hkwinger: Aaron Wing
February 6th, 2011 - 14 years ago (2,554 logins)Last Login3 years ago
Collection Overview


Dec 7, 2014 3:47 AM
Hey guys. We are remodeling the house and I am loosing a good portion of my Mancave. I have to consolidate back down to one tower so I am letting people here first know that some of my collection will be up for sale soon. If there is something that you may be looking for I invite you to send me a text to we can get in touch. My number is 949-531-9743. I am in Southern California incase anyone would like to meet and check a few pieces our for themselves.

Oct 8, 2013 2:47 AM
I may blow them out on ebay, but if anyone wants to make an offer here first, I would be happier to give a member here a good deal.

Oct 3, 2013 4:45 PM
offers are welcome.

Sep 1, 2013 1:00 AM
The box was massive, but the contents were even better. I generally only collect Oakley sunglasses, but I got to see this piece at Red, and I thought that it is amazing. I opted to go with the full package and get the flask with the bottle of "The Flask". Why, because: "Scotch, scotch, scotch..........I, love scotch."

Aug 29, 2013 9:12 PM
I just had the opportunity to watch this film a few years late. I thought that it was a pretty good movie. The movie was also featured on the Red Demo real video as a movie shot with the Red Camera.
Does anyone have experience with movie props?
Specifically, has anyone seen anything like this?:
These Inmates ended up in the hands of a huge movie prop collector. I called around and I feel that he and the company that he purchased them from is reputable. The company said that they got all of the glasses that were used in production (4) and sold them back in 2010. I was just looking for some feedback if anyone has bumped into anything like these. I purchased them from him with all the documentation. I hope that they are legit........

May 15, 2013 7:58 PM
Guys, Thanks for all your help. I have Completed the Ichiro signature series!
I hope that someone is looking to sell the following:
Penny X-Metal Ruby Gen 1
Juliet Infinite Hero
I appreciate all of your help. Thanks!

Apr 16, 2013 3:00 PM
Hey guys, I am looking for some help. I am missing 2 Ichriro signature series pieces to complete my collection. I need the Juliet Carbon/OO Blue and the first radar silver/blue. If you have one or know someone who has one, that would be willing to sell/trade, I would appreciate the info.

Mar 22, 2013 4:36 AM
Dann, I have another weird question for you. I just purchased an Ichiro 4th WBC Juliet (X-Metal/Slate). It had the box with matching serial. Everything looks good, but the serial numbers on the frames look like the gold has been rubbed out or something. The serial is black not gold. It looks like the gold was rubbed off because there are a few letters with gold still in them. The serial is very legible and dark though. Do you think that they have been refinished or something? I have very old Juliets that I wear alot and the gold never rubbed off. Do you think I was duped or does this happen from time to time?

Mar 12, 2013 5:21 AM
I was wondering about sale samples. I missed out on the Juliet 24K and everyone seems to want a ton for their pairs. I found a pair that has sample stamped on the stem for what I think is a reasonable price. My buddy who is a serious collector told me not to pay much for them as they should be much less than the originals, and that he would not buy them. Are samples the exact same, and are they really not worth much in the collecting community? I have no issues with no serial number as I am going to display them and maybe wear them, but I don't want to get ripped off. Is there a rule of thumb of what I should pay compared to a complete set like 40% or 80% or something like that?

Sep 26, 2011 1:06 AM
Watching football and surprise! Ichiro's delivered on Sunday.

Sep 24, 2011 5:18 AM
Today was a good day, just purchased a light box. Got a pair of glasses in as well.
I have been wearing my leather mars with the matching cap lately:
So when I saw these I had to get them:
Too nice condition to wear though, I assume they are harder to keep nice than the mars.

Sep 21, 2011 8:53 AM
Just throwing these out there as trade bait hoping to get lucky. I am looking for Blue lens Ichiro's and or C-six aluminum.
I've got the following Frogs for trade: Gen 1 (Neon/Orange), Gen 2 (CrystalBlk/Orange), Collectors edition (Neon/Fire), and an Atmos, all brand new in box. Check my collection for a few others not coming to mind right now.

Sep 14, 2011 6:42 AM
I would say that is about what they go for. I don't have a pair so I am certainly not an expert. I know other collectors who purchased them for about that. I do think that they made a good number of them so they are not super hard to find like some of the rare frogs. I am sure however, that I would look terrible in pink iridium frogskins.

Sep 8, 2011 5:24 AM
I am a bit of a watch nut myself. I wonder if Oakley will be able to service these watches themselves, or will they have to send them out. I am sure they recommend a service every few years like other swiss watch makers. For 9K, I would certainly not want to drop it off at a local watch shop, as I doubt they would even be able to open up the case back.
tonelamb, was that watch actually serial #1?

Sep 3, 2011 8:08 PM

Aug 3, 2011 5:09 AM
I love the Ichiro's. Does anyone know how to get a pair of these?

Jul 30, 2011 8:02 PM
I was watching Ostore's youtube David Flores video. I did a google search and found nothing. What was he arrested for? It looks like he is still doing art on the public stage, so why did Oakley pull the glasses?
Can you imagine being the employee in charge of the kick off of the entire Artist Series line, and on the first one, this happens. I would say that that person had a bad day.

Jul 27, 2011 6:19 PM
Do you know what that vault was designed for? Its huge, is is like the x-metal briefcase that stores multiple glasses?

Jul 25, 2011 1:35 AM
I have many, but one of my favorites is the all time classic Major League......Winning!

Jul 24, 2011 2:50 AM
I have been looking for blue nose bombs for my Ice Mars for a while. I just got lucky this afternoon and got a pair with an extra set of nose bombs.
Now my collection looks complete.
Thanks to everyone who helped me get info on these guys!

Jul 22, 2011 1:48 AM
Congrats on the Ichiro's. I have been bitten by the Ichiro bug myself, and I know they are not easy! That model is one of my favorites.

Jul 15, 2011 11:01 PM
That is sweet!
I was at the Hollywood O store, I asked if they had anything that said LA or hollywood on it, but they had nothing. Kind of a small store as well.

Jul 13, 2011 1:21 AM
I think that Terrors basement is better equipped than 1 Icon's warehouse, let alone the store.
I am curious, what is the everyday pair?
Awesome collection, congrats!

Jul 9, 2011 10:05 AM
I just caught transformers. Not great, but I did not expect it to be a masterpiece. Story was terrible, but entertainment value was OK, especially if you liked the first and second ones.
The theater I saw it in was Dolby 3D. After a little research I see that Oakley 3d glasses are currently using RealD technology. I did a search and saw that many people are saying that Dolby 3D is better. Just wanted to ask your guys opinions and see if anyone has heard if Oakley plans on a Dolby 3D glass.

Jul 8, 2011 3:16 AM
I got a a few sets of older juliet lenses. Does anyone know how to tell the difference between blue, oo blue iridium? I can't photograph it, but one pair has a ton of green in the middle. It is the one I was most interested in because it was Ichiro signed. Another lens that was not signed had a ton less green hue. I was just wondering if either of these were OO lenses.
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