yelkao: Dan
Age: 51 / Western PA
February 28th, 2005 - 19 years ago (6,724 logins)Last Login41 seconds ago
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Today 5:48 PM
It seems to still be there, or at least able to add-to-cart: - Oak

Weird. Disappeared from SNKRS but now up on

Glad it's still available.
Jul 25, 2024 4:39 PM
I'm hoping to see this one in the theater but not sure I will. Haven't seen many movies in the theater in recent years. Some like Twisters I think probably should be seen in theater - but I still don't go much. Ha Ha.
Jul 25, 2024 4:36 PM
The NY Giants BXTR Metal is out: - Oak

I'm not a NY Giants fan but were these ultra limited or are there really that many NY Giants fans out there? LOL
Jul 25, 2024 2:16 PM
Gone today. Not on there anymore from what I can tell. So yeah, they didn’t put it on SNKRS until release day. Which is something they don’t do often. Most products are on there well ahead of drop day.
Jul 23, 2024 9:02 PM
Good point, I didn't read that it will be limited anywhere either. But in my personal experience is that the nature of things offered through the SNKRS app give off the impression that they are limited or should I say they usually 80-90% of the time sell out in the app day of release. I've taken quite a few "L's" trying to grab stuff at the time of release on SNKRS. Not everything sells out there are 4 or 5 things on there now that dropped today that are still available but they aren't high demand releases in my opinion.

I didn't do too much reading up on these but the sneaker news article and I think one other site/article I read did not mention these being available any other place or any other way than the SNKRS app. Oddly enough they are not on the "upcoming" list in the SNKRS app yet. I checked as I wrote this.

They might be on there later today or will be tomorrow the day of release - I think that's happened before, not typical, but has occurred - most releases are featured in advance though. Or it's possible they've been delayed.
Jul 23, 2024 7:23 PM
I'm tempted. Still deciding if I actually want it in my eyewear collection even if I do think it's cool, but I am very tempted. - Oak

I hear ya Oak. I'm leaning towards putting it on the list but I'm also a NIKE fan - have been since early grade school. I'm not necessarily committing to buying them yet because they are $450 and they release tomorrow - not saying they'll sell-out, but I have a feeling they might - just not good timing for me right now. If they are available a few weeks from now I might do it. But considering they are supposed to release through the SNKRS app they might be "limited."
Jul 23, 2024 5:37 PM

NIKE Zeus...
Jul 23, 2024 4:53 PM
Credit to Oak for the heads-up. Looks like a display head of some kind is included in the package…
- yelkao

You can also see the unboxing of the product here, which includes the numbered print at the bottom of the box:

Unboxing Video - Oak

Thanks Oak!
Jul 22, 2024 11:40 PM
Credit to Oak for the heads-up. Looks like a display head of some kind is included in the package…
Jul 22, 2024 11:00 PM
You guys can have mine! :D - JP

Ha Ha! JP are you one of the fortunate 100? - yelkao

Nope and I don’t plan on being one! Ha! - JP

Ha Ha Ha!!!
Jul 22, 2024 10:03 PM
You guys can have mine! :D - JP

Ha Ha! JP are you one of the fortunate 100?
Jul 22, 2024 4:26 PM
Jul 22, 2024 4:15 AM
That’s frustrating - limited to 100 and the cost. More confusing and I guess “strategic” sales methods. That being said looking forward to the Flex Scape and Plantaris.
Jul 19, 2024 5:46 PM
Jul 17, 2024 4:31 PM
Gloss Black #6
Gloss White #8

- Patient_Cero

Congrats! Dig the low numbers!
Jul 16, 2024 3:29 PM
Cool pair, and I love the presentation. But like always, I'm not a high roller, so I have to sit these $500+ special editions out. - Dann

Wish I had your discipline Dann. I seem to slack on the regular reasonably priced releases but jump on or try to get a semi-decent amount of pricier ones.

FOMO is real. LOL
Jul 8, 2024 8:47 PM
I think I'm leaning towards those two as well, more so the Storm pair. I'd like the Sand pair more if it didn't have the Goldenrod icon. Except for my 24k X-Squared and 24k Plate I'm not the biggest fan of gold.
Jul 8, 2024 5:03 PM

All Matte frames except for a Gloss Black and Gloss White
Jun 21, 2024 2:58 PM
Sad day to me - because it looks like he's selling the monolithic Stonehenge abode as well. UGH. I LOOOOOOVVVEEE that placce!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - yelkao

Isn’t that the one Colin Baden designed?
- Defenderoftheo

iDGroup designed it with help from Jim's design team I believe an article said.
Jun 20, 2024 7:14 PM
Sad day to me - because it looks like he's selling the monolithic Stonehenge abode as well. UGH. I LOOOOOOVVVEEE that placce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 14, 2024 4:23 PM

Ghost - O_taj1242

Love them!
Jun 10, 2024 8:09 PM
I dig it. GHOST frame. I hope they'll do a clear or polished clear frame at some point.
May 25, 2024 10:52 PM
A product from the video is coming very soon. Unfortunately it will be very very limited. - obsession

Ha Ha. Not surprised it's super limited. Disappointing but not surprising. Future Genesis = Frustrationesis

Sorry, just seems same 'ol same 'ol. I'm kinda bummed by FG and it's not really even started yet. Ha Ha.

But thanks for the heads-up OB!
May 24, 2024 2:33 PM
We all will be very, very disappointed. At least in the short term. This thing is more like a vehicle for concepts, ideas, and the “potential” rather than actual products. That’s not to say there aren’t cool products coming down the pipe. It just means you won’t see everything realized from the videos. - Oak

That's good to know. I think most of us thought what we saw we were getting as product. Maybe not everything but the things they called specific attention to like the SUBZERO XM. But CASPER seems to be releasing in the form of Vapor Scape. But we can't expect SUBZERO XM or PSYKE just because they are featured. Disappointing - but at least we can now see what they have in mind for this. Which helps reel back in our or my expectations.

Thanks Oak!
May 21, 2024 8:02 PM
might be some misdirection here... - obsession

Yep, too good to be true. Bait and switch. All hype for the Mahomes releases. LOL. Here's an X-Metal Sub Zero to get your hopes up but were actually releasing retro Subs and these cool Fat Cat inspired things.
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