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The pinnacle of all Oakley products: the 18K Gold Time Bomb. With identical styling to the Time Bomb family, this watch compels a second look since its composition is entirely gold. Someday this will be added to my collection as the crown jewel...

After more than 10 years, that dream has now become reality.

oakleyfan -
Absolutely Awesome watch, none come close to the unique elegant styling. How many were made & whats it worth today?
siberyan -
An awesome watch, but I think it doesn't worth the price! Even if I had 10 million dollars I wouldn't spend so much in just a watch.
gregm -
The watch gives meaning to Bomb in Time Bomb. Had a chance to see it last year at The Arctic Challenge in Norway. Have to do some hard pimping to your hands on one of those, but WOW.
american image -
you gotta have something to dream about , well , this is my dream! i hope , one day , may dream may come true
what a fantastic superb outstanding gold watch !!!
to bad the rating only goes to 5 , as i would have given it an number that would outnumbered infinity
dmboz -
felt one at hq when i worked there... weighs about 734 pounds... but way better in person than pictures
Tick -
If I owned this watch I would never wear long sleeves. At least not on my left arm.
bong -
Frame: Gold
Face: Gold

if i had a million dollars...I'd buy a Limited Edition Time Bomb!
Star-Scream -
That watch costs more than my car! I only know one person that has one, Michael Jordan.
Lali -
I couldn't belive my eyes when I first saw this. It's truely amazing, but I'd rather buy the non limited Time Bomb.
njphil -
There was one on ebay last year, I was sooo close to buying it...I should have sucked it up and got it. I totally regret not buying it now.
crazy_azz_mat -
i was told that micheal jordon owns a few of those. i heard 5 from my OPD
Smallkid -
Finally something that is worth dreaming for. This watch sure is worth its weight in gold
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