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EastCoast -
Color: Silver
Well, it holds my keys okay, no trouble there.

Bought it when my Bob Head keychain broke. Not too keen on the design, it is subtle. Easy to grab, nice heft, but still, what can be said about it? It is, I will admit, much nicer than some freebie keychain from your insurance company. Still, I think the minds that came up with the Racing Jacket could have produced something crazier. If you want a keychain, go ahead and buy it. You won't be disappointed, but it's hard to get real excited about a keychain.

I actually prefer the look of it as it gets pitted and worn down from all my keys. No joke - go figure.
Ian -
I got mine for free. I'll never use it since I have the carabineer, but I have pride of ownership, and that's all that matters.
O -
one of the most reconizeable keychains there are. its heavy and makes a good handle for the keys
DoctorCrip -
Color: Silver

I really like this keychain. It's not nearly as heavy as it appears, so you hardly even notice it on your it also looks really cool. I prefer to use mine with my display so that it doesn't get beat up. However, I'd like to get another one at some point - preferably the harder to find pewter one - and use that one in my display, thus demoting my current one to the keychain to undoubtedly get destroyed over time.
Munkfish -
Really nice - the only Oakley keychain I use on a daily basis. Good weight, and comfortable in the pocket - solid build quality.
alexrugby18 -
it s simple but it says alot!! it has a great feeling and although really resistant it is really light!

bad part is that the paint wears off pretty fast if u keep playing with it like i do
oogie -
A great keychain. A simple, strong statement with the icon.
O-minous -
Very nice. Light weight, cool detailed engraving and the matte titanium finish is sweet! Already got my keys on it.
DisturbedEarth -
Color: silver

Yet another Oakley keychain I had to have and have absolutely no use for....still very cool!
x-metalman -
Color: Silver
The coolset keychain I've ever owned. I like the detail put into.
Dann -
Color: Silver

A nice piece for the display cabinet. I got it on my second trip after getting the Carabineer. I don't want to ruin it by actually using it, so I leave it be as a nice collectable.
JL -
Color: Silver

I actually got to pick between two colours, the one i have is the standard silver but they also had a darker tinted one which the store manager showed me. Solid keychain, still haven't figured out what to do with it, I use a lanyard and don't normally use a keychain, but so far makes a nice display piece with the ring taken off.
Ed -
Color: Silver

Nice, simple keychain. It has a good, solid feel and some fairly intricate detailing.
o-xide -
Color: silver
Just cool looking. I have 2. I got them in HongKong for half price and they are authentic. It came with no tag and I guess they didn't know how much to sell it. The keychain has a lot of detail in it. Another collector must have. Yeah it is very light
sparra -
Color: Silver

I like this keychain. It is light yet solid to hold and looks pretty cool, if not particularly innovative.
kingphilbert -

This is the keychain to go with. It's small and very lite (supposedly titanium but I honestly can't tell). It's nice to have a sculpted Icon hanging from you at all times though. I have also heard this version of the icon referred to as the Thumb Print Icon
O-bandit -
color: silver

it´s okay not realy detailed but good enough for the keys!
would not buy so many of these like from the bobs :o))
just some to complete the collection....
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