chris rocker
Jan 5, 2006 12:14 PM
Im teaching my friends on how to differentiate the real oakley from the fake oakley . Chatting with people ive met in OPDs as well on the benefits of wearing an oakley.

How about you?
Philip Barket
Jan 5, 2006 5:03 PM
I've been a one man army, single member street team for years now. Everywhere I can find someone to chat about O I have their ear. I've even put OPDs to shame, or have had them shame themselves not being as knowledgable as they could be.
BigMac .
Jan 5, 2006 7:27 PM
I think we all could put the OPD (most) people to shame. While we are avid pursuers of the "O", while most of them do it to make money.
Wilson Ng
Jan 5, 2006 9:09 PM
i've tried talking to friends about Oakley, but then they just roll their eyes at me. they can't see the point of spending more than$100 for sunglasses. i did get my brother to buy two pairs though... a pair of Platinum/Emerald C Wire and a pair of Dark/RX Clear Square Wire 2.0 SH.

that said, my local OPD doesn't even bother challenging me on O knowledge. they know i'm a freak and greet me as the Oakley guy when i walk in and involuntarily gravitate towards the double wide.
Kevin C.
Jan 5, 2006 9:31 PM
Yeah I know what you mean Bong, both the O-Store and Vault know me as the Oakley freak. The first thing they ask is what Oakleys I'm wearing that day, and then they ask if I have any news as far new or future releases or just anything Oakley.

As of right now, I've gotten my mom, sisters, brother, nephew, and two coworkers in O. :)
chris rocker
Jan 5, 2006 9:53 PM

It seems that the passion is growing
Tom Teichert
Jan 5, 2006 9:58 PM
Also teaching other peoples, help OPD sellers by selling Oakley, because they have a big leck of knowledge here, everyone in my city.

My friend will buy an Oakley, because he saw them on me and told him the facts.

We should start an international OPD with all exclusive glasses from USA over UK to Japan.
Andrew Berben
Jan 6, 2006 3:41 AM
Pretty much the same with me. People normally don't bother to even test my knowledge anymore. Friends come to me when they want to know about Oakley or high end sunglasses in general. Local OPD uses me as an Oakley dictionary when I'm in the store and people are looking to buy a pair of Os. Kind of odd really.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jan 6, 2006 4:53 AM
Honestly, I take can take full credit for turning at least 15 people on to Oakley over the years. All of my friends have a least one pair of Oakleys and some have multiple pairs. The Gascan and the Monster Dog are easy to push on people I find. X-Metals are harder due to the price but I have "helped" a few people to go in that direction. Crosshairs have been popular among the ladies I work with as too are the C-Wires. Minutes, A-Wires, Hatchets, and Square Wires are other glasses I've encouraged people to buy. Once they own a pair of "expensive glasses" as they refer to them as, they begin to understand what all the fuss is about.
Kimberly R
Jan 6, 2006 5:50 AM
I think I may have sparked a little O-seed in a three year old girl.

It was sunny outside on Christmas day. We were outside, so I put on the Juliets. She actually looked at them and gasped. I kid you not. The girl has taste. She ran back in got her sunglasses, ran back out, and seemed dissapointed in her pair somehow.

Gee, I wonder what one of her presents will be next year. ;)
Travis D
Jan 6, 2006 9:03 AM
Im the same as bong. I tell any of my friends or people that I work with how much I payed for my x-metals or my watches they think Im insane. They dont realize how much better quality and the manufacturing process of oakley. I've just pretty much given up. Especially here in Canada, the retail prices for oakley stuff is ridiculous.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jan 6, 2006 9:06 AM
Im buying my girlfriend a pair of Riddles. Hopefully she will catch the fever that is Oakley like I have.
sees you
Jan 6, 2006 10:06 AM
I'm the first stop whenever someone I know is going to look for sunglasses. I've gotten pretty good at matching face shapes with frame styles. Also, just yesterday, when I finally decided on the Riddles the Ostore guy says to me (quite confidently) "Those are the G26, shooter specific lenses so you shouldn't wear them while driving" I said "I'm not one to question an O store employee but I'm pretty sure these are the Violet Iridium" as he was going the check my wife says "Maybe you shouldn't get those if you can't wear them for driving" Under my breath I say "This guy has no idea what he's talking about" & she just smiles at me
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Jan 6, 2006 1:08 PM
it's my job to spread the O , and looking at my sales in 2005 , i did a pretty good job :-)
fil abs
Jan 6, 2006 1:19 PM
"Spreading the O". Ah, the first very first person I have to "indoctrinate" about the art of O's is my wife. When I have her converted, buying and collecting O's has become easier.LOL
Kevin C.
Jan 6, 2006 7:20 PM
Ha thats a funny story Tick! I guess I can kinda see how he got G26 out of that though.

I had a similar situation happen to me with a Vault manager sometime last year when she told me my Ruby Clear Unknowns were a "factory reject" that somehow got out. Needless to say, I proceeded to educate here on how they were a real Oakley lens and to check out Oakleys lens chart for info but she still insisted that she had seen Ruby Clear and that wasnt it because it didnt match the picture on the chart. My girlfriend knowing how big of a freak I am just gave me a "she has no Idea what she is talking about does she" look.
Jan 6, 2006 8:32 PM
i too have "spread the o".

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