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theflyingtomato -
Frame: Multiple
Lens: Clear/Blue/Persimmon/Dark Grey

The best motocross goggle in the world. Superior fit and ventilation to any other goggle, obviously the best optics, and the best colorway options. I prefer the Crowbar to Oakley's 3 other major MX goggles (O Frame, Proven, Mayhem) however I can say from experience these are the 4 best goggles on the market.
Dwcfastrice -
Frame: Metalalic Red
Lens: Clear

Great light lens. Very durable. Flows air fairly well. Not the greatest for cold weather riding. Nice Tear-off posts.

My only complaint is lens swapping. It's hard to get all those nubs and cut-outs lined up correctly without getting your fingerprints all over the lenses. And becuase it's a google, the interior of the lens is pretty hard to clean.

All in all, good goggle, but not great.
Slim84 -
Frame: Tribal
Lens: Fire Iridium

Perfect goggles they just perfectly fit my face and my helmet and its a pleasure to ride mi bike with them. Well the only thing is the price but who cares about a price when theres Oakley on it, because than you know you are buying high-end product, right?
jumpman73 -
Frame: Tribal - Matte Black
Lens: Clear

I really like these a lot. They are pretty comfy to wear and the foam seems to hold up pretty good. The strap is also quite comfortable to wear. The design of the tribal itself really adds to the style of these goggles. I also like the extra security of the nose piece as well. These offer great peripheral vision and they are pretty light weight.
american image -
vision has improved , but on some helmets the standard nosepiece will hit the full face front protector , also when riding for a longer period of time , due to the nosepiece you can moist the inside of the lens.
Bubba series is typical 2006 ; bling bling all the way. you love it or hate it. i wonder if the paint remains on
Jay_X_Bee -
Frame: Black
Lens: Clear
Improved tear-off mounting. Wider-angel viewing. The bomb.
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