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theflyingtomato -
Very versatile case, can carry just about any pair of glasses, as well as a broken down M Frame with 3 lenses. A bit bulky on the outside however.
Xtremehardy388 -
I have the US Standard Issue case. It works great. I'm glad it was the clip. I can clip it to my belt of store it in my bag. It's a little bigger than I thought bout it's got tone of room
SpeedyJ -
This one is great...
It is not to big considering the amount of hardware you put in it.
The extra volume give me a safe feeling when I'm on the move.

For a smaller case or vault for one pair you should look further..
mason65 -
I love this case, plenty of storage for your lenses, although heaters can be a bit of a tight fit. I wish it could hold more lenses, but then again i wouldnt really want the case to be any bigger than it is.
splatter -
These are great if you swap out lens often and are on the go.

I use mine on campus with to hold a clear lens to use as safty glasses

the best part is this case isn't huge compaired to square cases of a previous generation
cycling-pablo -
Color: Black
If you can fit this to go with you then this is a must have for your m-frame. Two extra lens spots is great, you don't really need more than 3 choices for a trip anyways. This is obvious oakley quality and design and does its job perfectly = A+
jumpman73 -
This case is great to carry your M frames and your extra lenses around. This makes traveling so much easier.
dan-E -
Color: Black

Got this off ebay with my M-Frames it's an awesome blend of form and function. It's a little cumbersome to carry around on its own but they're great to throw in my sport bag when I'm going to play sports. A must if you own more than one M-frame.
Synergy -
Color: Black

Got this one accidentally along with my Mag M Frame thinking it was the smaller case. It's pretty good considering all the things you can put in it as Ed details, but it really is massive, one you'd have to stick in a seperate bag. Luckily I have one of the smaller cases for my Dartboards that fit the Mag M Frame (I think it's the Medium Soft Vault) so if you're after a small case that can hold the Mag M Frame without any extra lenses, go for that one, though I doubt that'll hold the standard O-Matter M Frame.
Ed -
Color: Black

This vault holds one complete M-Frame, two additional lenses (with nose pieces), and one spare nose piece. The divided, felt-covered foam insert does not hold on as tightly as the insert in the Half Jacket Soft Vault, so things may shift a bit during use. This case is pretty big, but it holds a large amount of hardware and, like all the soft vaults, looks quite nice with the ballistic nylon shell and gunmetal raised icon.
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