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TSIcon8 -
Frame: Black
Lens: Grey
Nice shades. Classic look. They've lasted forever.
fin7 -
Frame: Tortoise
Lens: gold
Bought for my youmgest son, In the Oakley vault portsmouth.
Once he tried them on I had to get them. Wrap around simple style, full eye protection, obviously O on a budget.
Cool as .... and love 'em
american image -
Frame: tortoise / fmj
Lens: gold / black iridium

very bulky looking but comfortable fit. larger than for example the straightjacket in feel.
i liked them
splatter -
Frame: several
Lens: black, gold

they were decent for the sportsman that knows he is going to scrach the crap out of them. cheaper but still oakleys
TekDragon -
Frame: All
Lens: All
Never really like these. They're just too boring. A cross between the Fives and the new Frogskins. May try to find the 10W40/polarized just to have a pair for the collection, but I doubt I'd ever wear them.
sparra -
Frame: Black
Lens: Grey

I once tried a mates pair of these, and was not particularly impressed. They don't have any cool, subtle styling, just look too simple and not particularly nice to wear.
702_Omatter -
Frame: Lava
Lens: VR28
Another classic oakley. I got this one on ebay for $20. Cheap huh? I like the color combo, very unique. But the glasses themselves, are well, boring. It's very plain and not eye-catching. They are also bulky compared to my other oakleys. But, its a nice addition to my collection, considering this model isn't made anymore and are hard to come by. I also agree with kingphilbert. I would love to see this color combination again, most probably on the Scar model. That would be sweet.
banarno -
Frame: Black
Lens: Grey
These were a big hit when first released,so another classic design from Oakley
There was a huge range of colour options so you could either be conservative, or go for a more cool/funky combination that changed the look of the sunglass.
Lenses are Easily popped in/out so you could buy new lenses, or just customise to change you mood.
Quite a large design, to compensate for the slightly smaller version (FIVES) for smaller faces.

oogie -
Frame: 10W40 / FMJ 5.56 / Black Gold
Lens: Black / Black Polarized / Gold Polarized

Comfort and fit are fine ... but they are really just very plain. Nothing all that spectacular to talk about style-wise. How did I ever get 3 pairs of this?!?!
LEX7 -

I totally agree with Phil.
I bought these for the colour combo. they are not very comfortable they have the same sort of look as the Twenty but more heavy and inflexible as Phil said.
bottom line is these glasses Look very cool but are not comfortable.
I hope oakley will bring back the 10W40 Frame in something else though.
kingphilbert -
Frame: Lava
Lens: VR28

I liked the Fives and their was no XX yet so I tried this for a larger fit. I had actually bought it for the color combo : ( It was a very heavy inflexible frame. The ear stems where bulky and poked in hard and they had a problem with fogging up and my others never had.

I would love to see Lava again though, maybe on Monster Dog.
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