www.drchop shop.com
Jun 12, 2006 6:10 PM
I'm sure if Dann and the mods here can do it, ebay certainly can. They probably start by just dumping the individual account, and if the person re-surfaces, they go all out, but that is just speculation on my part.
Dann Thombs
Jun 12, 2006 6:20 PM
And if they register the same Credit Card, the new account automatically becomes blocked.
Carrie K
Jun 12, 2006 11:00 PM
u guys should give him a break
there are ppl out there stupid enough to buy stuff at that crazy amount and i serioulsy think it's their choice and there's nothing we can do about it

just my 2 cents
Zik Alikhan
Jun 12, 2006 11:37 PM
Hmmm... People make mistakes.. some people learn and some dont... But from what I can see, Joel's new listings are running auction. So maybe we should give him a chance :)
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 13, 2006 2:32 AM
meh, jole is a great guy to deal with. I got ym really nice ruby replacement lenses for a fraction of what he was selling them for on ebay. Now i know alot of ppl on here see him as a bad guy, and i admit that some of the stuff he's done is a bit off color, but hey, you gotta make a living somehow, and if people really are willing to pay outrageous prices for things like that then i say let them do it. I mean, look at some of the other auctions... 817 for ruby juliets, and even more for some of the ichiro sigs. and half of those auctions are from people that have (0) feedback, so what do you prefer, paying a crapload of money for a pair of shades and then getting ripped off or buying a pair for a crapload of money, but being able to trust the guy you're getting them from.

Once again I'm defending the underdog and im sure ill get "egg on my face" for saying it, but someone has to stick up for peopl who cant stick up for themselves
Dann Thombs
Jun 13, 2006 2:47 AM
He's no underdog, I'm sure he's doing quite well from the proceeds of the auctions. The underdogs are the people who contribute to the oakley scene as well as this site. Researching information, creating new content. Take the podcast. A few days later, all was quiet, but you never hear the end of ruby lenses.

Sure he has the right to sell what he wants. Just as I have the right to not be too crazy about running a site that gives sellers buzz-words to overprice their constant stream of inventory they seem to get ahold of. We all have the right to do pretty much anything, but certain actions sure won't win you a popularity contest.
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 13, 2006 2:54 AM
well the off color things i was referring to were the use of connections he had made here to get stuff and then sell ti at exorbitant prices... but yeah... i agree with you dann...

And no Nathan... im not gonna marry him.. thats not how i roll lol
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 13, 2006 3:03 AM
only for you nathan... only for you lol....

actually im waiting for angelina jolee to split with brad pitt... hehe then i make my move
sees you
Jun 13, 2006 4:01 AM
Maybe you could get her to adopt you
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 13, 2006 4:52 AM
I wonder if she adopts littel jewish kids? :D
Zik Alikhan
Jun 13, 2006 5:44 AM
Justin: She only adopts little kids.. Not 'little' kids like yourself!! =p

Nathaniel: A couple of days back he was selling his stuffs under different eBay id but he's running them on auction, not on fixed BIN anymore... or maybe there are very few of them on BIN but I saw he puts almost all of them for bidding. However not sure if that is a 'sign' that he learns something! lol~

What he did was really pissing most people off.. The Ruby scene nowadays is still not as pretty as it should be...

Still no one knows why eBay suspended him?? Dont ask me I dont! lol~
Twenty Fifty
Jun 13, 2006 5:51 AM
Ah, you're gonna use the "Woody Allen" tactic; get on the inside by being an adopted child and then eventually start dating your parent.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jun 13, 2006 7:00 AM
He was probably running them on auction because he was desperate to unload all his stuff before eBay shut him down AGAIN! Saying that he's a good guy is irrelevant. "Good guys" don't get banned from eBay. I wonder which of his cronies will be flogging his 5 pairs of Sclezi R2's?

Zik Alikhan
Jun 13, 2006 7:08 AM
That's where u're wrong Doc... "Good guys" don't get banned TWICE from eBay! =)
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jun 13, 2006 7:10 AM
I stand corrected. That's why it's always advisable to seek out a second opinion.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jun 13, 2006 7:54 AM
Yeah, I never thought about that...he's got an excess amount of ruby lenses and other stuff that he always was selling...I bet he's kicking himself for loading up and not being able to sell. I bet he'll just find people on another auction site.

How on earth could he have gotten all those lenses? I asked him once and he wouldnt tell. Oakley needs to take a closer look at people like that and stop the "boxes from falling off of trucks" thing
Jun 13, 2006 11:02 AM
Oakley is only glad at unloading their stuff. They pretty much don't matter who buys them. As long as they see their profits increase, they will sell. Don't u think so?

So even if it was someone on the inside supplying, Oakley still makes the profit and that is all it is about. PROFIT!!
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jun 13, 2006 9:18 PM
I kind of always thought his stuff might be fake. Look at who bought most of his stuff...people who probably dont know the difference between real and fake....I saw him sell a pair of Ichiro Sigs Lenses only(which were probably real) for 450 bucks. Those people who are going to pay outragous prices are the ones who dont know any better.

Also, Im just disappointed that Joel abused this site so badly. I understand selling stuff on ebay to make a profit, like Dr. J sold 1 of his 4 pairs of WBC Juliets for well over a grand...but he also hoookedu p 2 other members for what Im guessing to be a reasonable price. He also let it ride out at auction and let the bidders decide...not an insane BIN.

Joel not only used this site to get good inside info, but he also didn't seem to hook members up with his stuff. He PMd me once offering a single stand for 55 bucks plus 20 for shipping

I can specifically remember a member on this site who found a good money-clip connection that offered up the Ti Money Clip wallets for about 30 bucks cheaper than they were selling on ebay for. He could have easily gotten more money on ebay but he chose to be a good guy and hook up his friends. Joel may have helped out Gandy and some other members here and there...but he was here to make a buck...and he made more than enough money off of us.
Zik Alikhan
Jun 13, 2006 10:54 PM
No Nathaniel.. i was talking about his ni5moz id... Dont think he'll create another one.. would he?? That's just plain suicide and if he did, he would be banned from eBay forever I would think...
Zik Alikhan
Jun 14, 2006 12:24 AM
I wonder how can we really tell whether a particular pair of Oakley lens is authentic or not, apart from sending it back to Oakley... Maybe we can compare the edge of the lens with an authentic one?? Are they nicely cut/'dremelled' or else?? =)
Justin "The Mofoin' Man" Gandy
Jun 14, 2006 1:53 AM
use the laser test

you take a laser pointer and shine it through a lense onto a wall thats several meters away.. if it is a dot still then its an oakley (or high quality) lense.. if not then crap lol
James Cheung
Jun 14, 2006 2:18 AM
Does anyone know for sure that Joel's rubies are fake? I have to admit, the fact that he has so many when the supply is so scarce is a bit suss.
Eric Arsenault
Jun 14, 2006 3:24 AM
Supply is mostly scarce in the US, in places like Europe, Canada or else because of the high prices, there are sometimes plenty.

We still have plenty of bwrown juliet and corvette juliet here for exemple.

Ruby seems scarce but its not really the case, and with a good connection, its easy to obtain a good price on a batch of anything.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jun 14, 2006 3:41 AM
How could he get such a good connection out in Singapore though?
Jun 14, 2006 4:42 AM
Hoots, you might want to revise your test. I just tried it with some cheap plastic wrap, a CD case, a scotch tape dispenser, a salt shaker, and a Tupperware container. They all worked a-ok.

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