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professor oak -
I've had this case for YEARS, back with the original logo (miss it) and for what it is I couldn't be happier. Own the large and small and they have decent protection-amazing for a soft case-and the construction is solid. Fits most of my shades but might be a bit too small for larger frames.
b2r -
Color: Black

Still have the old version with the embossed O and normal zipper. I find it very strong and have no worries about my Oakleys when the are in the "Ballistic Case", as it was called in the past. In the large version most glasses fit, although the Juliet and most X-Metals are too big.
Ian -
I have several in various places, just to insure that my investments are always being protected.
O -
I do like this vault, it doesn't spring open like the metal vault and but bigger glasses like the juliets and larger xmetals fit kind of tight in the box but they are protected
slackman -
This is the only case that I could find that would actually fit Oil Drums and it worked well for about two months. Then the zipper broke in half and for some reason the glue that Oakley uses to make their cases smells like a skunk if they are left in the sunlight for a long time.
Chopsticks -
Have mine for about 3 years now and they've done their job. Never failed me. Extremely lightweight and surprisingly strong hard shell. Sometimes I throw it around my room and forget I have my Oakleys in! The zipper never came off mine and mine looks like new still after all the abuse its been through.
Fastguy45 -
These vaults are da bomb! They are super strong, SUPER well made, and last forever! I ran my car 87 times over one and my half jackets inside weren't even scratched or bent in any way! They're light, too, so you can just slip them in your pocket and smile knowing your investment is safe. And the zippers would NEVER break because they're made of SPACE AGE polymer that Oakley spent years on R&D to develop. In fact, it's the same polymer they used on the gun mount when I was door gunner for the Space Shuttle. 5 stars.
Habano16 -
Case color:Black

There is absolutley nothing soft about these. You can even put your neopreme sleeve on your glasses then put them inside the vault and it fits perfectly for added protection. My fives fit like a glove and the vault does not give enough to alarm me when weight is atop. Overall a fantastic purchase.
idealoakley -
THis VAULT is strong and looks great. It will get your glasses alot of compliments due to the unique appearance. My only complaint is that is does not have a strong hinge like the METAL VAULT and can open up.
LukePhillips -
I bought this for my XX's. Exact same (besides size and shape) as the X Metal and Jacket Soft Vaults. I'm not worried about them getting smashed in there, it is pretty sturdy and has ample room for the glasses. I wouldn't go throwing anything on top of it though.
idealoakley -
Well worth the money. I have never had any issue with mine. It does a fantastic job protecting my shades. The zipper is strong. It is called the soft vault but it truely isn't. It is just soft next to it's metal counterpart. You can put your shades in this and use it as a football if you want, and at the end of the game you can unzip this vault and put your shades on for the drive home.
ball5out -
I like the looks a little bit but wasnt too happy about the zipper easily breaking off
Kevo69 -
This case fits my Romeo 2's fine! Keeps them safe in all situations.
mrtwenty1 -
fits perfectly on my eye jacket 2.0. ur oakley is very safe here. i've been using it for 6 years already. have taken it on my international trips and fits right well on my clutch bag.
filmetal -

I bought this one for my penny, the x metal soft vault is to large for it. I use it as my service vault specially when I go out and have to take the penny off my face. I use it as my storage at the car or in the office. Your glasses will be safe inside it.
wingsdjy -
Like the X-Metal Soft Vault, this case is a little too squishy for my tastes. I use it with my Half Jackets, but I'm always afraid that I'll damage a lens if I throw a text book on top of it in my bag.
This is the perfect case for your day to day shades but I would upgrade to one of the vaults for protection of anything really expensive/rare. This is low key too, sometimes I get tired of pulling out the wire vault case and people making comments about how extreme it is. I wouldn't hesitate to use this for any of the plastic oakley shades.
oogie -
The perfect protection to keep your precious o safe. Quick and easy access, and the shape allows it to be easily thrown in just about any space.
rdgdmd -
Color: black
it's an oakley, so you are guaranteed only the finest. protects and best of all-it lets others know there's something very expensive inside. i think this is a must since it's best to invest on something to protect your most priced posessions.
sparra -
Color: Black

Okay, it's a vault so what can you really say - but I have quite a few of these and they give your Os the protection they deserve. Though I've recently found that the inner lining near the zip is becoming frayed, I don't see it as a major problem.
DisturbedEarth -
Color: black

Have had this for years and has protected my juliets without issue - awesome case - worth the investment!
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