Family: Active / Jackets
Date: July 1998-2004

Capturing the ephemeral glow of creativity, Oakley Moon incorporates select design elements of X Metal Mars in an ultra lightweight frame of O Matter. Plutonite lenses eclipse all UV and prevent projectiles from turning cornea's into craters. Two interchangable nosebombs let you tailor Oakley's unique three-point fit.
Black Iridium
FMJ 5.56
Black Iridium
Gold Iridium

vballhjs -
Frame: FMJ
Lens: Black

Just bought a new pair off of Ebay. Had black frame w/ black lenses back when they were available retail... my first pair of oakleys. Loved them then, ended up losing them on a youth group water tubing event... Cant wait for my new pair to get here! Love the different look from most of the other o-matter frames... very unique!
splysurlife -
Frame: black
Lens: black
love the look and style of these glasses so lucky me i purchased 2 brand new pair at the same day for a great deal!Now i have one for my collection and my everyday use.good luck finding one,theres a bunch of oakley mars on ebay,but i'm going for the rarerity!
ChrisFlynn -
Frame: FMJ 5.56
Lens: Black Iridium

Comfortable and nicely functional. They fit me really well and the lack of width was offset by the fact that I could wear them closer to my eyes. Lightweight and gentler on the temples than the Mars. The look reminds me of Sigmund Freud. Or I.M. Pei. Along with the Topcoat, my favorite Oakleys for athletic use. Came in three colorways, I got all three. I wore only the FMJ pair off and on for a couple of years and then stored them away for posterity - unfortunately it looks like after over a decade of ownership, I'm pretty sure I see the beginnings of a stress crack in one of the orbitals. Still tied for my all-time O-Matter pick. The black and tortoise examples appear to have survived. Five stars from me for the styling, the nose bombs, the comfort and the elegant functionality of the extended, flexy arms.
Ian -
Frame: Black/FMJ 5.56
Lens: Black Iridium

There's no way that you can look at someone wearing a pair of these and not smile. They're just awesome enough to be goofy, and just goofy enough to be awesome. I never once saw these for sale at any retail outlet, in fact, the first time I saw them was in this site's catalog. They're just unique enough for me to want them, and I've been fortunate enough to grab two pairs in as many weeks. My fingers are still crossed for the Tortoise Shell, as it was never the most popular colorway amongst consumers, I may have a difficult time finding a pair...
Dann -
Frame: Black
Lens: Black

Back in the day, I scoffed at the notion of the Moon. A cheapo Mars I called it, and for some good reason. They join the likes of Eye Jackets and Topcoats, as they break by merely touching sometimes (and sometimes just by sitting there). But as time goes by they seem to have some charm as they rest in the collection as a reminder that some models just come and go and no one really notices.
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