adam _
Mar 27, 2006 2:11 AM
Jim I hope you don't mind but you said to ask if we had any questions and when a few came to mind I thought I'd take the liberty of creating a thread for everyone. This should also hopefully avoid the flood of PMs you mentioned.

So, I'll start!

Will we see more Oakley models coming with hard cases now that the womens eyewear is doing so. It always seemed a bit strange to me that a $400 pair (eg Romeo 2) only comes with a microbag and the x metal soft vault is another $30 on top?

Are you still involved in the design for all new models and if so at what stage (concept, final approval?)

Is the Titanium in T Wires and other Titanium specific frames pure Ti or is it an alloy and if so what with (Al?)

How many oakley items are still made in the USA and where do you draw the line for what gets produced outside of the US? For example, will eyewear ever go out of the USA?

Is the custom lens laser engraving trial proving successful and if so when do you think we would see it released to the market?

Can we expect to see Oakley experimenting with any new metals for frames in the near future?

Thanks very much!
jim jannard
jim jannard
Mar 27, 2006 2:23 AM
Adam... while I appreciate your interest, this feels like Pandora's box about to be opened. If I answer these questions, there will likely be 500 more covering every detail of our business. I just don't have the time to answer every question. I certainly don't want to be the least bit disrespectful to the band of our most loyal customers and fans. And I am happy to spend time here travel and work permitting. But I have too many projects I'm involved in to do anything more than address a bit of history and "fun stuff" discussion once in awhile. I promised an answer to the hammerfang question and it is all I can do to not forget to do that tomorrow. I ask forgiveness here and hope you will all understand the time constraints I am under.

Darren Taylor
Mar 27, 2006 2:29 AM
You just pipped me to it Adam, had the same idea!

As Oakley released the retro Blades, are there plans to re-release any other models or footwear etc?

And on the other materials question, have you considered using carbon as a frame material, has it been experimented with and proven too costly or difficult to work with?

Are Oakley likely to be teaming up with any more companies to release products, i notice the casing boots have the event label, what happened to e.v.a. used for the early snow wear?

Are the rumours true about the Icon range being 'top end fashion' and sold in seperate stores?

What's your latest purchase!?

And, don't want to invade your privacy, but is your house as crazy as foothill!?! ie do you sit infront of a plasma with a flightdeck plugged in on an ejector seat resting your feet on a missile(wearing humidors!)hehe, just for fun that one...
www.drchop shop.com
Mar 27, 2006 2:31 AM
Jim, I am wondering how one would go about getting a license agreement to use some of your imagery? I have a few decal designs I am throwing around, and I have received some responses that are positive, but I would never consider infringing on the trademarks and copyrights of a company and product line in which I support so greatly. I see no email link for marketing or legal on the website, so I was curios...Thanks
Darren Taylor
Mar 27, 2006 2:31 AM
Doh! Sorry mate, yeah we understand!! heheh, it's cool knowing your on line right now!!

but less cool knowing i just replied a second too late to adams post!!

Twenty Fifty
Mar 27, 2006 2:33 AM
"Pandora" would be a cool name for an Rx model.
www.drchop shop.com
Mar 27, 2006 2:34 AM
or how about a "Pandora" watch that comes inside some crazy box that you have to open "Pandora's Box" to get to it...Maybe a puzzle type opening...
Full Throttle @ 102 mph
Mar 27, 2006 2:35 AM
always wanted to start this thread ever since Jim came on board but realized his situation and I am just glad he is even here. So we understand Jim and cheers just for anything you had shared with us.
Mar 27, 2006 2:40 AM
I agree and second that Cal. I'm sure you're busier than most of us could imagine Jim and the request for your time is probably just as overwhelming. So anything that you can add is awesome and I think we are all still thankful to have you be here with us and the Review.
. .
Mar 27, 2006 2:42 AM
Of course we all understand, and like Cal said it is an honor just to have you on board sharing whatever you are able to share.
Jason H
Mar 27, 2006 7:21 AM
We have the answer from Jim so I am lokcing this thread up.

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