Artist Series
Table of Contents:
The Artist Series was a loose collection of releases from 2006 - 2012, with the bulk appearing in the first three years. The frames were designed by various artists, several whom returned to produce a second release. Other graphical releases appeared around this time, which made the exact designation of an 'artist series' debatable, but the generally accepted list is as follows:
  1. Brown Flores (Gascan) October 2006
  2. Blue Flores (Gascan) March 2007
  3. C100 (Gascan) April 2007
  4. Art Chantry (Hijinx) June 2007
  5. Todd Francis (Eyeptach) October 2007
  6. London Police (Gascan) December 2007
  7. Frank Kozik (Hijinx) April 2008
  8. Naomi South (Eternal) June 2008
  9. Robert Pimple (Hijinx) September 2008
  10. Will Barras (Montefrio) January 2009
  11. Caia Koopman (Ravashing) May 2009
  12. WhoIsThisKid? (Hijinx) May 2009
  13. C100 (Jupiter) July 2009
  14. Mambo (Antix) September 2009
  15. Stanley Donwood (Jupiter) December 2009
  16. Don Pendelton (Fuel Cell) September 2010
  17. Robert Williams (Dispatch) June 2012

David Flores - Gascan Version 1.0 - October 2006

The artist series kicked off with a Japanese exclusive, released at the Grand Opening of the Tokyo O-Store. Rick was living there at the time and casually dropped a few pictures of the Gascan, decorated in artwork by David Flores.

Limted to 100 pieces, 50 with the orange Icon. As they were being created the orange icon was standard, but the production run was doubled at the last minute and a standard gunmetal icon was used on the remainder. The box was decorated in similar artwork.

David Flores - Gascan Version 2.0 - March 2007

Originally supposed to be the general release version after the Japanese edition, this model ended up being similarly limited. After the first round hit stores, Flores was found to have some criminal charges which caused Oakley to recall the remaining stock. All unsold glasses were returned and destroyed. Most of the pairs out there were from the release party on March 19th, 2007.

In addition to the box sharing the artwork, the microbag followed this time. His style could also be found on the collectable Dunny figures.

C100 - Gascan - April 2007

A third Gascan followed, but still remained a limited run. These appeared in Germany during the opening of the Berlin O Store. C100 is a graphic design company in Germany and was commissioned for this piece. They sold for 400 Euros, which was roughly 540 USD at the time.

Art Chantry - Hijinx - June 2007

Finally for the forth in the series, a pair received a wider release. Art Chantry is a Seattle-based artist who has done some work for Nirvana and others bands. His style on these glasses consists of a collage of newspaper and magazine clippings rendered into different colors. As expected an artwork sheet and printed microbag accompany this piece as well as a fully decked out box.

A sunglasses showcase kicked off the release in Seattle on June 9th, 2007. Participants could buy the glasses or just the microbag. Since the prior released were so limited, many scalpers tried to buy these to resell, but most would be available soon after.

Todd Francis - Eyeptach - October 2007

Pigeons....Pigeons with dead rats, oil spills, syringes, human feet all while throwing up. Instead of artwork only on the exterior of the frame, the pigeons on the stems are printed on the outside while the background is an inner pad print. The translucent material then gives the scene some depth. There are two versions, one with a single pigeon head on the orbitals, and another with two (one on each side).

Some of his artwork also appeared on the wall of an O Store.

London Police - Gascan / Crowbar / Pack - December 2007

The final release of 2007 was the London Police set. Based on a group of graffitti artists, black art was printed on a clear Gascan. The Gascan was sold on its own, but there was also a set containing the glasses, a Crowbar Snow goggle, and a reversible hoodie. The set came in a large zip up case and was limited to 501 units.

Frank Kozik - Hijinx - April 2008

Another Hijinx was chosen for Frank Kozik's collaboration.

Naomi South - Eternal - June 2008

A woman's frame was chosen next, and was released only in Japan.

Robert Pimple - Hijinx - September 2008

Will Barras - Montefrio - January 2009

2009 opened with a Montfrio, a first for this model.

Caia Koopman - Ravashing - May 2009

Another female specific frame was added to the collection.

WhoIsThisKid? - Hijinx - May 2009

The Design Brief Contest originated in the UK in May 19, 2008. Contributors were asked to apply a design to a pair of Hijinx, the box, and accompanying microbag. A total of 60 entries were presented online for consideration, and #38 was chosen for actual production. 300 items were released later in May 2009. Initially they were hard to get, but the remainder were liquidated on an online retailer a few years later.

C100 - Jupiter - July 2009

Rumors of another C100 edition were circulated, and luckily it wasn't an ultra limited edition this time.

Mambo - Antix - September 2009

Stanley Donwood - Jupiter - December 2009

Don Pendelton - Fuel Cell - September 2010

Robert Williams - Dispatch - June 2012

The Artist Series had long been dormant when news of a possible addition arrived. The last release in the series appeared in 2012, capping off the collection for good.

Right after the initial Artist Series debuted, Oakley began releasing more Gascans with fully decorated boxes and microbags. Often the glasses did not have as much artwork, but they were easy to mix into the collection before it was clear how many would be released in the end.

In 2008, Andrew Petterson collaborated with Oakley and designed 50 unique Frogskins. It was initially announced in August, with a final release in October.

Most of the releases in the Unseen Art Collective could be considered Artist Editions, but they were one-offs and had no wider release. The steampunk Dispatch II by Corey Sheppard was one of the standouts.
posted by Smarfy
Twenty Fifty
Oct 31, 2008 1:23 AM
So with all the art releases recently, I'm losing track of what's included in the Artist Series. While I gave up on getting them all, I'm curious as to what the complete list is. So far, I'm aware of:

1) Brown Flores (Gascan)
2) Blue Flores (Gascan)
3) C100 (Gascan)
4) Art Chantry (Hijinx)
5) London Police (Gascan)
6) Naomi South (Eternal)
7) 50 different Andrew Pettersons (Frogskin)
8) Robert Pimple (Hijinx)
9) Frank Kozik (Hijinx)
10) Will Barras (Montefrio)
11) WhoisThisKid? (Hijinx)
12) Todd Francis (Eyepatch)

Am I missing anyone?
Bryan Fin7
Oct 31, 2008 2:13 AM
Troy Lee, and isn't Fosse part of this or was this changed?
Twenty Fifty
Oct 31, 2008 1:20 AM
They were switched over to be part of the Signature Series lineup rather than the Artist Series.
Bryan Fin7
Oct 31, 2008 1:22 AM
Right, I should keep up.
David Lee
Oct 31, 2008 1:54 AM
So they guy who's name escapes me who did the custom painted Frogskins BEFORE Peterson...don't those count?
Twenty Fifty
Oct 31, 2008 2:09 AM
To me, it only counts if they release it for sale to the public.
paul mcj
Oct 31, 2008 2:12 AM
Assume we are also excluding special store editions - so like the Blends, Fice, Original Fake?
Oct 31, 2008 2:13 AM

TL & Chip Foose are the first-borns of a line of Special Editions revolving around Motorsports if I'm not mistaken
Twenty Fifty
Oct 31, 2008 2:18 AM
Assume we are also excluding special store editions - so like the Blends, Fice, Original Fake?
I'd say they can be counted as long as the public was able to purchase them. That's why I counted the Pettersons. It's available to be bought by the public; it's just localized.
Oct 31, 2008 2:39 AM
Supreme, Blends and Fice were store special editions/exclusives, not artist based. Original fake is also a Supreme I think, isn't it?
Twenty Fifty
Oct 31, 2008 2:51 AM
yes, Original Fake is pretty much like the Supremes in terms of a store/brand exclusive.
paul mcj
Oct 31, 2008 2:57 AM
ugly stepchildren, all of them!
Twenty Fifty
Oct 31, 2008 3:10 AM
Ugly glasses need love too.
Oct 31, 2008 3:12 AM
clean the floor with them I say HAHA...Oh, and in case we haven't figured yet, at $350 per pair for the froggies, that's $17,500.00 USD, but I think when figuring the conversion rates today, that would be more like $22,558.11 USD against the Euro, and 28,691.59 GBP (Pounds)...YIKES!!! Who is going to be TRUE Baller Status and get them all out here???
18K & FMJ
Oct 31, 2008 7:43 AM
Who is going to be TRUE Baller Status and get them all out here???
I cast my vote for J-Big DP.

Oct 31, 2008 7:54 AM
C'mon Nike, you know you have been jonesing for mass purchases...Now that the x-metal binge is over, step up and hit a home run for 20k and scoop up all the artsy frogs! HAHA
Nov 3, 2008 11:24 PM
TL & Chip Foose are the first-borns of a line of Special Editions revolving around Motorsports if I'm not mistaken
That would be awesome! I'm a huge gearhead, and the "Oakley Racing Division" stuff that has been coming out is killer, I love the style. It would be awesome if they did more with this line (if it is indeed a new line)!
Raider King
Nov 4, 2008 6:26 AM
I honestly would not include those froggies as part as the artist series. (IMO) finger painting, not much art in them. I consider them more along the line of a grab bag. Which is what they are.
Twenty Fifty
Nov 6, 2008 10:13 AM
"Finger painting". LOL. That's harsh. I don't like most of the art on the Frogs, and Petterson's artwork may not be for everyone, but that's why art's so great.
Raider King
Nov 6, 2008 10:30 AM
Honestly, I just feel it's bad enough as it is. Trying to collect all the artist series. Then someone comes out w/ 50 that I don't believe should be an artist series. It's just A bunch of patterns w/ a few repeated in different colors.I would love to to have seen one of the characters in the backround of his picture from instead.
Twenty Fifty
Nov 8, 2008 8:15 AM
I totally agree in the regard, but I didn't want to disrespect Petterson as an artist.

I was wanting to collect the whole series as well, but then I started realizing that I didn't like the latter Artist Series releases and have given up on collecting the entire lineup, buying only the pieces that I like the design/art on. Once I realize that I didn't want the whole collection, it became easier to pass up anything Oakley releases for the series.

In collecting, passing up the first one in the series is the hardest; it's a cakewalk after that.
Dann Thombs
Nov 9, 2008 6:58 PM
Pretty much how I see it now. I ended up being able to pass on the latest Hijinx, but might get the Montefrio because I actually like it.
Raider King
Nov 9, 2008 9:57 PM
Part of my frustration might come w/ knowing the effort I put in to coming up on some David Flores, C100, & Robert Pimples, which I Haven't had a chance to post. Well, if I can learn anything from collecting it would be here. Hopefully, my artist don't feel lonely w/o their 50 brothers.
Nov 9, 2008 10:43 PM
those aren't 50 brothers, they are the bastard step children of an international night out without protection!! HAHA
Jesus Hernandez
Dec 30, 2008 5:33 AM
Thanks a bunch to everyone that helped me with this.
I have now completed my artist collection and would like to share with you all
I feel super happy being one of the first ones to have the entire set and it wouldn¡¦t have ever been possible with out this site thank a lot to Dann and all the Other people that keep this site up and running

My pictures do no justice to the glasses :(

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