Sep 22, 2004 3:05 PM
Any members out there who have comments written in their collection info, please put that info up in a review! I don't want to search every user to see if there are comments on the gear (thought that's good that you wrote them) - that's what the review section is for too. Let's try to beef up the number of reviews and make this site an even better resource.

Oh - something else - don't forget to put in a rating and if you forgot go back and change it (I see reviews saying 'it's great' with nothing). Dann - are the averages including those w/out ratings?

In that vein - Dann can you throw up a section in footwear for the new Blender, the Crank, and the Shoethree? Don't worry about any colours/prices etc. yet, just put the space there for now so I can sling up a review for each. I got the Blender a day after it showed on the webpage and it's wicked.

Thanks dude (nice XX BTW).

E C (EastCoast - 9/22/2004 7:02:27 AM)
Dann Thombs
Sep 22, 2004 5:06 PM
Sure thing. I added the new colors for the Blender, so you can post the review for the existing model. The rest were added as well.

Review averages do not include non-ratings.

And comments were just supposed to be quick blurbs like "I lost this at the airport", "I got this on eBay", or "I stole this from an old lady". I'll put up a short notice that review material shouldn't go there.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 9/22/2004 8:42:08 AM)

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