Paul Sollenberger
Jun 18, 2006 1:55 AM
Ok, can we make a change on the forum to remove fruby from the usable words list? Maybe like when you type nike the F in fruby will be stared out, or better yet, "x"ed out.
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 18, 2006 4:34 AM

you know what f***y you LOL!
Diego Benito
Jun 18, 2006 5:06 AM
I don't think this must be a law. I think it's the good sense from everybody... When a member says Fruby (= fake ruby), he is saying that the lenses are fakes, and it hurts the ones who have bought the "frubies"... It's the same to say to a member who has just bought a new pair of sunglasses: Ohhhh shit!!! Your new pair is a fake! They look horrible! It's a shame to Oakley!!

And they forget that the rubies still are awesome lenses as good as the older rubies...
What is written in the box?? Ruby. So Ruby it is. The lens name is Ruby
To my perspective the ones who says "frubies" want to underestimate the new rubies and valorize the older ones.

Say "modern Rubies", "less red Rubies", whatever you want! But Fruby, for me, is an offense!
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 18, 2006 6:45 AM
Say "modern Rubies", "less red Rubies", whatever you want! But Fruby, for me, is an offense!
See what this forum has come to? WE ARE BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT ABOUT LENSES!!!!

i also vote for "color challenged rubies" and "Special Rubies"

LOL im just playin around with you bro
Eric Arsenault
Jun 18, 2006 7:24 AM
I propose we close the ruby thread;

The purpose of the thread was to encompass the questions that new members would have related to Ruby lens.

Now, its so cluttered, that no one could find the facts unless they dig to all the bithing, and countless I like redder lens and stuff like that.

What I mean is that I dont think that thread can bring anything else informative to the site, and thats what the forum is about; being informative.

How many times, do some people have to say the same stuff ??

I know some members post there like 10 times a day, so they might come less to the review, but it wont be a big loss.

Just an idea.
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 18, 2006 7:36 AM
I know some members post there like 10 times a day, so they might come less to the review, but it wont be a big loss.
ouch man... that hurts lol
Jun 18, 2006 7:55 AM
Eric put it very well; I agree 100%. As I saw it, the thread was meant to collect all the various questions and answers about Ruby so that the site wouldn't be cluttered and would help answer the questions of new members.

I think it's obvious some of the endless debates are getting tiresome; trying to force others to validate one's opinion (AKA liking/not liking the Ruby variations) is a waste of time and a waste of a thread that could be much more valuable.

Eshan W.
Jun 18, 2006 9:05 AM
Diego makes a good point too.. whatever our personal preferences may be, if Oakley labels something as having Ruby lenses, then that's exactly what they are. Surely we're not so self absorbed that WE presume to have the authority to label something as a fake?? If that's the case then what's to stop people from calling the new generation frames(like the A/E/T Wires) fakes as well, since they differ so much from the old school stuff???

This has become about some folks trying(too hard) to stand out in the crowd by saying their lenses are "redder" and thus better that everyone else's. Which seems pretty silly to me, since as we've all seen countless times, the same pair of lenses can appear completely different under different lighting conditions and environments. So unless everyone with Ruby lenses were to all meet up someplace and compare them side by side there'll never be any practical way to prove it one way or the other.

It's one thing to have to have strong personal preferences, but those shouldn't be imposed on others. Just look at the effect all this "deep red" "purple hues" "first gen" crap has had on eBay. This was bound to happen sooner or later, so now let's at least try not further agravate the problem. Yes, I support the ban on "Fruby".

Now don't get me started on serial numbers! :P

Sorry about the rant.. I'm done.
Bruce !
Jun 18, 2006 10:48 AM
A point of clarification please...is FRUBY meant to mean fake ruby? My understanding was that is was meant as FIRE colored ruby. Any help?

BTW, what is more a waste of a thread...
talking about a color of lens in a thread created specifically for that reason? or a thread about banning a word? If you dont care, DONT READ IT>.

I am just tired of people trying to tell others what they can/can't talk about.

VOTE Libertarian IN 2006!!!!!!!
Lee Silver
Jun 18, 2006 11:12 AM
If your tired about people trying to make the board a better,less cluttered place for everybody,then don't come here.
Bruce !
Jun 18, 2006 1:36 PM
If you are trying to drive people away...your a great ambassador. Dann should be proud. Damn power hungry admins anyway. However good intentioned, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

P.S. thanks for awnswering the previous question. yeah right.

P.P.S. I am going to start a petition. LOL Please sign it.
Lee Silver
Jun 18, 2006 4:27 PM
You obviously are the type of guy who has a problem with authority figures then, judging by the "Damn power hungry admins anyway" remark.

If guys like yourself didn’t have a tantrum every time a thread didn’t go there way, or stopped being so selfish and thought about the other folk who log on and don’t post, because they can’t bring themselves to make a comment on your dislikes about "fruby" then there would be no need to keep locking threads.

Lee Silver
Jun 18, 2006 4:57 PM
Absolutely not.

So you think that the mods are appointed just because they are power hungry?
Why doesnt Dann get rid of them if that were the case?
Philip Barket
Jun 18, 2006 6:05 PM
I said it above and I'll say it here, we don't want to keep you from discussing what you want to discuss or lock away every thread that starts to go nowhere, but these topics come up and go around and around and around and have been repeated a hundred times over. Dann appointed us for our time and dedication here and we make the decisions as we see fit in everyone's best judgement. Sorry if it pisses a few members off here and there because it was their thread or they were trying to make it go somewhere slower than molasses. We try our best to keep things moving along and would think you all would do the same. We're the first, largest online Oakley community and I enjoy what we have but it needs to stay fresh, cohesive, even educational and fun to survive otherwise things will grow stale and and everyone will hit a point as I have where I'm not getting anything out of half the the discussions going on anymore.
Eric Arsenault
Jun 18, 2006 8:04 PM
Phil said it, great post, if not deleting the thread, maybe moving it to the off subject section, because thats what that thread has been for a long time.

And what usefull coments people have made are lost in a sea of junk..

That thread was off topic and pointless wayyy before the fruby word was used by the way...

Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 18, 2006 8:58 PM
You make alot of sense phil, I have no problem with most of the mods, most of ya'll are fair and have excellent judgement when it comes to keeping this thread enjoyable for everyone.

You obviously are the type of guy who has a problem with authority figures then, judging by the "Damn power hungry admins anyway" remark.
And no Lee we just have a problem with being kicked around. I can say from experience that there are mods who dont like me.. for whatever reason that is I'm really not that bothered. It does get annoying when everyone tells you what you can and cant say. Especially if it is a topic that is as popular as ruby lenses, Obviously there are people who enjoy the thread, as indicated by the massive amount of posts regarding that topic that are posted. So i think removing fruby from the oaikley vocabulary is just plain stupid. Reason for this being that it is a valid way of expressing variations in the ruby lense. Why dont we just remove the word ruby from the usable vocabulary? while we're at it why dont we remove the word 'the'? This is so foolish. When everyone whines and cries that people use the term "first generation ruby" or Third generation ruby" Others try to make a solution that appeases everyone, then of course somebody stands up and says that it is offensive. I dont mind the new ruby lenses. But we are just calling them like we see them. THey look like fire and not ruby, and thusly we call them fruby. I dont know why people would have any more of a problem with this that any other word describing a lense.

thats my piece... feel free to attack when ready... but think about what I've said ok?

Lee Silver
Jun 18, 2006 10:45 PM
As for you,I'm sure you wouldnt even know what the word "Admin" even means.

Listening to you trying to jusify the word "fruby" is really quite funny.

And like I said,if your "fed up of being kicked around" then stop coming here,nobody forces you to keep logging on, and making 9 posts a day, and comments like "word brotha" and, "did I tell you I had a tower,and Daddy bought me a timebomb".

"feel free to attack when ready"

Its like you actually enjoy trying to pick a fight isnt it.

If you spend less time doing that,and more time trying to think of a way to contrubute to the site,then it would be a better place for everyone.
Dann Thombs
Jun 19, 2006 12:19 AM
Just keep anything ruby related in the official thread, so people can choose to ignore it if they want. That's your sandbox, do as you wish and please give the rest of the forum a place to breath.

I know most of you people are smarter than some of the behavior lately, so let's at least try to run things a little smoother.
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 19, 2006 12:27 AM

"word brotha" and, "did I tell you I had a tower,and Daddy bought me a timebomb".
Have i ever said word brotha? I'm not a gangsta dude... I'm a skinny jewish kid from the sticks... so definutely not

Funny thing is the timebomb and my splices are the only thing my dad has bought for me... At least that i havent paid him back in full for. So I guess i take care of myself pretty well for a 16 year old kid. I work pretty damn hard for the stuff I have.

Its like you actually enjoy trying to pick a fight isnt it.
Haha yup, I just like to piss off people like you. Plus on this forum I'm used to people saying something negative towards me when I say something, so I figure I midas well just tell them to have at it.

Oh yeah Brewski, regarding your comments. Word brotha!

Man i think these little skirmishes are friggin fun as

Oh and btw (which mean 'by the way' for you tight asses out there)
As for you,I'm sure you wouldnt even know what the word "Admin" even means
Admin stands for administrator. Dont be a asshole of course i know what that means
Lee Silver
Jun 19, 2006 1:05 AM
I think you certainly need to grow up a whole lot,there again, you most likely never will.

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