Family: O Matter

Cinder red? Upon hearing of the color and seeing pictures, I thought the idea was indeed impressive; upon seeing the color in person, however, I was somewhat disappointed. Sure, the subtle metallic finish looks good... but it appears to be more "black" than "red". Even close-up, the chroma is so dark that it's difficult to discern the difference between this color and black, unless you're in direct sunglight. Definitely a missed opportunity for a promising colorway.

Rick -
I'm a fan of the Cinder Red. Yeah, it looks black from afar, but that's kind of cool. Only on close inspection and certain lighting conditions do you notice the metallic flakes of red embedded in the coating. Once you take a close look at this frame in person I think you will agree that it is a unique and attractive color scheme.
jumpman73 -
Awesome color option. The little red specks look awesome in the light. Gives it a real nice red highlight to a black frame.
Dann -
A near black when worn or from afar, but shine it in the sunlight and watch it glow. Shame it's only on a few frames, but here's hoping they expand the offerings.
dan-E -
I finally saw these in person on the Monster Dogs and all I can say is WOW. Despite its name, it's not quite the brick red that you might see used on baseball stadiums but rather, a very deep, dark red that really sparkle in the sunlight. Very beautiful color that I hope gets used more.
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