thespencerdean: Spencer Dean
February 18th, 2009 - 15 years ago (2,975 logins)Last Login5 months ago
I have been an Oakley fan since April 1989. I found my first pair of Frogskins, and haven't worn another brand since. I have about 80 pairs and 1 watch, which I am sure is meager compared to some collections. I wear every pair that I own from time to time. I was selected by Oakley as an Oakley Factory Co-Pilot in the Inaugural Class of 2009.

Coalesce Collection

Parting with Limited Edition items

Sub Zeros

Thermonuclear Capsule Collection




Your latest purchase






May 13, 2024 4:29 PM
Nothing left that I am interested in moving.
Mar 19, 2024 11:15 AM
FIFTEEN YEARS! The Co-Pilots started arriving in the OC on this day in 2009. Crazy how time flies.

Happy Anniversary to all of my Co-Pilot brothers.
Mar 12, 2024 8:42 PM
When I’m there Sunday I will take a side by side with another frame.
Mar 12, 2024 8:42 PM
I looked at both pairs that came to the store. They look markedly different than other 24k
Mar 12, 2024 1:41 PM
I was working at KOP O store this weekend. They just received the new HSTN Metal Sepia/24K model. The lenses look more Rose Gold than 24K. I already have two HSTN and 1 HSTN Metal, but contemplating this pair just because the lens is so different than other 24K lenses.
Dec 19, 2023 2:47 PM
I will post the eBay links for the 6 items when they go live. Then all raffle ticket info will be posted on here also. All money goes to gem city kitties in Dayton and Columbus humane society - OakleyGarth

I never saw a link. I really want to support your cause (and possibly win something!)
Dec 12, 2023 9:43 PM
Did anyone receive a Space Encoder yet? I got mine and there was no microbag. Wondering if this was a mistake. - thespencerdean

Yeah, it definitely is suppose to come with a special bag. - Oak

What a hassle. Called CS to tell them I didn't get the microbag. The agent said she wasn't sure if it came with one since it wasn't mentioned in the website description. I told her I've been purchasing Oakley sunglasses since 1990 and have always received a baggie. She put me on hold for 10 minutes and still couldn't confirm it. I told her I found a picture someone posted with the box and matching baggie. She said she couldn't take a forum post as a basis point. I called NYC store to confirm. Called back and reordered, told them to give me free expedited shipping. Their system cannot do that but once it is processed I can call back to have the $17 premium shipping refunded. Now I have to return the one I have to the KOP store. If they would have shipped it to more than just the flagship stores I wouldn't have this issue.
Dec 12, 2023 7:20 PM
The single dumbest thing Oakley has ever put out (even though it was this year’s GWP for the holiday season):

At first I thought there was a production error on that specific sample since it was half done, but they’re intentionally like that by the street artist.

One is now on eBay for an absurd amount:

- Oak

I've been working seasonal at the Oakley store in KOP (Philly) and I thought the same thing when I saw them. The paint is on the plastic wrapper and flakes off onto everything.
Dec 12, 2023 7:18 PM
Did anyone receive a Space Encoder yet? I got mine and there was no microbag. Wondering if this was a mistake.
May 18, 2022 6:37 PM
Welcome Brad!

For anyone's future reference, I have dealt with Brad on OF and he is a valued trading partner.
May 5, 2022 1:16 PM
Sounds like a lot of pairs have scratches. One employee on the forum said every pair that came to her store was scratched - OakleyGarth

I swear this happened with my Madman Raw. They have only been worn outside once for a picture in sunlight, otherwise they have always been in the case. there is a scratch on the inside lens that you can only see from certain angles.
Apr 28, 2022 7:24 PM
Which pair or pairs did everyone snag? I just went for the Planet X - OakleyGarth

I said that I was going to get Sapphire unless the Planet X had the frosted perimeter. I went to the O Store in King of Prussia PA and they were frosted so I bought them. They had 4 of each colorway.
Apr 12, 2022 6:00 PM
Updated the list.
Jan 20, 2022 9:38 PM
Just because it bugs me, but are they going to notice they called that women's frame Hasn't instead of Hasten? HSNT is what they have instead of HSTN.
Jan 17, 2022 12:59 PM
I like the look of these. I'll have to drop by the O Store and see them in person. - Dann

I love them, nice fit with a retro feel on the stems but a modern shape on the front.
Oct 12, 2021 6:32 PM
I just got the Carbon/Ruby set. The trigger stems triggered me to get them, for nostalgia sake. They fit really tight on the stems and are comfortable.
Sep 16, 2019 7:22 PM
As a Star Wars Lego enthusiast myself, I have quite a few. But I am looking to get out of them. I haven't kept the boxes, but I have the manuals and all extra pieces bagged.

What's the going rate for used pieces? Is there a fansite that is recommended for selling and trading?

Thanks in advance.
Aug 27, 2019 7:44 PM
Somebody gave me a New Eye Jacket (1999) in Electric Mustard with some scraped up lenses. Does anyone know if any of the other eye jacket lenses fit into it?

It is difficult to search for New Eye Jacket lenses.....
Aug 27, 2019 2:52 PM
I have been contemplating selling some of the LE items I have purchased over the years. I will have a new driver in the house soon and want to fund paying off my car and getting him one as well. I would prefer to ship in US/Canada only, but will make exceptions if I feel comfortable shipping to that location. Pictures are available by request. Shipping will be $20 domestically, more for international.

I know the prices may seem high in some cases, but I researched by looking on ebay, Oakley Forum and Facebook. I am willing to be flexible.

Madman Raw 013/150 BNIB $1300
Sub Zero Carbon (no box) $175 (surface scratches, does not affect vision)
CF Caribiner 173/500 BNIB $300
Brian Takumi autographed ID Badge $100
Icon Claw Caribiner NWOT $110
Oakley B1B Yellow Grips NEW $100 (charity sale for BMX rider)
Aug 27, 2019 2:48 PM
Brian at Soulful Customs has already painted one.
Aug 17, 2019 1:48 PM
I decided this was a good spot for this question...

At the 2009 Co-Pilot event, in the HQ Lobby store I bought a Juliet 04-119, Polished/Fire Polarized. There is no serial number on them, which I know happened toward the end of the Juliet run.

The issue is this: the lens does not say "Polarized". They are polarized, but there is no etching. Since I listed these for sale, two people have passed on them because there is no etching.

Does anyone have some insight on this? Was there certain models, or a period of time when they didn't etch Polarized?
Aug 14, 2019 3:41 PM

What does the Brian Takumi id badge look like? Do you have any pictures? - Nortika

Aug 9, 2019 7:27 PM
6 pill cases - M

You misspelled dime bags.
Aug 9, 2019 3:05 PM
What is the release date of the Clifden?
Aug 9, 2019 3:01 PM
Anyone have more photos of these bags? Specifically the inside? They're very minimal as compared to the industrial aesthetic of the Kitchen Sink line, etc but I do like the possible functionality of these new bags. Need to see more photos though. Thanks!

Travel Duffle

Travel Bumbag - yelkao

I don't have photos, but I saw the bag recently at the Orlando airport store. The main duffle portion is wide open, and the removable backpack and the hidden straps to wear the duffle as a backpack were cool.
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