Family: Eyewear


Jon -
Incredible. These, like the VR28's, enhance contrast and work wonders. I had doubts about the bronze base, but it's awesome. Even though it says its neutral, I really think it increases contrast a lot more than other neutral based lenses. These are a definite keeper in my collection.
Lee -
These are really really nice lenses. Oakley says they are 9% and not 10% as it says here. On bright days they are great. Tremendous contrast and everything looks super sharp. Polarizing cuts most glare, especially off the car's dash. Highly recommend. If lots of shadows appear, it's best to switch to a higher transmission lens like the VR28 blue. I switch between the two.
Rob Hughes -
Fantastic lens. At first I thought it was going to be too dark, but after wearing my Flak Jackets with these lenses in for a while, the way they cut down the glare in really bright sunshine, and yet manage to be wearable even when the light levels drop is fantastic. The contrast they brings out is spectacular too, as well as looking a lot more discrete than some of the other Iridium lenses.
Padzilla -
Fab lenses - I love 'em. They're warm and punchy.

Just shy of a 5/5 cos the contrast can be a bit too strong for driving in some conditions. And colours aren't true.
Dmitri -
Good lens. Makes green look a little greener. cuts the glare well. adds some spice to your perception. not as good as blublockers. been trying for years to find glasses that really change contrast but Oakley is so so.
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