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Celicagame -
This is one of my favorite lens colors. I had these on my eye jackets and I bought them just for the frame even though the + red lens look good with them. I hope this color makes it's way into some of the newer models.
Cobalt represents an old, classic frame color by many standards. With a semi-gloss finish, the deep royal blue hue actually sparkles very subtly upon close inspection, and the seemingly random black "crackle" pattern definitely compels a second look as well. Oakley paired this frame with a +Red lens in the Minute and Eye Jacket for an exceptional colorway.

Ian -
I find myself buying many pairs of sunglasses just because I like the color of the frame. I have the Zero.4 Squared with slate iridium, and they are an all-around nice looking pair of Oakleys.
O-TasMiC -
Very attractive when coupled with +Red Iridium.
XX -
By far one of my favorite frames. The color is shocking and looks great on almost anyone. Especialy when used in combination with red iridium lenses. The zero 0.7 frames with the cobalt coloring was especially cool.
dj.MLYT -
My friend has the cobalt/+ red eyejackets and I wear them all the time. While I'm not the biggest fan of patterned frames, these really do look great paired up with +red iridium, and I think they would also look great with 24k.
Ed -
Neat color, too bad it's only available with a limited number of models and lens options.
Ed -
Very unique pattern that unfortunately seems a bit dated these days. It was almost always paired with +Red lenses, and the dark blue complemented the lens color very well. The first gen Cobalt had a satin finish while later generations had a glossy, clear-coated finish.
addicted2o -
have these on my wiretaps, a blue almost like navy blue but not quite..a subtle color but definitely a must have if u like blue frames
LEX7 -
This is 1 of only 3 crackle frames that were made.
it is a silvery blue lizard skin effect with thin black lines.
the only lense colour that looks good with this frame is the +Red iridium.
this frame colour was one of the most popular eye jackets when they were first released.
addicted2o -
i'm not a very big fan of this frame but the dark blue color is very nice...but this limits the lens color options, for me very few colors go well with this frame, like black, grey, positive red to name a few
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