fin7: Bryan Fin7
December 15th, 2004 - 19 years ago (5,424 logins)Last Login5 months ago
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Time Tank v Minute Machine

Time Tank v Minute Machine

Time Tank v Minute Machine

Time Tank v Minute Machine

Time Tank v Minute Machine






Apr 29, 2024 11:14 PM
As an aside.
I have found my 12 gauge after years. I had it repaired. I love watches, but this is my favourite of all.
Apr 29, 2024 7:08 AM
That is gorgeous..
Apr 29, 2024 6:58 AM
Dan the man, sent me one of the first TT..
Apr 29, 2024 6:35 AM
If you're wondering what your Oakley will fetch, I doubt this is the place.
Apr 8, 2024 9:14 PM

May 14, 2022 10:25 PM
New on Oakley UK
May 14, 2022 9:56 PM
£200 UK pice
May 14, 2022 8:56 PM
My eldest tried to replace the battery, lost the battery retaining clip but have discovered it'll work without it, if a sticker is placed on the battery, but he lost all of the back plate retaining screws.
May 14, 2022 8:52 PM
Does anyone know what size / thread the TT back plate screws are.?
Jun 9, 2021 10:53 PM
Hello Jeroen. I work with an engineer with the same name and very few people manage to pronounce it correctly. Like you, I love the 1242 stuff. 1242 is a code I change the electroninc keypads to.
Sounds like you already have a great collection yourself.
Nov 12, 2013 12:12 AM
Excellent stuff Paul. And so well deserved. A man who knows what's important in life and still finds time to collect Oakley. A great member. Well done!
Nov 12, 2013 12:12 AM
Another well deserved spotlightee. Great spotlight, great member & great hat! Thanks for sharing
Nov 12, 2013 12:12 AM
Jaw dropping room, Mark. A man who realises the value of family and still has time to collect. Kudos indeed. Thanks for sharing
Mar 8, 2011 3:15 AM
I have the half X marked with "sales sample" and they are are a great fit on me.
How are they a weird fit?
Oct 11, 2010 12:19 AM
That pool must be good.
Oct 10, 2010 9:07 PM
I've had a nose about... Can't see Nik anywhere.. I can stay for a bit longer
Oct 7, 2010 2:19 AM
What a great idea, I'm going to loggin and maybe perchance to chat with this; Nik guy.
Though I wont like him..

Aug 29, 2010 6:47 AM
I feel that some aspects of my collection are perfect and will never be sold
Some pieces took years to acquire, and are possibly worth more than I paid;

But the thought of breaking a set (of say Romeos or mag switch) is alien to me.
The joy of seeing Oakley history is priceless. But I’m not sure what I’ll add in the next 25 years.
The wife has my OR login details, and will be in touch (with Nik) when I die.

If I ever get bored of the hobby or need space in the house, the collection would likely go to fellow collectors. If I can't enjoy them anymore, I'd it to go to someone who can appreciate it.
I'd appreciate it Oak.
May 29, 2010 7:33 PM
Great score there Mike. So pleased for you.


i was reading up on how bong displays his watches in a medicine cabinet so here is my take on it at this point
Bong aint wrong.
May 29, 2010 4:52 PM
Fair play to you Nik you had me thinking on this one.

The best way I can explain my passion as it stands now;
is to give Oakley away, sounds odd, but I believe so deeply the brand is the best, it’s the only way to prove it.

I can talk HDO, ANSI Z 87.1, three point fit, XYZ optics ‘till the cows come home. But it’s only by wearing Oakley, can you actually see, fully for yourself the difference.

And there are few greater joys in collecting, than converting someone to your particular obsession.

And I’m by far from the only person here on the OR to give stuff away, or to pass on a great deal. It’s what we here do.

Like Paul said

There are so many facets to the O passion and how it manifests itself - I may just mention bits here and there as I'm not sure I can encapsulate it all in one post.
So true, I hope this thread lasts longer than the weekend.
May 26, 2010 6:37 AM
I had a plodding on kind of passion, picking glasses up here and there. Simply to wear. I loved the quality of the brand foremost.
Then the first great “wow” moment was when I damaged my Zero 0.1’s. A friend said to send them back to Oakley UK. I thought the best I’d get was a repair bill.

Oakley UK sent me a brand spanking new pair. That was me hooked to the brand.
A company, that not only cared about the products, but the customer too.

The second great “Wow “moment was discovering the OR.
A website, which fuelled and fired that burgeoning passion.

And it does manifest in the oddest of ways. I work at Heathrow airport, and as a team we are responsible for the silly things like changing the security key pad codes.
This months code changes are the serial # of my Juliets.
If you’re ever at Heathrow rest assured “1242” will get you access somewhere.
May 22, 2010 1:08 AM
I guess picking at people is what to do when your favorite brand is near death anyway

ksgemini, Can you quantify that statement for me?
It just seems an odd assessment, to me that is.
You have been on the OR longer than most, so I’m assuming you have some brand loyalty.. Are you just kicking out?
What's going on dude?
I’m interested to know.
May 21, 2010 3:07 AM
Remember the two o-review podcasts?
Remember Tim Sparrow?
A few days ago I was chatting with Nik about "missing members"

I miss so many cool members, amongst others LEX7, Who I'm indebted to for getting here.

this place is home to all the of best people I've never met. I hope to one day though!

Happy Birthday OR
May 15, 2010 5:32 PM
I think the Halfpint too, was aimed at the children / youth market. Still see them on ebay from time to time. Some nice combo's too.
May 15, 2010 5:42 AM
Yes. He looks like he's been kicked in "Nik and the twins"
You however, look like you're screaming for joy at the new found utopia. I prefer your pic

(Sorry Nik, puff)
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