Jul 9, 2018 3:41 AM
I like to tinker around with designing stuff a little bit and from time to time my Oakley collecting crosses paths with that. This is one of those times. These first few are a little rough but I'm fine tuning things and they're coming out better.

Mini replica Counter Top 3.0 Display Cases 3D Printed

Crystal Red with a stand for the torpedo keychain


This one has shelves to accommodate the 1:6 scale Juliet by BlackOpsToys

My daughter thought it would be great for Barbie’s house lol

Jul 9, 2018 4:15 AM
Those are pretty cool. Very creative work and they look great as coin holders!
Kenny "HED" Wu
Jul 9, 2018 5:13 AM
Twenty Fifty
Jul 9, 2018 6:42 AM
Michael Elfstrom
Jul 9, 2018 12:42 PM
So! Darn! Cool!
Lance Zhou
Lance Zhou
Jul 9, 2018 1:21 PM
Dann Thombs
Jul 9, 2018 1:28 PM
I love those, well done. I have so many odds & ends with coins and promo items, that this seems like the perfect way to display them.
William Templin
Jul 9, 2018 1:58 PM
Amazing work
Jul 9, 2018 3:20 PM
lord oakman
Jonathan Oakman
Jul 9, 2018 4:12 PM
there cool
John Schafhauser
Jul 9, 2018 10:00 PM
Very cool! Love the crystal red and glow in the dark ones!
Jul 9, 2018 10:32 PM
Thanks guys! I wanted to do this for a long time and finally got to a point with cad where I'm able to. All the kind words mean a lot!
Jul 9, 2018 10:40 PM
I love those, well done. I have so many odds & ends with coins and promo items, that this seems like the perfect way to display them. - Dann

At first it was just to see if I could do it. Then I realized that at that scale they would be perfect for coins and dogtags and little stuff like that. Then my wife and daughter saw it and went nuts lol That's where Barbie came in.
Jul 9, 2018 10:42 PM
The top is removeable so maybe one day if I’m feeling froggy I can wire up some LEDs.

Ben Cahoon
Jul 9, 2018 10:52 PM
Have you considered selling any?
Dann Thombs
Jul 9, 2018 11:00 PM
I've been interested in 3d printing for a while. Any suggestions on brands and such. Might be a good hobby so my daughter uses the computer for something other than YouTube
Jul 9, 2018 11:11 PM
Have you considered selling any? - Benjamin

Yeah I've had a few people ask about that so I'm going to for 20 bucks.
Jul 9, 2018 11:17 PM
These look very nice.
Cool way to display items.
Jul 9, 2018 11:24 PM
I've been interested in 3d printing for a while. Any suggestions on brands and such. Might be a good hobby so my daughter uses the computer for something other than YouTube - Dann

I started out with a DaVinci 1.0 and it was quite the learning curve. I feel like if I had started out with one that I had to build I would have had a greater understanding of how it all worked from the start. Eventually I upgraded to a Wanhao I3 Plus and it's a great machine. I have two now that I use all day every day. They run about $500 but you can catch them on sale sometimes for $4-400

I did buy an Anet A8, a cheaper version of the Wanaho I3. It was considerably less at $170 but it needs upgrades to perform as well. In the end you would probably be at about the same price point but again you would have a greater understanding of the beast after building it and upgrading it.

Either way, they are both cheap knockoffs of the Prusa I3. That's the real deal. If I was to ever buy another one, it would be a Prusa I3. They have new stuff all the time and can print in 4 colors at the same time now! I'm doing good to swap filament mid print and get two colors lol

My daughter is about to be 4 so I want to get her into designing and making things too. I use Tinkercad to design everything. It's from Autodesk and all web based at tinkercad.com They also have more advanced software like Fusion 360 that's is better after you learn some. I'm still not there and I've been doing this for years but only designing for maybe 2. There are tons of choices for cad though but tinkercad is free and easy. Maybe sign her up and get her designing stuff and when she sees what she made she will likely be wanting to build it. That's what happened with my wife. I got her the DaVinci almost 5 years ago because she's a stay at home mom and was bored, not anymore with two kids now lol, now she has an etsy store and makes custom stuff for people every day.

3D printing is damn fun if you have patience. There is a lot of tinkering to keep everything running smooth, think of all those moving parts, but if you're a tinkerer, it's a blast. Hit me up if you need more info or want to chat about it.

Jul 9, 2018 11:27 PM
Some other stuff I did

4 tier stands add much more room to a case

A friend noticed that M Frames with Heater lenses don’t fit on oakley stands without hitting each other so I modified the four tier I made to give more room those giant lenses. Ignore the colors lol I was testing

Dann Thombs
Jul 10, 2018 2:53 PM
Prusa Mk3 is $749 for the kit, vs 999 pre built. Not too much more, but seems to have some cool features. I may stop buying Oakley for a short while, and look into that more. Thanks for the direction. I'm sure I'll be bugging you some more.
Jul 10, 2018 3:29 PM
Maybe we should start a thread for this? I'm very interested as well. In years past I've looked into Maker Bot and more recently Dremel. Dremel is more reasonable in price. Not that Maker Bot is outrageous but you can't touch one of their machines unless you pay at least $1000-1300. Dremel is around $599-799. Then again it's probably based on features and capabilities. I need to go back and look at my research or do some new investigating since that was years ago for some of it.
Jul 10, 2018 8:05 PM
Prusa Mk3 is $749 for the kit, vs 999 pre built. Not too much more, but seems to have some cool features. I may stop buying Oakley for a short while, and look into that more. Thanks for the direction. I'm sure I'll be bugging you some more. - Dann

Yep, that's it. There is a huge community for it too with the creator right in the mix. They even have auto bed leveling now which I still can't imagine using. I eyeball it.

Personally I don't think $250 is worth it to pay someone else to put it together. That's another X Metal I could buy lol and also you'll learn more doing it yourself. Hit me up whenever. I don't know everything about it and I learn new stuff every day but I'll help any way I can.

My wife just saw me on the Prusa site and said "NO!" and kept walking!

Maybe we should start a thread for this? I'm very interested as well. In years past I've looked into Maker Bot and more recently Dremel. Dremel is more reasonable in price. Not that Maker Bot is outrageous but you can't touch one of their machines unless you pay at least $1000-1300. Dremel is around $599-799. Then again it's probably based on features and capabilities. I need to go back and look at my research or do some new investigating since that was years ago for some of it. - yelkao

Maker Bot was at one point the bee's knees as far as printers go. I don't think they're the top anymore. Too many open source options to choose from at a fraction of the price. I've not heard anything good or bad about the Dremel machine. I would just check to see if it's open source so you can use whatever firmware and software you want.

I'm not a fan of the enclosed ones. My DaVinci was enclosed and I found it hard to work on. You really only need an enclosure if you print in ABS. PLA doesn't really need it. I only print with ABS so I've built my own enclosure that houses both of my printers.

There are many types of filament too. ABS is really strong but needs higher print and bed temps and some people say its hard to work with. PLA is supposedly easier to print with but it's quite brittle when done and can melt in the heat. I mean like if left in your car on a hot day type heat. It doesn't take much to deform PLA parts. Then you have specialty filaments like wood, carbon fiber, copper infused, flexible and other stuff.

Each filament requires different print settings and some need different nozzles. I haven't used used any of those yet but I'm planning to get some ninjaflex to make a band for my wife's Apple Watch and some NylonX for R/C car parts. That's the super strong stuff.

John Schafhauser
Jul 11, 2018 1:31 AM
Sounds like my wife:D

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