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Ed -
One word for this case: Fantastic! Leave it to Oakley to take something mundane like a CD case and make it cool. The heavy-duty vinyl exterior is molded in a "Vault" pattern and has a tremendous metal icon. No doubt who made this case.

The disc sleeves are mounted on rings (like a binder), so they open up better and hold more than other sleeves that are bundled together. I also feel that this case truly holds the full capacity of CD's unlike other cases that barely zip closed when all the sleeves are full.
O-bandit -
color: black

it´s great to have! i store my CD´s for the car in these and it perfect. the material is easy to clean and the icon is big enough :o) to see where it come from...
you make with that a statement.

ball5out -
black in color with a big O icon. Holds all my discs organized in one place(inside my glove box) when people open my glove box to get CDs, and they see my CD case, they always say Im an Oakley fanatic lol!
fin7 -
Metal icon on the front, solid design.
Not sure how hard wearing the CD sleeves would prove to be.
Had to get one before these go OOP and go silly ebay prices
TekDragon -
I really like this, but it's a bit bulky and a little bigger than I thought, but still cool.
DisturbedEarth -
Color: very cool...yet another oakley thing to pointlessly posess - have two in the truck - cool design
oogie -
Color: Black

First the kevlar portfolios ... then the leather wallets and PDA case ... now a CD case. Throw a freakin huge icon on the cover and you simply have a winner. Best darn CD case in existence.
o-xide -
Color: Black
Nice look with a huge icon. made of some PVC plastic and will melt under heat. Definely a must for a collector
kingphilbert -

This was an awesome addition. It's actually made with CD Project interior sleeves. Heavy rubber construction and the metal "O" is great. Holds 36 discs. I took the sleeves out of mine, bought some foam and converted it into a case for my MP3 player and cables. Worth it for the Oakley fan.
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