job with Oakley commence pre-Lux days or after? It would be great to hear some inside stories..... - mjt42

I was part of the transition from Pre-Lux team (Based in St Kilda) to the Lux HQ (Based Macquarie Park) so I have only ever been employed through Luxottica. Definetely seemed to be a culture shock for any transferred employees however as of right now in service we don't have any of the original team left. Some carry overs still in the field as sales representatives though!

As or inside stories I have a few bits and pieces I will try to pull together from the inbox and post for everyone to enjoy.
Apr 3, 2019 1:14 AM
Welcome Jordan,
I noticed Marcus Floyd Brand manager has left Oakley.
That was a shame as he had been there for over 25 years I think and had a great relationship with.
Do you know who has replaced him as brand manager?
- death-by-oakley

Losing Marcus is a damn shame and I truly do not think we will recover some of the lost knowledge he takes with him to his next role. To my knowledge we have not yet found a replacement brand manager. I am keen to see how someone fills such big shoes.
@Dann looking for work? XD
Apr 2, 2019 11:24 PM
Hello All,

Firstly, to Dan & Prof.Oak, many many thanks for maintaining such a comprehensive source of info on all things Oakley.

I'm Jordy, hailing from Sydney, Australia. Currently customer service rep for Oakley/Arnette in the South Pacific. Within the office O-Review is a vital resource so I have been stealthing for about a year, figured I was well over-due to open an account and say hey.
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